saw this earlier.
too bad I dont got dat IP
it still has stats. it still yields gold. it's not a dead item.Delaying the item isn't a good way to deal with it I think. It just makes it a completely dead item for a long time, no one wants that. Raise the % damage reduction against champions or something.
If you want 60, you probably want:
kills to be worth 4
assists are worth 2
jungle monsters 1
Then everything becomes one after feral flare
60 is way too much
you shouldn't buy leona for jungling.Oh, ok then I will buy leona for tanking </3
New jungle helped but it didn't push him over the competitive edge. Diamond played him a couple times in LCS and lost* (going on memory.. attempting to get champion LCS stats is apparently like pulling teeth, might find something later).
would probably put more emphasis on farming than kills. It is a farming item after all.
Open up diamondez stream, 14 stack feral flare at 19minutes.
Feel bad.
man playing ranked the week after playoffs is gonna be painful
Is that good or bad? I haven't played jungle so don't know shit about feral flare and how many you should aim at by 20 minutes.
Is that good or bad? I haven't played jungle so don't know shit about feral flare and how many you should aim at by 20 minutes.
i still don't get why carry junglers are supposed to be a cool thing to exist
like you're not laning dude, you don't deserve the same gold as someone that is :/
i still don't get why carry junglers are supposed to be a cool thing to exist
like you're not laning dude, you don't deserve the same gold as someone that is :/
because it's way better than back when junglers just bought like aegis and oracles and that was it all game
That's like saying laners are only allowed to be champions that carry ultra hard with the gold they get.i still don't get why carry junglers are supposed to be a cool thing to exist
like you're not laning dude, you don't deserve the same gold as someone that is :/
I agree with Zkylon. There's a middle ground. Junglers don't put themselves in the same danger as laners. IIRC about half of the champions with ban rates in the double digits are carry junglers. That's not right.
WatIf you want 60, you probably want:
kills to be worth 4
assists are worth 2
jungle monsters 1
Then everything becomes one after feral flare
60 is way too much
like i personally think carry junglers were already carrying without the need for this item to exist and basically turning caitlyns into vaynes or whatever![]()
lots of spirit stone junglers are reliant on the camps being up for general sustain. it's a fallacy to think that flare junglers will lose duels, and they're more likely to see you coming in for an invade with their free ward.One thing about Feral Flare is that when facing a Flare jungler counterjungling might actually start meaning something again. Stealing a Flare jungler's camp will hurt a whole lot more than stealing a Spirit Stone jungler's camp, not to mention is that dueling wise someone with Elder Lizard will probably slap a Flare jungler's shit.
every team worth their weight has analysts nowadays anywayI wonder if curse will do well in playoffs cause they got saint playing solo q and figuring jungle stuff out since the patch first came out, him and dominate have always seemed pretty innovative in the jungle anyways. Maybe i'm just being way too hopeful.
lots of spirit stone junglers are reliant on the camps being up for general sustain. it's a fallacy to think that flare junglers will lose duels, and they're more likely to see you coming in for an invade with their free ward.
I think Atma's needs a good nerf.
I think Atma's needs a good nerf.
I agree, Nerf wits end.
Speaking of wits end, how do I irelia? Im so bad at her![]()
For starters, don't buy Wit's EndISpeaking of wits end, how do I irelia? Im so bad at her![]()
I think you're 100% overreacting.
Every game I've played or seen since the patch has made one thing perfectly clear: AFK farming the jungler and letting your lanes go to shit because the other jungler is ganking while you're off faffing about does not work. There are not going to be any true AFK farmers, unless it's in a game where the laners already have such a ridiculous edge over their opponents that even jungle interaction can't turn them.
None of the carry junglers, Feral Flare or not, are so strong they can make up for having three lost lanes. They still have to interact with lanes. It is not optional. There is not a scenario where you literally just farm the jungle nonstop and win the game, unless it was a game you had easily in hand anyway. Like, yeah, if all your lanes were winning anyway you can just pitch a tent in the jungle and win, but guess what? Instead of "AFK farming" you could just literally AFK, three won lanes is a won game no matter how you cut it.
Think about it this way:
When new champions are released, they tend to have a ridiculous pick/ban rate unless they're total trash (sup Quinn). This isn't because they're actually that good, it's because people want to try the new champion, and other people either don't want to play against a champion they don't know anything about, or in a lot of cases actually don't want their own teammates to pick the champion because they expect them to do poorly on it.
Right now, we've basically got five or more brand new champions all at once.
You haven't been able to play Yi in serious games since his rework; it's been practically a reportable offense to instalock him. A lot of people playing the game right now have never actually played him outside of bot games/ARAMs. Most people haven't played him for years. A lot of people are going to be playing him because he is, for all intents and purposes, a brand new champion that they don't even have to buy.
A lot of the other junglers who are cropping up are the same way. Most people have probably never seriously played Fiora. Certainly, most people who don't play top lane have never played Jax. People are excited to try something new, and there's a lot of new stuff to try, so a disproportionately huge number of people are trying out new things.
It doesn't mean those things are broken or even very good. Give it time.
well like i said if you still have to interact with lanes why create an item that rewards non-interaction. like right now the item is broken so junglers that abuse the item can do both and farm and gank at the same time with feral flame. i've seen a couple scary ass shyvannas and evelynns feel like they're everywhere and end up with more gold than their mids.
but when the item's fixed and it basically turns into a "i'm shit mid game but make up for it lategame" item then i just wonder what's the point of supporting that gameplay on a jungler.
it's like making a support that's shit in lane :/
just why
I think Atma's needs a good nerf.
you shouldn't buy leona for jungling.
if you make an item that to use effectively you can't gank at all it just wouldn't work, i think that's partly what he's saying too but yeah, it rewards not spending as much time ganking, which means you have to make sure the time you do spend ganking counts
I mean give a try in Tanking rather than jungling.
it's a lot riskier to invade the enemy jungle (and requires a much bigger investment in like vision and pushing lanes) than poking leona when she goes to get a relic shield proc. wriggles even gives you a free ward to defend yourself from invades, which to boot are less effective since smite changes and wight -_-I think your definition of "rewards non-interaction" is too broad.
Does the Relic Shield reward non-interaction just because it specifically benefits from last-hitting minions? No, because last-hitting minions is part of the lane phase and while it may not be an "interactive" exchange by default, in almost any lane it will become one because the enemy laners will not allow you to use it freely.
Wriggle's is the same way. If the enemy jungler does nothing with the fact you've pitched a tent and decided to live in the jungle, that's no different from a duo lane just casually watching a Leona last-hit every cannon minion with Relic Shield and not trying to make it hard for her. If your opponent is living in the jungle, gank his lanes, take his towers, force his bottom lane to back and take dragon. Make him get involved. It's not his item's job to get him into lanes, it's his opponent's.