MF is okay now. She's definitely better than she was beforeAnyone try new MF yet?
Doing 100 bonus damage on auto attacks is pretty amusing
Her lane harass still isn't cheap tho.
43 mana for a single target ability wtf
MF is okay now. She's definitely better than she was beforeAnyone try new MF yet?
I've been last pick my last 5 ranked games. What is this shit..
You're last pick because you're the lowest on your team m8.
league has never been very good at 'random'.Lol I dont mind if that's the reason. I just thought it was random now.
I've been last pick my last 5 ranked games. What is this shit..
Lol I dont mind if that's the reason. I just thought it was random now.
Graves being strong is bad for the game. Get that through your thick skulls, lol.adc diversity seems as good now as ever
cait, sivirs, lucians, jinxes yes
vayne sometimes
n theres been kog n corki n ezreal appearing again
theres still pocket dravens on those that can play him gud
and i think with the MF buffs she is in a pretty good spot as a teamfighter. hopefully shes not so godlike she warps picks into leona/wukong (rip)/amumu (lol). if only graves got a bit more of a buff. esp now that supports can carry heals 2
It adds up.
garathk said:My goals tonight are to play MF adc and Rengar jungle. Could they have actually buffed two of my favorite champs into viability? We'll see!
Stone Ocean said:But he has CC. Hell, Bola is probably his best ability now.
Yeah, but that should be viewed as a good thing. Some champs just shouldn't be viable. Similar case with the old AP Sion.its not even about making him 'strong'
pretty sure he actually moved backwards in viability this patch n i was commenting
Well...good luck with clearing camps. It's atrocious. I need to try it myself, but have to play some Aatrox and Gragas jungle games first.
Yep. 5 stacks of ferocity into ult, empowered E on breaking stealth, wait for ferocity regen, empowered E. That's two 1.75 second snares almost back to back.
You got something with Graves punk?Graves being strong is bad for the game. Get that through your thick skulls, lol.
I'll try out the new MF tonight though. I think I'm going to like it.
If they buff Graves' current kit it'll just be a matter of time before he's overbearing again, just like Corki. That ult buff is basically just a courtesy so he can be somewhat useable, otherwise he needs a rework.
Guess you weren't playing at the end of season 2.I think there are far worse champions from a kit perspective out there than Graves. Don't know where this opinion is coming from that his kit is toxic.
Just exploit his short range.
I really think Graves is fine, just need to tune him up to compensate for barrier/heal.
He's definitely in the trash with Corki.You got something with Graves punk?
Regnar looks like a hydra rush to me for the camp clearing. Elder lizard or new wriggles into hydra. Turn him into a clearing machine and spend time between camps ganking when his ult is up.
Why do you hate slutwalk, that thing is awesomeMF seems better now, I still hate her passive though.
Outside of stealing buffs, I don't really see the point of actively counter-jungling anymore with how heavily the risk-reward has been skewed ever since pre-season 4. Jungle camps spawn faster so most current-day junglers don't really care anymore if a couple of big monsters get stolen, it's much easier to regain lost XP than before so realistically you'll rarely keep the enemy jungler down a few levels and the entire enemy team has to be dense as fuck to let repeated counter-jungling happen unpunished with a bigger emphasis on map presence / ward coverage nowadays. All of this puts a jungler like Nunu in an awkward position, because he's good at nothing anymore. He's one of the absolute worst champions right now considering the jungle changes and his own severe nerfs.Nah counterjungling will always be a big deal
If a jungler can't get levels and wastes time clearing camps with no big monsters, theyll fall way behind. You keep doing it and you basically give your entire team free roam.
Slutwalk...Why do you hate slutwalk, that thing is awesome
I shall reference it as that now.
MF seems better now, I still hate her passive though.
Don't underestimate the W stacks yoher ult seems so much weaker tho
Don't underestimate the W stacks yo
Do nothing for now, let other people work the numbers and just copy them afterwardsUgh, i have all this IP and no idea where i should be going with these runes
Do nothing for now, let other people work the numbers and just copy them afterwards
I'm not, the base damage on it is lower, and it used to have a .35 ratio per bullet, it now has a .06 ratio per bullet that stacks up instead, but it still only gets to .36 after 6 bullets, and the ult is 8 bullets long.
Plus the impure shots damage is magic damage so you dont get the armor pen from your last whisper on it.
don't worry too much dude, you have a whole month of discounts to buy themBut the discount!!!!! Might as well buy those move speed quints though
Outside of stealing buffs, I don't really see the point of actively counter-jungling anymore with how heavily the risk-reward has been skewed ever since pre-season 4. Jungle camps spawn faster so most current-day junglers don't really care anymore if a couple of big monsters get stolen, it's much easier to regain lost XP than before so realistically you'll rarely keep the enemy jungler down a few levels and the entire enemy team has to be dense as fuck to let repeated counter-jungling happen unpunished with a bigger emphasis on map presence / ward coverage nowadays. All of this puts a jungler like Nunu in an awkward position, because he's good at nothing anymore. He's one of the absolute worst champions right now considering the jungle changes and his own severe nerfs.
I mean, I still counter-jungle to some extent with Trundle to establish map control (that's his shtick) and he generally comes out on top in 1 vs 1 melee duels anyways, but the benefits of counter-jungling have been heavily reduced. Take the enemy's buffs, maybe pick a fight inside their own jungle if you notice that the opposing lanes are weak and that's about it. If you do intend on taking more jungle camps once red and / or blue has been secured, then that time is better spent pressuring towers, counter-ganking or killing dragon.
But the discount!!!!! Might as well buy those move speed quints though
I have to disagree with what you wrote, and several statements that apply to spirit stone items as well. Consider Wriggle's is cost efficient without its passives at 1650g (raw stats on Spirit upgrades are worth roughly ~1350g) and that its ward active component gives it optimally a gold value of 25g/minute, if Wriggle's can provide 15-20g/min with its +30% bonus gold passive (which it comfortably can) than between the final item cost, gold generation, and the scaling of Feral Flare, then it's unlikely the Spirit items ever significantly overtake - or maybe even catch-up - in total gold (stat value + passive value + generated gold) to Wriggle's for champion who can use either set of items very well (e.g. Xin Zhao).
At the same time, the magic damage means that it's not as effective to stack armor against her. Remember that most characters won't have nearly as much magic resistance as they have armor.
II also wish the AOE support items like bracer showed the AOE circle when you hover over the item, so you know how close you have to be to your temamate for it to work.
SKT T1 Zed: