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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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Every few months I think to myself "maybe I'm good enough to play her now" and try her for a few games again and realise I'm not.

I honestly think it's more my tendency to think im doublelift and try to go for big outplays rather than just playing safe like i would on other carries.

tbh i only played her once

fed all thru laning phase

game dragged out

got a triple kill at the end

felt like i was doublelift

my final score was like 3-7-4

never again


Vayne is one of those champs that if you have one on your team you lose, but if there's one on the enemy team they snowball and there's nothing you can do.

I play her a bunch in normals with friends and usually do decent with her. I just can't win with her in ranked though. I've only tried her twice this season and lost both times. Last season I was like 1-5 with her, so I just stay away for now. If I can farm up and get to late game everything should be fine, but more times than not you can't trust your team to play safe until that point.


I met the wrath of a Feral Flare Xin last night. Sheesh, you have to deal with that right away and keep him down, because he just snowballs like a monster. Even with the higher cost, it's going to be totally the way to go with him. It's nice seeing different junglers again than just Eve, Elise, Wukong, and Lee Sin.

I finally just bought a 50-win IP boost. I gotta get my runes. It's pretty crazy trying to save up to buy them all for all the different roles.


Lol.. I love that kiwikid is on the front page of twitch right now. The kiwikid/qtpie duo queue is too strong.

Also, LS (the guy who made that jayce coaching video) just put up a Ryze coaching video on his youtube channel. That and an adc coaching video will be up on wednesday after he does the coaching session. He also said on his stream last night that he's going to be putting out a Ryze guide video that will be about 2 hours long, but that might not be out for a little while since he needs footage for a lot of matchups. I learned a lot from the Jayce coaching video, so im thinking the others will be great too.

Here's a link to the channel if anyone is interested: http://www.youtube.com/user/lastshadow9/


I've looked up the various builds for Irelia and it seems that most agree on giving her Trinity Force as a starting item. OK I'm down with that but what else to build on her? Should I go tank after Trinity or what's the best weapon to give her?

Tried Zed and Ziggs. Both were tricky to use so it'll take time to learn them properly.
Won a game recently with Ziggs, positioning my self for using his abilities seems to be my biggest problem atm.
I built the following items as I went against an AD+AP mixed team:
Z. Hourglass
Liandry's Toment
Athene's Holy Grail
Abyssal Scepter
Sorcerer's Boots
Needlessly Large Rod (for Deathcap)

Gonna try Quinn soon she seems easy enough and is freakin' deadly if she gets going.


I've looked up the various builds for Irelia and it seems that most agree on giving her Trinity Force as a starting item. OK I'm down with that but what else to build on her? Should I go tank after Trinity or what's the best weapon to give her?

Tried Zed and Ziggs. Both were tricky to use so it'll take time to learn them properly.
Won a game recently with Ziggs, positioning my self for using his abilities seems to be my biggest problem atm.
I built the following items as I went against an AD+AP mixed team:
Z. Hourglass
Liandry's Toment
Athene's Holy Grail
Abyssal Scepter
Sorcerer's Boots
Needlessly Large Rod (for Deathcap)

Gonna try Quinn soon she seems easy enough and is freakin' deadly if she gets going.

For Irelia, she's a lot like Jax. Blade of the ruined king and Trinity force are core, tank after that (Randuins, banshees, Guardian angel, spirit visage, etc). She's an in-your-face melee bruiser that deals true damage and scales well off on-hit (trinity) and attack speed (botrk). She'll need the tank stats to stay alive as she dives the back line and kills the carries.


My most common Ziggs build:

Doran's Ring (start)
Athene's Holy Grail
Sorcerer's Boots
Zhonya's Hourglass
Rabadon's Deathcap
Void Staff or Trinity Force (depending on how the match is going)

That's the general order that I take stuff, with buying my boots while building Athene's up.


Thanks for the info guys. I'll try Irelia later on and see how badly I mess up haha.

For that matter...I've forgotten how I'm supposed to build Gangplank, reading up it seems Hydra is favoured over BoRK?

I kinda just go like this mostly
BoRK, Statik, Last Whisper, IE


Thanks for the info guys. I'll try Irelia later on and see how badly I mess up haha.

For that matter...I've forgotten how I'm supposed to build Gangplank, reading up it seems Hydra is favoured over BoRK?

I kinda just go like this mostly
BoRK, Statik, Last Whisper, IE
You can google koreanplank, that's a good way to build gp.


Everything is moe to me

another convert to the glorious plant waifu master race.


Just saw the patch notes. I'm glad they're buffing some of the weaker champs instead of giving the Olaf treatment to high level top lanes like Renekton and Shyvana. I hope they buff Shen (or at least undo his nerfs), he's one of the most fun champs to play, but his Shadow Dash uses up too much energy and is too narrow. It's difficult because he also can't put pressure on a lane until you get Sunfire. I've had limited success, but people are getting to smart for the old Shen "dash under turret" switcharoo.


Just saw the patch notes. I'm glad they're buffing some of the weaker champs instead of giving the Olaf treatment to high level top lanes like Renekton and Shyvana. I hope they buff Shen (or at least undo his nerfs), he's one of the most fun champs to play, but his Shadow Dash uses up too much energy and is too narrow. It's difficult because he also can't put pressure on a lane until you get Sunfire. I've had limited success, but people are getting to smart for the old Shen "dash under turret" switcharoo.

I'm just waiting for that Fiora rebuild. I miss that Headmistress dancing around up top.
well you see you're at a crossroads

most adc players at one point in their careers get to stand at the exact same spot you're standing. they find themselves failing at vayne, their mechanics incapable of matching the skill required to master the mythical champion and their wills broken by the lack of light in overcoming their struggle, and are suddenly met with two opposite paths to follow

they can either take the path of the strong, swallow their pride, play another champion, never look back and make the world a better place

or they can take the path of the weak, continuing to vayne at the expense of others around them, pathetically excusing themselves with words like "no peel" or "no ganks", dragging everyone around them with them into the abyss of elo hell

now it's time to ask yourself... which path will you take?

Guess I will let her rest....she is fun but still i am really new to adc stuff


Neo Member
Decide to save up IP for Vayne. Even use last remaining RP for a points boost. Save up enough. Unlock her. Play two games.

Then work out Nami is on free week. Now if I played ranked, this would be the point where I mysteriously go all the way up to gold. As it is, heals and waves for days. Not bubble, cannot hit that shit.


I don't even understand the update to the bots. So they buy wards now? What's the point in that, when they're suicidal anyways?


Trundle top is solid if you're aware of his strengths and weaknesses. I'm not a fan of him in top lane and I much prefer using him in the jungle, but that's irrelevant here.

Anyways: generally speaking you don't want to pick a fight in the earliest of levels if the opposing laner does a decent job of trading back (like Renekton), so focus on farming and sustaining yourself if you take any damage. Once he's approaching level 6 you can start being more aggressive if you want and against most common top lane champions he'll do fine if not outright beat them. Ranged laners are a nightmare for Trundle top though: he has very little chance of ever touching the likes of Lissandra, Karma and Quinn without jungler assistance based on my own experiences. Don't ape the solo queue / LCS bandwagoners who blindly buy Blade of the Ruined King and Sunfire Cape (which is garbage) on him at all times; BoRK can be great on him, but not so much if you're struggling to auto-attack anyone (much less a high-priority target) at length. Another valid option for him with regards to offensive sustain is Hydra; it enhances Trundle's already potent split-pushing ability - by default he needs little time to whittle down structures on his own - and you'll be able to stay alive for longer if you intend to jump into the fray with multiple enemies surrounding you. If you're uncertain which lifesteal item to buy, then you can always stick to a Vamp Scepter and focus on buying a Trinity Force for increased damage in the mean time, which has fantastic synergy with Trundle. Spirit Visage is the MR item for him, alongside Hexdrinker / Maw of Malmortius to a lesser extent. Not a fan of Iceborn Gauntlet on Trundle (even if it's not bad for him per sé), Frozen Mallet can be alright if you'd rather be the tanky frontliner with loads of peeling / chasing potential, Randuin's Omen is a no-brainer, Thornmail can be decent and that about wraps up your obvious itemization choices. Stark's Fervor (or Zeke's Herald) is a situational pick-up for when multiple members of your team deal AD damage, and it allows you to be an obnoxious prick with Pillar spam.

Speaking of his Pillar: the minor knock-up on it is actually quite handy to abruptly cancel certain mobility skills like Shyvanna's, Tristana's or Jax' jump if you time it right, further increasing its versatility if you get the hang of it. Pillar allows you to help defend towers, greatly delay the follow-up of an enemy engage, continuously chase if you have the CDR for it, start sieging with relative ease alongside poke champions, safely check bushes thanks to its cast range and the vision it provides et cetera. It'll take a while to acquire an understanding of when and how to use this skill 'correctly' though, but that shouldn't be a surprise with a flexible tool like Pillar.

Given that you have played Ryze a bit in top lane, I'd suggest trying out Karma too. While not inherently beefy with her itemization (comparatively speaking), she can be deceptively resilient nonetheless thanks to her shield + Empowered W (the snare). Her cooldowns are fairly low, she has a noticeably stronger laning phase than Ryze against the typical melee top laner and she transitions well into late game (albeit differently) thanks to her overall utility. Her Empowered Q can hit hard, but mind you that it can be intercepted by minions or champions alike.

This sounds great. Thanks for that great writeup. I'm leaning towards shyv right now but I will buy both and i can extend my jungle and top pool. Also, will add Karma eventually too

Had a great soloq game. As Ziggs i dominated Fizz who kept tridenting at awful times. Twitch/THresh enemy bot had no synergy. Elise AFK'd after a gank went bad and we took baron at lv 12 because why not?
He's fun to play but be warned that he is really, really bad.

Damn, that's a bummer to hear.

Depends. How desperate are you to be an irritating prick to friend and foe alike? If the answer is "very", then do you have Nidalee? You'd get the same result without spending IP.

I am okay with being annoying.

I'm just sitting in class refreshing to see if Braum is up on PBE yet. Riot please. I wanna know his kiiiit.


Ugh, yeah, that seems like a super annoying thing to deal with.

I don't see it anymore annoying than Leona or Thresh, though I'm sure some people without knowledge his new kit (because Riot "gutted" him) will have a tough time dealing with him at first. It'll be interesting to see if he does find a place as support. I can see him pairing well with poke-heavy supports who don't always mesh well with the diving/all-in nature of Leona, and to a lesser extent Thresh, but the lane still calls for good catch & kill potential.

I'm definitely putting in more time with him in the jungle this weekend, I still see lots of potential at that role. I didn't get a chance to try him in the PBE since last patch so I hope lots of bugs were fixed but unmentioned in the patch notes (I assume so, there's a few Rengar bugs that were fixed for sure that aren't mentioned). Now that E's CD doesn't scale it opens up ranking W second which should help out his burst.


I don't even understand the update to the bots. So they buy wards now? What's the point in that, when they're suicidal anyways?
They place them to be warned about ganks, they're supposed to be less suicidal, and they're supposed to place them while chasing so they can see their targets.

I imagine they're not great, but Skynet wasn't built in a day. I'd rather this sort of thing than just giving them full builds at 20 minutes.


So Unbreakable is pretty similar to a mobile wind wall but just reduces damage and intercepts projectiles instead of blocking it completely. That's pretty cool.

Kind of weird that he seems to essentially just be a meat shield until 6 if I'm understanding him correctly. Unfortunately seems pretty weak outside of duo lanes as well since he's all defense. Hopefully he'll be fun.


Does his Ulti involve having Poros fall down as as an avalanche/rain on the enemies?

Just won a nice match as Irelia. Started with Trinity Force, when then into Randuin then Banshee. Decided to make an Ionian Boots since the Karthus we were up against was a total noob. Wanted to build BoRK, but by then I was kicking ass so I forgone that and managed to help win the game.

I was top with Brand, Bot was Jinx and Pantheon. Jinx player kept typing in the chat all rage like about Killsteals and all that shit.

Seems the opposition's Shaco went AFK, I do recall not seeing that character at any point in the game actually....

Bunch of snapshots of other games I played

This was a nice game, managed to help out as best as I could as Blitz.


THIS was a funny match. I opted to go top and rushed Wit's End. Needless to say the early game involved me dieing...A LOT. By the end game I had enough to Tank myself up and able to sustain long enough to wreck the opposition. Had to focus on Heimer anytime I got.
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