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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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Yeah this has been happening a lot recently. Once 1 upper turret is down I focus on helping them in the mid lane for team battles. In the past when I was starting out I'd just focus on my lane only and not help in the mid, doing so let me farm lots of Gold.

If you think of it more as stealing gold away from the enemy team I think you'll find yourself farming a lot better. Just secure anything and everything whilst moving around the map. Coming from top to mid - move through the jungle and get the camps - same applies to each lane.

Golden Hamster

Neo Member
I wonder who's next after the Donger for a VU. I think they were aiming at one per month? I don't know if that was a VU or just something to do with champion reworks, but I heard something along the lines of "one per month".

They apparently have a bunch lined up. I saw a Rioter somewhere say they have plans for one a month until August.


Yeah this has been happening a lot recently. Once 1 upper turret is down I focus on helping them in the mid lane for team battles. In the past when I was starting out I'd just focus on my lane only and not help in the mid, doing so let me farm lots of Gold.

CS'ing is one of the biggest differences between lower elo and mid elo. I realize it's very tempting to leave your lane and hang around mid in the inevitable stalemate that will often happen midgame but theorize staying in your lane and pushing while the opposing team stands around mid. You can get global gold for your team with towers, create pressure that SOMEONE will have to come address (which will make it a 4v4 mid) or worst case you get free farm and you will start to outlevel and out farm the opponents pretty hard. From your screenshot if you had say 180cs instead of the 40 you did, you could have had upwards of 3k more gold and at least 2 levels up on your opponents. Even if your team is dying, a fed top laner with a full item and a couple levels over them that joins the team late can absolutely wreck.

As Shyvana you could likely get out of anything upwards of 3 people trying to gank you, put a deep ward in their jungle as you push and you can just push push push and run away if they start to come your way, freeing up your team to knock down the tower they are standing around.

I know you're still lower level and it'll take some time to get there but focus on making yourself as strong as possible. Don't waste time standing around. Always be doing something.


I wanna try Syndra support.

Huge amount of long range harass, stun... slow. Pack a spellthief.... might work?
Ehhh, I think if you would vs a Leona or a Thresh, once they catch you, you'd be dead. Now if you vs a Annie it would be a bit safer, just who can burst who down faster.


next one is 'a rework everybody will love' so it seems like a high playrate old duder.


either leesin or blitzcrank!

i guess it could be blitzcrank because hes conceptually really easy. but his clunkiness is acceptable cos hes a shitty robot
lux pls!


Champs like Sion, Gangplank and Viktor are in desperate need of a rework though. They all just feel so clunky.

Corki is fine if they revert the nerf on his ultimate. Having no way to scale down the cooldown on it sucks. RIP AP Corki. ;___;


corki needs to decide what type of damage he wants to make

like true damage, armor shred and magic damage on an ad carry is kind of hilarious

but yea just do lux pls

i want to hear dem giggles again :(


Champs like Sion, Gangplank and Viktor are in desperate need of a rework though. They all just feel so clunky.
I think Sion and GP were part of the original launch champions, I don't know if I am entirely correct. Viktor I think was released s3? Maybe s2? I agree though on GP and Sion, not entirely on Viktor.


I actually quite like GP, just need to change his E or change some values. His ult is also super RNG, which is something Riot hates.

Vik'tor needs his Augment to have a third form.
next one is 'a rework everybody will love' so it seems like a high playrate old duder.


either leesin or blitzcrank!

i guess it could be blitzcrank because hes conceptually really easy. but his clunkiness is acceptable cos hes a shitty robot

Go lux!!, destroy them with your laugh.


Thanks guys I'll work on that.

Gonna try out Nasus a bit, he's Tank build correct?

Max Q first, focus on last hitting with your Q to build stacks. Each stack is 1 bonus damage to your Q. So you can chunk people late game with a huge Q.

He's good with a tank build or you can mix in some damage with an iceborn gauntlet or trinity force.

Some popular items for him:

Frozen heart
Iceborn gauntlet
trinity force
Spirit visage
Randuin's Omen

It really depends on your matchup. I usually start Doran's shield then either rush a Frozen heart (good against Jax), iceborn gauntlet or sheen for Triforce. If it's an AP matchup, getting spirit visage afterwards is a good buy. Cooldown reduction, increased healing, all good.


Thanks guys I'll work on that.

Gonna try out Nasus a bit, he's Tank build correct?

Yeah, Frozen Heart, Spirit Visage and Randuins Omen are all really good on Nasus. Trinity Force and Last Whisperer as your damage items and you're good to go. Just gotta focus on gettin those Q stacks. If u last hit the siege minion or a large monster in the jungle u get double the stacks.


Max Q first, focus on last hitting with your Q to build stacks. Each stack is 1 bonus damage to your Q. So you can chunk people late game with a huge Q.

He's good with a tank build or you can mix in some damage with an iceborn gauntlet or trinity force.

Some popular items for him:

Frozen heart
Iceborn gauntlet
trinity force
Spirit visage
Randuin's Omen

It really depends on your matchup. I usually start Doran's shield then either rush a Frozen heart (good against Jax), iceborn gauntlet or sheen for Triforce. If it's an AP matchup, getting spirit visage afterwards is a good buy. Cooldown reduction, increased healing, all good.

Funny you mention Frozen Heart. It does give him some good bonuses, but the mana is totally unneeded IMO due to Nasus relying on Q and Ulti mainly, with the occasional W ability.

Is he among the few characters who Iceborn gauntlet is good for? How's Jungle Nasus is that viable too?


Funny you mention Frozen Heart. It does give him some good bonuses, but the mana is totally unneeded IMO due to Nasus relying on Q and Ulti mainly, with the occasional W ability.

Is he among the few characters who Iceborn gauntlet is good for? How's Jungle Nasus is that viable too?

Frozen heart is good because it has everything Nasus wants. It has a 20% AOE attack speed debuff for teamfights/skirmishes, it has a shit ton of mana so that Nasus can stay in lane longer and farm longer, it has armor, and it has 20% CDR to allow stacking and farming even faster.

Jungle Nasus puts his team at a severe disadvantage because he (generally) stacks Q slower, has underwhelming ganks, and can easily be 1v1'ed by a lot of junglers at early parts of the game.


Funny you mention Frozen Heart. It does give him some good bonuses, but the mana is totally unneeded IMO due to Nasus relying on Q and Ulti mainly, with the occasional W ability.

Is he among the few characters who Iceborn gauntlet is good for? How's Jungle Nasus is that viable too?

I play Nasus pretty aggro and run out of mana easily. The spirit fire uses a ton and that's vital for dueling. The mana is a big boost. On top of that, the CDR and armor are great on him and since he's a melee champ that's going to be in the midst of the enemy team every single teamfight, the attack speed debuff is almost always going to be relevant.

Iceborn is nice on him because it allows him to stick to a target a little better as well as having some similar stats to frozen heart with mana/CDR/armor. Though truthfully I think I usually prefer to go frozen heart and trinity. I like killing people.

All that said, I rarely toplane. When I do it's usually Nasus or Darius though.

Jungle Nasus used to be great. He's completely fallen out of the current carry jungle meta.


I am starting to like Syndra, she is very powerful when you know how to place the orbs or use minions to push.

synny's most about being able to land dem e's and just knowing how to make the other mid's life miserable

ball management is mostly about counting to two, you normally won't be getting three ballers and foursies are mostly just chance.

like it's too much work to get a four ball ult and most of the times dfg+2 is enough

never ult without at least one ball doe. that's like totally wasteful


Jungle Nasus doesn't work =/

OK so my first items'll be the icey equipment, followed by Spirit Visage followed by Trinity Force. Last Items will be a weapon, I'm thinking R. Hydra because of it's +70 attack power+life steal.


Jungle Nasus doesn't work =/

OK so my first items'll be the icey equipment, followed by Spirit Visage followed by Trinity Force. Last Items will be a weapon, I'm thinking R. Hydra because of it's +70 attack power+life steal.

Been watching a Nasus stream at night. Seems he usually builds his tank items first. Either spirit visage for MR lanes, or an armor item for physical lanes. Anything that allows him to negate harass and just farm his Q.


So I have enough IP for a name change and I was debating between BestAatroxWorld or Mercury Hammer.

Or should I just get a new champ? :/


Had a decent game to start off today, though I still suck at csing :(, had like 13 - 3-4 minutes in too focused on engaging, any advice gaf senpai? Evelynn started off 8-3 and she got mad when we wrote gg at the end, called us scrubs. He also camped bot which is a great strategy but equally annoying as an adc :(.

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