Diana jungle with Wits End + Flame + Sorc Boots + Randuins + Banshees + GA?
Maybe Nashors?
I'm wondering if there will be any secret op builds on her with it. I mean pure ap assassin is great when you get ahead but when you fall behind it's a bit lackluster. And Nashors is nice but it really impacts your burst, I feel like I'd want Nashors/Rabadons/Zhonyas/Void/Sorcs/GA which would mean I have to delay one of my ap items until quite late. I'm pretty sure I lost a game a few weeks back simply on my decision to build Nashors second when I was reasonably fed against their fed Draven, I was simply unable to 100-0 him before I was peeled and it really prevented us shutting him down in fights.
prolly nashors over wits end all the way. like cdr, more passive and ap scaling on her basic attacks? it's perfect for her. not for every game tho, but i find it makes her pretty unique and fun
Wtf. Good thing I only play with friends and we don't care about min maxing. This is ridiculous.
yeah it's pretty uncool
it makes me wonder why didn't rito made new price standards for runes instead of the 30% discount
like rune prices tiers are the following (with the discount): 143, 287, 360, 574, and for quints: 360, 717, 1435
so like, just make all the normal runes be priced the average of 350~ and all the quints 1000~ (not counting the two 360 runes because i dunno why the hell those two are so cheap).
at 350 getting any 9 runes is 3150 and 3000 for quints, so you're basically still spending a shitload (and you gotta add that 30%) of ip for a single runepage, but at least it's standarized and you're not feeling fucked because you want to buy good runes and those are a lot more expensive than the rest.
i guess there's the issue of all the people that already spent shit tons on runes but you know, they could give refunds for people that buy them a couple weeks ago and that's it, i personally wouldn't mind and wouldn't really feel ripped off or anything since you know, shit got fairer.