Sona, Ryze, Kassawin.Which champions have been banned? I saw the funny message on Sona last night.
Sona, Ryze, Kassawin.
Good idea.We need in house all for one URF mode Graves vs. Corki.
Newt's nightmare come alive.
He's not that good.
They need to do a Taric VU. Lux is super generic anyways.
seriously gj rito, this is like my favorite vu
do lux next pls
fuck sion
nobody plays sion
They need to do a Taric VU. Lux is super generic anyways.
exactly why she needs oneThey need to do a Taric VU. Lux is super generic anyways.
yea irelia could borrow some conditioner from katarinaYup. Irelia could use one. I can't stand her octopus hair.
All I've got to say is play with both items.
I know where the math is at. That's why I started testing Wriggle's even before Feral Flare was added to the game, because the math on it wasn't that bad. There's a very easy way of testing these things, though: at the end of the game you just mouse over the items and they tell you how much gold they've generated, how many wards they've placed, etc.
With 40% gold generation Wriggle's consistently came in 500-1200 gold behind a Spirit Stone item, even once the value of wards from it were taken into account. I haven't had a ton of games with it at the new 30% value, but it's pretty obvious that's not going to do it any favors.
You don't have to believe me, though. Go out and use both builds in real games and check their gold generation at the end of the game. Conservation is just a much better passive because of the way the game is actually played, as opposed to the idealized circumstances required to get the value out of both a warding active and +% gold passive.
these skt skins feel like they were made in the 90s, i can kind of appreciate the goofyness tho
do lux next pls
fuck sion
nobody plays sion
man remember those wonderful 3 weeks when Taric was literally an unkillable god in botlane who could say FUCK YOU and 1v2 your botlane?
good times.
Meanwhile Thresh.
Meanwhile Thresh.
yea that's also trueare you implying that thresh is currently anywhere near as strong as Taric was during the launch of preseason 4?
because he's not. taric was goddamn poppy without the awful laning phase
are you implying that thresh is currently anywhere near as strong as Taric was during the launch of preseason 4?
Guinsoo working on the Fiora rework, hype hype hype
whoa, where did you see that?
nvm just saw it. HOLY SHIT.
Oh nice, i thought the sale was til the 7th for some reasondon't worry too much dude, you have a whole month of discounts to buy them
hp seals are probably gonna be new standard tho
I've seen Karthus machine gun lay waste and aced my team 3 times in a match.
Outside of stealing buffs, I don't really see the point of actively counter-jungling anymore with how heavily the risk-reward has been skewed ever since pre-season 4. Jungle camps spawn faster so most current-day junglers don't really care anymore if a couple of big monsters get stolen, it's much easier to regain lost XP than before so realistically you'll rarely keep the enemy jungler down a few levels and the entire enemy team has to be dense as fuck to let repeated counter-jungling happen unpunished with a bigger emphasis on map presence / ward coverage nowadays. All of this puts a jungler like Nunu in an awkward position, because he's good at nothing anymore. He's one of the absolute worst champions right now considering the jungle changes and his own severe nerfs.
I mean, I still counter-jungle to some extent with Trundle to establish map control (that's his shtick) and he generally comes out on top in 1 vs 1 melee duels anyways, but the benefits of counter-jungling have been heavily reduced. Take the enemy's buffs, maybe pick a fight inside their own jungle if you notice that the opposing lanes are weak and that's about it. If you do intend on taking more jungle camps once red and / or blue has been secured, then that time is better spent pressuring towers, counter-ganking or killing dragon.
ah that's unfortunately pretty vague
Just blow him up.
I think I might be ready to quit or take a league of absence. Lots of exciting things going on with work and no time.
I think I might be ready to quit or take a league of absence. Lots of exciting things going on with work and no time.
Hi guys. I'd just like to weigh in on what some of the Fiora goals are. The main problems we see with Fiora's current kit are that thematically, she doesn't deliver on the fantasy of being a skilled duelist/fencer, and mechanically, her game presence / play pattern / role doesn't line up with being a skilled duelist/fencer.
As far as the duelist fantasy goes, at least when I think of Fiora, I expect her to be extremely mobile but not just going in, she needs to be good at dancing in, out of, around and about combat. She should be about finding weaknesses in the opponent's play and finding the proper occasion to go on the attack. She shouldn't be about running in and bursting enemies down, she should be poking them down over time.
Mechanically speaking, I'd expect a duelist type champion to be mechanically intense. I expect opportunities to use my abilities at optimal times to counter out the enemy's champion. I want to have a lot to keep track of, but with clear success cases when I do well.
At the end of the day, live Fiora is a ball of stats with some untargetability thrown in; she pushes her buttons pretty much as fast as she can without a second thought, and she's also extremely snowballey. In short, she's bland with no cool opportunities to exchange gameplay between her and her lane opponent.
Some of the current goals including switching Fiora from an assassin to a melee DPS, and moving her lane from top to mid/jungle, and adding tons of 'outplay' functionality on her kit, as well as more mobility especially in terms of being able to disengage and re-engage at optimal times.
I can't share too much of exactly what the plans are for her kit, as I'm sure it's going to change tons during development, but I'll leave this here to hopefully stir up some excitement for our favorite rapier wielder. Also bear in mind this is an early, experimental Blade Waltz, and could certainly change drastically between now and remake launch time.
I also understand it's hard to understand exactly what this sample Blade Waltz does, given the lack of context on her basic spells... but hopefully your imaginations run wild