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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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So I've been learning the every position besides ADC since I've started playing. I'm mid 20s now and figured I should learn ADC before I get to ranked. Any viable Champ suggestions that are good for learning the role?

You might wanna stick to normal drafts for a bit after hitting 30 before start diving into rank.


So I've been learning the every position besides ADC since I've started playing. I'm mid 20s now and figured I should learn ADC before I get to ranked. Any viable Champ suggestions that are good for learning the role?

Caitlyn is good to learn on, so is Lucian. Miss Fortune isn't bad, and Ashe is a lot people's entry point.

Personally, I love Jinx. I think she's great, but she's probably a little higher entry ceiling of a champ. I don't know that I'd want to learn with her.


So I've been learning the every position besides ADC since I've started playing. I'm mid 20s now and figured I should learn ADC before I get to ranked. Any viable Champ suggestions that are good for learning the role?

Definitely have at least a solid foundation of every role before starting ranked. There's quite a few viable adc champs right now. If you have the IP for it, Lucian is a great one. Strong the entire game, has a dash to gap close or escape and has a couple of different itemization paths. However he's 6300ip.

Tristana is free and is another good adc. She should be great to begin with. Ashe is cheap and I like her. She's still usable.


lucian right now i guess is the quintessential carry

does everything just good enough and everyone loves him? (not me tho lol)

caitlyn is another one you'll want to have in your roster as a safe pick

better to start with those i think

jinx is the most fun adc rito's ever made tho. so you know, you can just play that


Experiences today:

I went YOLO Jungle (never did Jungle before except for 1 fail attempt with Akali in the past) and it worked out pretty well with Aatrox (that W is so good for this :eek:). After a few games I really got the hang of it. In the last one I soloed Baron :) yay! Might buy Aatrox next.

Got to play with Dobkeratops, so much more fun when you're not queuing alone. And damn he's pretty good. Not sure how he can play that well and pm me mid-game with tips like it's nothing, even though I have to click furiously all the time.

Got to level 20 so I finally invested in some Tier 3 runes. Unfortunately they were more expensive than I thought, so the 4k I saved up wasn't enough to buy 6/6/6/2 (available slots).

This game is starting to grow on me. Quite fun! Also getting more and more good games: games that aren't decided by super stupid people, whether my team win or loses.


i'm feeling the pain of having to buy that syndra skin because of its fucking awesome splash art

like on that one picture the skin didn't look so bad in-game, right?

and like the water effects are nice


also quote to see my extra curse voice codes if anyone wants em all gone!


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
So I've been learning the every position besides ADC since I've started playing. I'm mid 20s now and figured I should learn ADC before I get to ranked. Any viable Champ suggestions that are good for learning the role?
I think Graves is one of the better starting points.


So I've been learning the every position besides ADC since I've started playing. I'm mid 20s now and figured I should learn ADC before I get to ranked. Any viable Champ suggestions that are good for learning the role?

Ashe, Varus, MF, or Jinx.

Several of the other champs mentioned are actually safer to play (Lucian, Ez, Caitlyn) but picking the less mobile champs will force you to learn proper positioning, the role of the ADC in teamfights, how to weave in-and-out in the lane to land AAs safely, keeping an eye on the minimap between AAs, and other such skills.

Once you feel comfortable with these less mobile champions, then try the rest out and see what you like. If you happen to like Lucian, Cait, etc. then you'll be supplementing their innate safety with better play. I personally think that starting with safe ADCs teaches some bad habits.
Several of the other champs mentioned are actually safer to play (Lucian, Ez, Caitlyn) but picking the less mobile champs will force you to learn proper positioning, the role of the ADC in teamfights, how to weave in-and-out in the lane to land AAs safely, keeping an eye on the minimap between AAs, and other such skills.
Not really, it won't. You won't have much of a chance to learn positioning if you're getting caught.

You don't learn how to ride a bike without training wheels to put them back on later. You don't tell someone to play Vayne to learn how to carry.


Not really, it won't. You won't have much of a chance to learn positioning if you're getting caught.

You don't learn how to ride a bike without training wheels to put them back on later. You don't tell someone to play Vayne to learn how to carry.

As long as he doesn't start with Cait or Ez. Those teach bad habits.
As long as he doesn't start with Cait or Ez. Those teach bad habits.
Yeah, you can't start with carries that are stupid easy either. Cait isn't training wheels, that's learning how to ride a bike on a tricycle lol

Graves is definitely a good call - specially since he's good again -, same for Lucian


It's cool you don't need to play ranked right away. It's often better to chill in some normals and get a bit better.


Start doing normal draft pick games and get used to the format - the bans, picks and compromising on positions based on pick order.
Yeah, I wouldn't recommend going into ranked as a fresh 30 with just the bare minimum

Take your time, get some runes and pages, try and practice the game some more otherwise ranked will most likely be more of a frustrating experience than it should be


Yeah, I wouldn't recommend going into ranked as a fresh 30 with just the bare minimum

Take your time, get some runes and pages, try and practice the game some more otherwise ranked will most likely be more of a frustrating experience than it should be

I went straight into ranked the second I hit level 30. I placed in Silver 3. I wish that I had waited, honestly, because despite being in Silver, I get paired with nothing but Bronze teammates because I don't think it knows quite where to put me and I still have a lot of people that don't do pretty basic stuff, like supports who don't ward, teammates that don't ping for missing, and so on. It makes you pile up losses early, despite you crushing your lane. I'm not good enough to overcome bad teammates, but I'm starting to get there. I've taken lumps in the process though.

Matchmaking was SO BROKE when I first started playing ranked, though it's evening out now. I was seeing Gold/Platinum players on the other team while having Bronze and low Silver on mine. That was so frustrating. Yeah, that Plat V guy versus our Bronze III guy isn't going to go well...


You won't have much of a chance to learn positioning if you're getting caught.

Yeah, 'cause you can't learn from mistakes. What was I thinking.

garath said:
Ideally I'd like to see it part of the base client if curse voice gets that popular.

Honestly, this whole debate makes me think this sort of information should be tracked in-game anyways. I'm sure lots of people would bitch that adding in-game red, blue, drag, and baron timers would dumb things down, but I can see a significant upside as well.
Yeah, 'cause you can't learn from mistakes. What was I thinking.
So what you're saying is that someone that doesn't know how to play will make zero mistakes playing someone like Lucian, got it.

Mistakes happen and you learn from them, no shit, doesn't mean you should be having Draven as your first carry since you're certainly going to fumble all the time with him. Remember these people probably want to have a modicum of fun while learning and not just headbutt the wall until it works.


cait is a good character to learn ad because she teaches laning fundamentals that all ads use. her kit isnt front loaded with dmg like mf or draven who just blow their load and wait to do it again, but rather in range and zoning, which aren't good if you don't make good decisions. like those are the two main things ppl trying to learn the role need to get before they move onto more particular kits, that and the last hitting/harass minigame. playing a champ that literally gets kills by surprise isnt a good way to learn i think

i wouldnt reccomend ashe atm since her main thing right now is her ult. she doesnt really get a lot of mileage from her slows with the meta, like I'd probably rank her as one of the more difficult ads to play, with a kit that does not translate very well to others in the role.

the idea that mobile ads will stunt your learning of the role is so diesel its the chronicles of ridic
if you try to learn ez, you learn skillshots which translates to otter stuff too

this is how I would rate learning wise:
mobile: lucy and ez, lucian gets you a good handle on one of the most popular champions that you will go against and ez gets you a pokey champ that falls behind if you suck at laning
supa carry: vayne and jinx, vayne has great reward for smart decisions and teaches you how to fight for scraps early on when you don't have a great early advantage, jinx also ramps up late, her q teaches you 2 ranges. also twitch
aoe dmg: mf and graves, mf is especially good in solo q and has a kit that has uses in different situations, like her e actually can be leveled now, same with graves who has a kit that's pretty fukkin versatile, his w is good w/ objectives, his q is good for waveclear, but he's another guy that can't really afford to fall behind, i dunno about mf


The problem with starting with Ezreal is that so many people playing Ezreal stay in the back of the team fight, use some Qs, snipe a kill with the ult and bail out with E at the first sign of trouble, just Qing a bit more after that.

You don't deal enough damage by doing that, and by not dealing enough damage you do not contribute as the adc. By playing someone who is not that safe, you will stay put and contribute to the team.

I hate when people play ez due to this, unless they are really good with him and do know how to deal damage. It's emphasized even more since lots of people that do not know how to play adcs just pick cait or ez as a safe pick and barely contribute to the team. Cait is less of a problem than ez though, as she can't get stuck in the trap of solely relying on chucking Qs and actually need to autohit. With cait you need to know when to stop using spells (Q and R) in teamfights since they actually lower her damage output at one point of the game.


right, if people play that way and have no success I'm gonna assume that they will find a better way to play the dood
mobility is not escape but like a doubling of your options
ez in particular has damage associated with his jump so

like I probably wouldn't associate learning bad habits with the champ itself
...With cait you need to know when to stop using spells (Q and R) in teamfights since they actually lower her damage output at one point of the game.

Oh God so much this. The amount of kills a Cait has cost my bot lane because they've decided to Q rather than just pull off two AAs instead is painful.


I feel like using Caitlyn Q badly is one of the biggest mistakes people make with her, along with weird R usage. I've been making both mistakes for years.

Just before my team won a game in ranked recently, the enemy Caitlyn tried to poke us with Q. I flash-dashed with Xin to kill her (or heavily damage her, died shortly after if so) while she was paralyzed by the animation. It's a big flag saying "HIT ME WITH SOME CC, I CAN'T MOVE" if used in the wrong spot. =P


q bursts more for objectives and has a longer range than her auto attack and does aoe dmg, when you leave laning you have what a bt and maybe a pickaxe or zeal, it's not like ur a crit machine yet. the main thing, in the right after laning phase, is that it makes your ass stand still for a while which can kill you


right, if people play that way and have no success I'm gonna assume that they will find a better way to play the dood
mobility is not escape but like a doubling of your options
ez in particular has damage associated with his jump so

like I probably wouldn't associate learning bad habits with the champ itself
It's true that you don't have to get bad habits by playing them, but it's really common.
You just won't get these same bad habits with most other adcs as you don't have a low cooldown long range skillshot Q as with ezreal. You won't see a graves only using his Q and not autohitting in the same way you can see an ez do it.


It's true that you don't have to get bad habits by playing them, but it's really common.
You just won't get these same bad habits with most other adcs as you don't have a low cooldown long range skillshot Q as with ezreal. You won't see a graves only using his Q and not autohitting in the same way you can see an ez do it.

yeah I shouldn't assume, but I don't know if I can say that other champs teach better habits just because they don't have this highly visible problem that ez has

the gragas buffs thoooooooo
homeguard w the dream

big kass buffs too

rummble buffs


Neo Member
i'm feeling the pain of having to buy that syndra skin because of its fucking awesome splash art

like on that one picture the skin didn't look so bad in-game, right?

and like the water effects are nice


also quote to see my extra curse voice codes if anyone wants em
first one gone!

Thanks! I have taken the second one. Been wanting to try curse voice!


Anyone with time on their hands to help a beginner?

I've been playing Rengar since a started playing around a year ago. I never really got very far (I don't even have flash...) but watching the lcs made me excited to try and pick this game up for real this time. However, the recent rework has made Rengar completely different and the way I used to play him (assassin, burst gank people) seems like something that's not possible anymore, or atleast for me since things like double Q only seems to come out once in a while and I can't aim those bola's for shit.

I never bothered picking up another character but I've got some IP just sitting there and I was wondering if there are any beginner champions who are similar to the old Rengar.


most assassins have a pretty rough time atm, but they can definitely still work

rengar is a pretty unique champ, but if you're mainly just looking for a bursty dood
zed can be played both mid and top
leblanc is kind of the assassin of choice at mid, but I mean, she got responsibilities, whereas top is usually allowed to run fr33.
in terms of roaming death from top, you can try quinn
top in general has a hard time assassinating atm, in the sense that if you can't kill the guy you are pretty useless


Anyone with time on their hands to help a beginner?

I've been playing Rengar since a started playing around a year ago. I never really got very far (I don't even have flash...) but watching the lcs made me excited to try and pick this game up for real this time. However, the recent rework has made Rengar completely different and the way I used to play him (assassin, burst gank people) seems like something that's not possible anymore, or atleast for me since things like double Q only seems to come out once in a while and I can't aim those bola's for shit.

I never bothered picking up another character but I've got some IP just sitting there and I was wondering if there are any beginner champions who are similar to the old Rengar.

Hmmm, not sure, but maybe Kha'Zix can scratch that itch for you.
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