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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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Riven is not a great one against Rene. Perfect world Rene will always win the match. He out sustains her, and goes toe to toe damage wise. He has to misplay it badly to lose.

I agree with this. I played as Renek vs. a Riven a few weeks ago. When she tried to initiate with Q or get up close, stun, then combo. I managed to land my fury stun to stop any of her harass. Won that lane easily. As long as she doesn't get the combo off, you should be okay, if not a little vulnerable to ganks.

Insert obligatory "It's over 9000" joke here


Sorry to hear that, I enjoyed interacting with you there instead of just lurking this thread.

When the Boss gives you a couple of warnings you should probably take heed. #ProStrats

Also don't get mad about video games y'all. Please.

Yep, he's toast. 2x warnings directly from Evilore and he still didn't heed the warning.


I'd love to see statistics about bannings... like a big infograph. % of people banned, average time span from joining to banning, average # of posts per day for banned people. Breakdown of ban lengths and reasons.

Would be interesting.


GAF's been around for 15 years?

It's been through several iterations.

Originally it was a forum for gaming-age.com

The forum became more popular than the website, and too much to manage. It bounced around several free bbs sites for awhile... even think ign helped host it for a bit? I forget. Eventually evilore bought it and it was rebranded "neogaf".

Goodcow archived a lot of oldschool threads


The 9/11 thread is a trip.


I even post in it several times under "Ferrio20"
aren't twitch streamers not allowed to do sub only giveaways? I was almost sure they couldn't, so I don't know how they're getting away with "All subs get a curse voice beta key!"

also seems like it's only TSM streams doing that hmmmm


aren't twitch streamers not allowed to do sub only giveaways? I was almost sure they couldn't, so I don't know how they're getting away with "All subs get a curse voice beta key!"

also seems like it's only TSM streams doing that hmmmm

No, this is fine. The reason they can't do sub only giveaways is because that's considered gambling. Sub pays for a chance to get something. This is a reward for BEING a sub. Everyone gets one for being a sub. No gambling involved.


How long does it take for champions to cycle back to being free? I've watched some vids of Soraka being played, she looks really enjoyable and I'd like to play her. Apparently she was free last month though, do I just wait for her to cycle in again or bite the bullet and spend some ip?


How long does it take for champions to cycle back to being free? I've watched some vids of Soraka being played, she looks really enjoyable and I'd like to play her. Apparently she was free last month though, do I just wait for her to cycle in again or bite the bullet and spend some ip?

She's only 450 ip, suck it up and buy her.
How long does it take for champions to cycle back to being free? I've watched some vids of Soraka being played, she looks really enjoyable and I'd like to play her. Apparently she was free last month though, do I just wait for her to cycle in again or bite the bullet and spend some ip?

Buy her. You'll have that IP back in like, a day of playing. 450 is nothin'.

Also Soraka is really fun and cheesy to play toplane. You just press Q whenever they want to kill a creep.


How long does it take for champions to cycle back to being free? I've watched some vids of Soraka being played, she looks really enjoyable and I'd like to play her. Apparently she was free last month though, do I just wait for her to cycle in again or bite the bullet and spend some ip?

I don't believe there is a set schedule beyond new champs
I mean evilore himself was doing that in the thread, but I don't think boken got banned for the things you listed

yeah but if you're a dota fan on gaf it's apparently ok to do that.

and he was banned for getting pissed off and prolly going overboard, but if people didn't post dumb things they haven't a clue about then people wouldn't get annoyed


Just spreading some Nami love
Ezreal had troubles last hitting early and got 15 cs behind lucian but I managed to carry him through the bot lane, feeding him those delicious kills.

My team was amazing with respect to taking objectives and communicating. It was one of the best solo queue games I've had in a while just for that really nice communication and synergy of the team.
Just spreading some Nami love

Ezreal had troubles last hitting early and got 15 cs behind lucian but I managed to carry him through the bot lane, feeding him those delicious kills.

happy to see supports picking up captain's boots now that they're cheaper.

really good enchantment that's no longer prohibitively expensive.


I mean at the same time you really shouldn't be riled up about someone who doesn't play a game in the same manner as you saying something ignorant about the game, like no shit they don't know what's up and are making unfeasible points of comparison (+ vice versa), but at the same time I have interacted with boken and don't really take him seriously cuz he sux get fukked bro


yeah but if you're a dota fan on gaf it's apparently ok to do that.

and he was banned for getting pissed off and prolly going overboard, but if people didn't post dumb things they haven't a clue about then people wouldn't get annoyed

Isn't that the point of the thread, though? To educate? I mean, if you get upset everytime someone is incorrect about something, you'll never be happy.

Inform or ignore.

Also, I thought it was a little ironic how his last post was criticizing exactly the stuff he was doing before getting called out for it. That said, I don't think any of it is banworthy, and I can't think of anyone in that thread being mean spirited/not-tongue-in-cheek trolly except a few drive by posters that you never heard from again.


Just spreading some Nami love

Ezreal had troubles last hitting early and got 15 cs behind lucian but I managed to carry him through the bot lane, feeding him those delicious kills.

My team was amazing with respect to taking objectives and communicating. It was one of the best solo queue games I've had in a while just for that really nice communication and synergy of the team.

congradualtionz on series

Isn't that the point of the thread, though? To educate? I mean, if you get upset everytime someone is incorrect about something, you'll never be happy.

Inform or ignore.

Also, I thought it was a little ironic how his last post was criticizing exactly the stuff he was doing before getting called out for it. That said, I don't think any of it is banworthy, and I can't think of anyone in that thread being mean spirited/not-tongue-in-cheek trolly except a few drive by posters that you never heard from again.

it's legit that boken, having perceived his babeh game being the source of baseless attacks, did so in kind like a villain from a bond movie
Isn't that the point of the thread, though? To educate? I mean, if you get upset everytime someone is incorrect about something, you'll never be happy.

Inform or ignore.

Also, I thought it was a little ironic how his last post was criticizing exactly the stuff he was doing before getting called out for it. That said, I don't think any of it is banworthy, and I can't think of anyone in that thread being mean spirited/not-tongue-in-cheek trolly except a few drive by posters that you never heard from again.

you can't educate people who don't want to be educated though, which is the problem with those threads. People make blanket statements and when it's pointed out that they're wrong, it descends into snark, sarcasm and "my game is better than yours". It grates. See the discussion on runes/masteries.

it gets to the point where it's not even worth participating in discussions because of the vitriol. Like, a lot of what boken said in that post was right. there were a lot of shitty posts. he just expressed it wrong I guess and it got him perma'd, which is sad.


meh, that thread was a trap and devolved to the usual "insecure doter, pile on LOL thread" and unfortunately Boken fell for it. There was interesting converation in the beginning but that didnt last long. And as Zkylon said, as soon as people start getting banned it's time to bail.
I found the thread overall quite civil.... that's why boken's post confused me.

it was pretty civil for the most part, but there was one discussion around masteries/runes and eSports that was just typical of the other threads.

like it's fine now and it was fine at the start. was just that one period last night where it went to hell and we ended up losing boken.


you can't educate people who don't want to be educated though, which is the problem with those threads. People make blanket statements and when it's pointed out that they're wrong, it descends into snark, sarcasm and "my game is better than yours". It grates. See the discussion on runes/masteries.

it gets to the point where it's not even worth participating in discussions because of the vitriol. Like, a lot of what boken said in that post was right. there were a lot of shitty posts. he just expressed it wrong I guess and it got him perma'd, which is sad.

Can you find some quotes that would send him over the edge? All I saw was the whole "burden of knowledge" thing, which was all in good fun. Even zkylon was just posting about sexy skins and such during the whole trollish conversation. No one cared, then Boken came out and started slamming people and calling the thread shit.

I thought the thread was going just fine and 100x better than I expected it to be.

Edit: The eSports thing? Those are opinions. I didn't see any outlandish remarks, just opinions about which system each person prefers. Also, masteries and runes are stupid. The League system of unlocking champions is dumb, as well. The only difference is some find it to be unacceptable, while others don't see it as a big deal.


Yeah, I main aatrox (duh), so I figured HP yellows could help out his low health pool.

They're very useful when jungling Aatrox because you can start Q, get your blood well very high immediately. Much easier on the 'ol hp bar that way when doing initial clears than starting W and having blood price drain your hp.
Can you find some quotes that would send him over the edge? All I saw was the whole "burden of knowledge" thing, which was all in good fun. Even zkylon was just posting about sexy skins and such during the whole trollish conversation. No one cared, then Boken came out and started slamming people and calling the thread shit.

I thought the thread was going just fine and 100x better than I expected it to be.

Edit: The eSports thing? Those are opinions. I didn't see any outlandish remarks, just opinions about which system each person prefers. Also, masteries and runes are stupid. The League system of unlocking champions is dumb, as well. The only difference is some find it to be unacceptable, while others don't see it as a big deal.




man I realise I'm giving you a load of haly posts but that was pretty indicative of some of the dumb snark going on those few pages. there's more in the thread


Well I'd agree with the dota people, masteries/runes are bullshit heh.

I like runes and masteries. I don't like BUYING runes. I like the customization they give to suit your playstyle a little more.

RIP boken?

Also, how does swapping armor yellows for flat health yellows sound?

I've swapped my armor for 5 flat hp, 4 armor. Might go straight hp.

Scaling hp not a good idea for bot lane. Runes are for the early game. Take the flat.
Well I'd agree with the dota people, masteries/runes are bullshit heh.
Runes are stupid because in the end people will just min-max it so it just becomes more a burden instead of customization. There will be always optimal rune setups.

Masteries on the other hand give you actual freedom. You can set masteries in many, many viable ways as long as you don't take fucking Runic Blessing


Just read the last few pages of the moba thread.

Why exactly did broken get banned? He had every right to lash out like he did. That haley guy was being a prick. One man circljerking about lel burden of knowledge xDDDDD and antifun warding haha 9gag 4evr!!!!111 and making fun of peoples avatars? Shameless.

Sometimes I think the dota community is on par with the cod one in terms of sheer immaturity.


Runes are stupid because in the end people will just min-max it so it just becomes more a burden instead of customization. There will be always optimal rune setups.

Masteries on the other hand give you actual freedom. You can set masteries in many, many viable ways as long as you don't take fucking Runic Blessing

Masteries really don't have much freedom either. The only time I feel like there's any freedom is if I'm choosing to go defense or attack for a champion. Otherwise it's pretty cookie cutter.

Masteries in any game always seem to be that way. They need to make the trees less deep, more wide, and aleast 2x more masteries per tree to allow freedom IMO.
the majority of the Dota community is generally fine and don't make dumb posts, some of the people who do make dumb posts are totally fine outside of the Dota x LoL threads too.

just for some reason when these threads happen they always go the same way and as a LoL player it's like "why would I ever even bother participating in these threads when it gets like this?"

like the games are different. different things work and are fun in different games. the threads should be about informing people and talking about cool new things, not cheap potshots made to get people angry.


Runes are stupid because in the end people will just min-max it so it just becomes more a burden instead of customization. There will be always optimal rune setups.

Masteries on the other hand give you actual freedom. You can set masteries in many, many viable ways as long as you don't take fucking Runic Blessing

I'd say masteries are more cookie cutter in general. Runes you see some good variety even among the pros. And the masses just copy the pros.
Masteries really don't have much freedom either. The only time I feel like there's any freedom is if I'm choosing to go defense or attack for a champion. Otherwise it's pretty cookie cutter.

Masteries in any game always seem to be that way. They need to make the trees less deep and *alot* more wide to allow freedom IMO.
I didn't say full freedom, but being able to pick between being bruiser-ish or more carry-ish is more than I can say for runes.
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