i played her today, they have a bubble effect. it was pretty noticeable to me.?
I just played with her on the PBE. I didn't see anything of note. If that's it, I'd say it needs more. They're very disappointing as-is.
i played her today, they have a bubble effect. it was pretty noticeable to me.?
I just played with her on the PBE. I didn't see anything of note. If that's it, I'd say it needs more. They're very disappointing as-is.
i played her today, they have a bubble effect.
I ask because I just won a match against 1 AP+4 AD team.
I was thinking of forgoing the tank option and make Wit+BoRK+Trinity on her then tank up with Randuin and Sunfire.
Was a rather easy game, our opposition couldn't take us down by the end, I managed to nab a few kills, made Bilgewater Cutlass then Trinity. Afterwards I started building for Randuin, before they surrendered =V
Not even Regi and Dyrus stepping up for him could help, RIP
Not even Regi and Dyrus stepping up for him could help, RIP
Not an Irelia player, but Wit's End on her is a bit more situational than BotRK. While on-hit and the attack speed are always nice on Irelia, you have to look at the MR and MR reduction passives to determine if Wit's End is worth picking up in a particular match.
So you were against a lone AP champion, and I assume that because you team had an easy time that that particular AP champion wasn't very fed. Is the stacking bonus MR on Wit's End worth it? Probably not. Also consider your own team. Do you have multiple sources of magic damage (e.g. AP mid and AP support who can deal solid damage like Karma, Annie, Zyra, etc.) and are they doing well? In that case Wit's End's MR reduction on-hit would benefit your team. Going TF/BotRK/Sunfire Cape would be better than TF/BotRK/Wits in that match.
If you're hell bent on damage item for Irelia against that composition, consider Ghostblade or Zephyr. Both offer CDR that will let you activate Hiten style more often and more movement speed and attack speed, and damage. Ghostblade's armor pen and crit chance will sync nicely Trinity Force while Zephyr's tenacity will let you pick up Ninja Tabis instead of Mercury Treads.
That mean hotshot will be back again?
May be I will watch the LCS.
He played mid while Link went to the jungle when Dexter was away, and even though he didn't play too hot - hehehhe - since he picked Cass Vs Zed, he still did better than the entire team sans DoubleliftDidn't they just feed off of hotshot the last time he returned?
Well, this is just dirty.
Good man.I've been playing Nami into Thresh/Leona lanes without a care in the world today. They deal so little damage when you think about it, and have to try to do plays to avoid auto-losing lane. It's cute to see Leona desperately engage which results in free kills for us.
Lantern ganks are still crazy good though.
you've spent about 216 hours on League of Legends which means 9 days of your life.
You are 243341th on NA servers and 1788638th in the world.
ferrio, you've spent about 999 hours on League of Legends which means 42 days of your life.
You are 129685th on NA servers and 899456th in the world.
I'm curious how they arrive to that number.
I hope you reported her for cheating, since she didn't even have flash according to that scoreboard!annie bot op
dem flash tibbers were on point
there are no words lol
Good man.
If you go back far enough you'll read me positing the near exact thing, and dare I say, the Nami Q is more terrifying than the Leo/Thresh equivalent? Thresh has to be a lot more cautious with his follow up due to being relatively weak, and it needs a strong Leo and/or ADC to make the most of her passive for the E>Q. When both of these scenarios play out all that happens is, A.) their ADC can't follow up because I've Q'd them or B.) I Q them, their ADC still isn't around and by time they roll up my ADC has been healed up and ploughing them down with the E buff.
The reason I love playing support is I know, premade bot aside, I can play my two mains and, with some confidence, expect to win. They go Leo/Thresh, NP. They go Annie, np, Zyra murder her pre and post 6, as well as pre and post Annie nerfs.
Jesusstoneocean, you've spent about 1121 hours on League of Legends which means 47 days of your life.
You are 113773th on NA servers and 777005th in the world.
zkylon, you've spent about 1559 hours on League of Legends which means 65 days of your life.
You are 13967th on LAS servers and 421829th in the world.
well she did say gg after the game was over so it's all forgivenI hope you reported her for cheating, since she didn't even have flash according to that scoreboard!
Yup...I wonder how many days I've spent all together on my toons....that number would very scary.Drop in the bucket compared to what I played in wow. I had over a year played... and that was for vanilla only...
ylarex, you've spent about 3812 hours on League of Legends which means 159 days of your life.
You are 1284th on NA servers and 5868th in the world.
rofflescoffle , you've Spent about 1573 hours on League of Legends which means clustering 66 days of your life.
You are 64319th on NA servers and 412,809th in the world.
Damn Australians.Sup.
neolthegreat, you've spent about 1320 hours on League of Legends which means 55 days of your life.
You are 89799th on na servers and 598549th in the world.
The Reginaldostarted playing tf a lot the past couple days, decided it would be really cool to be a really good tf player now he's good again
nothing worse than ulting in and picking a blue card
Well those basics I understand since it's similar to other games. How league uses wards in the bushes and things like the special buff providing jungle creeps I'm still figuring out. I have no problem with AI games until I have it all sorted.
Camera is unlocked, I'll probably reserve smartcasting until I figure out who I want to play most often and have a good sense of feel for them and the range plus cast time of their skills.
TY for the swift responses and advice.
human ori skin idea
it's kind of ok, she looks a bit plain but i would totally buy a skin in this theme
hat ball is super cute tho
mothman91, you've spent about 1372 hours on League of Legends which means 57 days of your life.
You are 84168th on na servers and 556613th in the world.
human ori skin idea
it's kind of ok, she looks a bit plain but i would totally buy a skin in this theme
hat ball is super cute tho