Newt is infamous for being the anti-Corki.
That Twitch jungle has Twitch jungled his last 10 games (and is 7-3 in them).
He helped me out a bit, definitely when I went 0/2 within like 3 minutes lol.
That Twitch jungle has Twitch jungled his last 10 games (and is 7-3 in them).
I didn't dc.
I realized I was playing gutter trash Corki so I had to afk.
Newt is infamous for being the anti-Corki.
I wouldn't be surprised if Newt was actually Corki, and this whole thing has just been a clever ruse to keep dimb from realizing how dangerous it is posting pictures of Lulu around him.
Tell me more.
I...Aside from Rumble (Rumble x Tristana OTP), every yordle loves Lulu. She's their manic pixie dream girl. Corki's just playing the long-con, restyling his mustache and wearing stilts to convince Lulu he's the hunky bad-boy Draven. It's the only way he can possibly compete with a sexual dynamo like Heimerdinger.
here's a list of things i never expected to read about in this thread:
1. yordle shipping
i have a couple similar runepages for easy lanes but usually go armor/mr anywaysedit: is going AP Quints, MPen Reds, Scaling AP Blues, and Mana Regen Yellows for mid actually a thing people do?
i can't imagine not taking MR into lane but i guess all that offensive power makes up for it
i have a couple similar runepages for easy lanes but usually go armor/mr anyways
i have the mp5+mr when there's like an elise jungle but i may not even take it since having no armor makes minions hit like a truck.
i also have an armor+ap/lvl runepage against ad mids that i use pretty regularly. i may use it too with like syndra sometimes for the extra damage if i know i can outrange the other mid
show me the one for lolgaf.Would you like to see my shipping grid?
i guess its something that would be nice to have situationally but when i look at guides sometimes the recommended runepage is that all-out offense stuff
it's also the fact that im still at the point where i only have three rune pages and dont really feel much of a need to get more because of how little mid I actually play.
like i am not yet comfortable enough on heimer to take him to ranked and i guess i play enough support annie to be able to mid with her. kinda wanna buy akali too.
show me the one for lolgaf.
thats for mid laners who can play as passively as possible - eg TF who can stand far back and toss wildcards to farm, hoping for snowball off's a list of things i never expected to read about in this thread:
1. yordle shipping
edit: is going AP Quints, MPen Reds, Scaling AP Blues, and Mana Regen Yellows for mid actually a thing people do?
i can't imagine not taking MR into lane but i guess all that offensive power makes up for it
here's all my runes if yer interested: (all the ones that start with "brujita" are for mid :3)
basically i'd suggest if you have to get one ap mid runepage just go with my syndra one, it's the one i default to most games, with the double pen lux page and the ap/lvl page as somewhat situational options. the rest are just things i randomly collected and tried but very rarely use
if i can i'd love to buy a couple more runepages for support, and i really want to get hp regen quints.
thats for mid laners who can play as passively as possible - eg TF who can stand far back and toss wildcards to farm, hoping for snowball off ults.
with the trend of high burst junglers i wouldnt recommend it anyhow
Would you like to see my shipping grid?
Please say "no", I actually don't know most of the lore and am far too lazy to mock-up something in PS or Paint just for the joke.
it's not really that risky running ap/lvl since while you'll receive more damage you'll deal more too, so it kinda evens out.
i don't really like mp5 and ap/lvl cos it really puts you in a weak position when trading since you have no defensive stats whatsoever, and if he gets more spells on than you or you take a bit more caster minion damage than you should it can really set you back.
plus, the mp5 is kinda useless.
but like on heimer going ap/lvl is perfectly fine, he's a lot about hurting you from where you can't hurt him so it should be alright. he can also run doublepen marks since i think he has a pretty decent aa animation?
they might be useful for annie and akali too if those are the champs you're playing mid, tho they're really expensive. it's like 7k or something to get the 9 marks.
with the nerfs to dorans shield i'll probably start using more doublepen again since more people are starting different now
it's not really that risky running ap/lvl since while you'll receive more damage you'll deal more too, so it kinda evens out.
i think they rolled back the range nerfs on pbeyeah i can see how not running MR might work out ok since so much of laning with heimer is just keeping your opponent from harassing you unless they want to eat turret
I can see hybrid pen being super great on akali but aren't they nerfing annie's AA range super duper hard?
idk i'll save up IP and try it out.
i have to be up for class in 4 hours and i cant stop thinkin about heimer (._. )
well i said 'kinda'it doesnt even out lol
you get 0.1ap per rune per level
at level 3 thats 2.7 ap, thats an extra 5 or so damage in your trade
their MR runes will cut your damage by a bonus 10% probably
Why would I even try to watch OGN via Twitch? Of course they're going to tactlessly start spamming ad-rolls during the KeSPA President's attempt to address the situation with Promise. Why would I even expect anything else?
Edit: So apparently the winners of Masters will actually be getting a wild card spot for World's. Just one, so presumably they'll have to do a Fratricide play-off if neither of the team gets a slot through Champions.
Why would I even try to watch OGN via Twitch? Of course they're going to tactlessly start spamming ad-rolls during the KeSPA President's attempt to address the situation with Promise. Why would I even expect anything else?
Edit: So apparently the winners of Masters will actually be getting a wild card spot for World's. Just one, so presumably they'll have to do a Fratricide play-off if neither of the team gets a slot through Champions.
did anybody catch this? what did the president say
This is why you don't dive the adc lategame
They ignore lulu who did massive dmg to their whole team
Looking at Draven's hair...
he needs a Super Saiyan skin.
Dropping Shyvana and gonna focus susaN and Gangplank.
Need to mess with Trundle more tho =P
Learn Jax. He's fun.
Are you level 20 with a full rune page yet? If so learn to jungle with someone like Pantheon.
Lee Sin's free right now if you want to try lower-level jungling. He's a little more forgiving than most in terms of rune/mastery requirements, you should be able to clear okay with him at a lower level than most junglers.