next game enemy team has the same bronze 2 dude and another one on top. now he plays nami with barrier exhaust :I
the fuck is wrong with that guy. we even got a diamond 1 and a diamond 5 in our team to like say "hey here's a free win for you!" but ofc diamond 1 guy threw the game and flamed everyone.
i think the bigger issue with normals trolling is that there's no draft pick in las, so there's no tryhard mode for people that wanna premade 3 or 4 or something. so like you end up getting all kinds of people that want different things out of the game. and like it's not necessarily wrong to troll pick draven jungle or whatever but it's frustrating dealing with it so often (basically games being decided by who's diamond tryhards the most/least)...
anywho finally got to try new mf. she feels a lot better, specially her q. it's like an even more bullshitty lucian q. her slow is also stronger and ult/w are pretty alright (a bit less amazing than i expected) but the thing i like the most is the q, so much fun to have an aa reset so often. her lack of mobility is still pretty bad, i played against a jax/yasuo and it was really tough to get autos in without getting destroyed. guess it's the reason the only no-mobility carries played on competitive right now are the ones with long range spells like jinx, varus, twitch and kog, and even then it's not too often. i'd like to see her return, curse of the sad bulletime thingie was really cool.
also heal on adc + exhaust on support is super fun