Stone Ocean
I feel that the 4.5 patch helped Fiora indirectly quite a bit.
Not just jungle, but mid as well.said it before
feral flare fiora is pretty legit.
What HP seals are people buying?
Flat or scaling?
I kinda play anywhere but in ranked it'll be support.
What HP seals are people buying?
Flat or scaling?
I kinda play anywhere but in ranked it'll be support.
do percent health runes work on bonus health or do they just not have a purpose?
Basically pretend his ult is a summoner spell.Decided to get Singed since he's on sale. Any tips on how to properly use his Ulti?
Not just jungle, but mid as well.
Fatman is but a memory, new feast mastery combined with her passive are a lot more valuable now that LS quints got nerfed - and she makes more use of a full AD page anyways -, cheaper Fury boots, mid-tier armor items got a bit weaker, etc.
Basically pretend his ult is a summoner spell.
Are you dying? Use it
Are you going to die soon if you don't use it? Use it
Can you initiate on someone out of position by running at them and flipping their ass? Use it
No armorpenrinoSo with a lot of people running minus armor yellows these days, if you take say an Armor pen red/AD quint page on Fiora and go mid, wouldn't you theoretically fucking nuke them at low levels with autos?
I see thanks.
Gonna try Fiora soon and see how shitty I am using her...
yeah, Fiora's level 2 is completely absurd. If you can exploit that you can win the lane handily.
... I guess, if you mean I put the words you're saying right now in your mouth?
Imperfected said:I'm legitimately curious to hear you make a case for why a zero-risk champion should be flat-out better than a risky champion.
I said in my post that you usually get other things - especially range - in exchange for giving up the security of can't-miss abilities. (This is a stealth post directed at Boken.)
Imperfected said:Not necessarily "intricacy", but it stands to reason that a champion who is capable of failing to hit with most/all of their damage (Gragas) should outdamage a champion who can't miss with any of their damage (Ryze) in the circumstance that they successfully land all of their skills. (All else being equal, obviously.)
I know my posts run a bit long, but maybe actually read them to see if you aren't actually agreeing with me rather than jumping straight to being contrary?
Jesus Warwick is a pain in the ass now. I practically have to buy executioners calling any time I see him on the other team.
Jesus Warwick is a pain in the ass now. I practically have to buy executioners calling any time I see him on the other team.
Not if the less popular items are less popular because they are crap.Not necessarily a bad thing. Getting some use out of the less popular items is good for the game.
Not if the less popular items are less popular because they are crap.
Morello is super underrated. 2200 gold for 75 AP, MP5 and 20% CDR is a massive steal even if you completely ignore the passive.Executioner's isn't great, but Morellonomicon is pretty good.
My first match as Fiora!
After those 2 items I wanted to make her a Black Cleaver, just got stuck deciding on what my next item would be. Alternatively I could've gone Youmuu+Infinity Edge. 40% CRIT chance doesn't sound too bad!
Ah you're still playing blind matches?
You wouldn't see stuff like this in NA though. To me it's just a massive lapse of judgement.This has been a great game so far.There has even been a baron throw for those who like the NA playstyle.
Gambit is running new Kassadin.
Support flat. Jungle scaling. At least from my impressions so far.
Trying a half flat hp, half flat armor seal setup for bot lane.
Yeah, NA never dare to try new stuff. ;PYou wouldn't see stuff like this in NA though. To me it's just a massive lapse of judgement.
I really need to fix up all my rune pages. Turns out all my jungle pages are now out of fashion. Hell, all my pages are probably bad now. I only just now figured out that swapping out my armor seals for health is a net EHP vs. physical gain for my junglers, and I even have a few like Naut and Sej that would really like that extra starting health.
What's the state of Zyra support with support items? She still suck?
I've been slowly but surely changing my pages. It's not like the old ones are BAD but more optimal ones are coming out. I recently ran an attack speed page for adc bot lane and loved it. Swapped my blues for CDR on most of my jungle pages (don't own enough hp/lvl yet to change out the armor) and loved it for Rengar and Yi.
Was a nice change.
jerd said:What's the state of Zyra support with new support items? She still suck?
DeadNames said:I think feral flare is one of the best things for the game right now. Nocturne, shaco, xin, shyv, yi, aatrox, we, etc are all good now. Its no longer vi/Lee/Elise.
Granted it may be a little too strong now, but its a step in the right direction.