ziggs just wanted to say hi to the scorpion
oh that's what you meant
dota servers have perfect world and shit to deal with
i dunno if we get those numbers or not...
Probably not now that I think about it.
There was that time when you could get LoL on steam (in euro) that would have been fun to actually keep track that way...
what i dont watch western scenes west is trashRemember when gambit picked skarner?
what i dont watch western scenes west is trash
also, OP.GG has picked up the ball riot dropped and thrown it half the way
what this means is that anybody can now record games (e.g. ur own games) while they are spectateable. and OP.GG will keep the games on their servers for 1-2 months where you can download them and watch them
That's great. Any limitations or bugs?
seriously i don't get why anyone thought adding yi to the meta was a good idea.
maybe but it's ruining my sanityIt remains to be seen if he's actually in the meta or just visiting. I have a sneaking suspicion that when the week ends and people sit down and look at the numbers, they're going to find that playing Yi isn't a particular great idea if you're a fan of winning.
Now, this Xin Zhao character on the other hand, he's got legs.
Even the ragers who hate everyone in the room love me.
BoRK Lucian - is this a thing?
It's maybe a little too good in yolo queue since games last longer than by rights they should, and a lot of that extra time is people milling around doing nothing particularly useful, which gives you time to get stacks.
It's maybe still a little too bad for competitive play, because the average time to transform so far in semi-pro games has been like 23 minutes or something equally ridiculous, with like 15 stacks at the end of games being common. That might just be the NA/EU Challenger teams being lolbad though, we'll see when the OGN playoffs start.
Edit: Though I don't think Yi really should be the poster-boy for the item, anyway. Xin, Aatrox, and Fiora all use it better - and look better using it, too. Yi's just such a novelty pick, almost as bad as when he was getting play as an AP Mid shortly before his rework.
i dunno i just hate what it does to junglers
a lot of them will just afk and let their team get wrecked and then do nothing with the farm. or if they do, they'll get fed off something random and it still makes you feel useless
i don't get why they couldn't just make like spirit of the wolves and put some attack speed on a regular jungle item and be done with it
I was just drop hacked
But I was on the losing side so... I don't know how to feel.
2nd time this week. Pretty ridiculous.
The way you dc is suspiciously like that last time where everyone was stuck on the reconnecting screen and started teleporting around. Hmmm.......
I have just seen Chinese Evellyn and wow... why has Chinese LoL different artists?
I have just seen Chinese Evellyn and wow... why has Chinese LoL different artists?
yea xin seems really strong right now but i don't really jungleThe game isn't ready to have the Mark of the Wolves. Rock hasn't even been born yet in this timeline.
Try some Xin, though, seriously. He's a cool dude who has great synergy with the item, but he's still an eary-ganking/objective control jungler with a strong team fight presence, rather than a glass cannon snowball champ like Yi. I really do feel like he's a better example of what the item is supposed to be for and how it's supposed to "feel" in play, whereas Yi is just sort of this goofy dude that people try to break the game every which way they can to make work, with entirely mixed results.
Like, it's cool in a way. We've all got that champion that deep down we know we shouldn't play, but we just keep trying to find ways to make work even if it takes turning the game upside-down and inside-out. That's Yi for a lot of people, for some reason. They're just really jazzed they found a way they can play him without people saying bad things about their mother.*
*Disclaimer: If you play Yi people will probably still say terrible things about your mother, but they might wait until after champion select now.
Someone asked for this gif:
Someone asked for this gif:
Loooool.Someone asked for this gif:
not newtBut who won the match?
You know you're very late game when even the support has full build. My E gave 190 damage or so per auto hit at 500 AP, with about 60% slow. The enemies played Heimer + Riven top lane for maximum pain for our singed.
You know you're very late game when even the support has full build. My E gave 190 damage or so per auto hit at 500 AP, with about 60% slow. The enemies played Heimer + Riven top lane for maximum pain for our singed.
Heimerdinger is so scary now, he can deal such a ridiculous amount of damage.
Just started playing ranked recently. Played two ranked games today so far and had players go afk 10 minutes in both games. How are you supposed to win ranked games?? I don't see this kind of stuff in normals.
...how did jungle Vayne go? I ran her through a few customs but it just doesn't work well with clears.
omg the exclamation point ping
That ping might have been me. I was thinking it was the "danger whole team invading lane bush" ping, and not the "danger whole Newt invading lane bush" ping.Totally makes that clip. If I had the time I add a "NOPE" caption on the bottom when Newt turns around.