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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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How come whenever I play Ryze it's like I do 0 damage? Denied the hell out of Diana (something 110-40cs). Got Tear, RoA and a Negatron. Lost a 1v1 when she only had a Doran, Blasting Wand and Negatron. Game ended with a surrender. I unloaded on their Quinn who was 1 level behind me and didn't have any HP or MR item. One rotation later I only got her to 65% HP.

Similar to my ARAM game with him last year. 6 item fully stacked Ryze with Void Staff. Couldn't make much of a dent on the Thresh.


How come whenever I play Ryze it's like I do 0 damage? Denied the hell out of Diana (something 110-40cs). Got Tear, RoA and a Negatron. Lost a 1v1 when she only had a Doran, Blasting Wand and Negatron. Game ended with a surrender. I unloaded on their Quinn who was 1 level behind me and didn't have any HP or MR item. One rotation later I only got her to 65% HP.

Similar to my ARAM game with him last year. 6 item fully stacked Ryze with Void Staff. Couldn't make much of a dent on the Thresh.
Ryze appears to be simple, but it's incredibly important to use your skills in the right order to maximize damage, and position close to the enemy for the bounces on E.

Unless you use your skills in the exact right order to exploit his passive you will deal suboptimal damage.


You know how you've played half a dozen matches performing good in them and winning, then you take like an hour break or so, come back and you play like utter shit in your next match?
I hate when that happens...


Ryze doesn't really do burst damage, he is kind of like tanky dps. He's CD is low enough that you can keep spamming spells while tanking half of the team with your ult.
Ryze appears to be simple, but it's incredibly important to use your skills in the right order to maximize damage, and position close to the enemy for the bounces on E.

Unless you use your skills in the exact right order to exploit his passive you will deal suboptimal damage.

Yeah, it sounds like you are not using the correct combos.


OK I've maxed out my Glyphs with cooldown, now I'm thinking of getting Cooldown Seals.
0.36*9= 3%ish
With my Glyphs and Mastery, I'd have 18% cooldown by Lvl. 18.

For Marks I'm thinking either attack speed or critical damage. Mind you I'm only using 1 Rune Page atm.


relies on auto-aim
Is there anyway to go to the NA LCS stuff?

BrokenShard pls


Holy shit. I did it. I won a ranked game.

I was Yi, and I started really poorly so I thought, fuck it and just powerfarmed. I stormed out of the jungle 20 minutes later and 1v3'd their nidalee, fed vayne, and galio.
not sure how I could have carried us to the win here :/

got first blood and doubles for ryze top, and helped the orianna mid (was her first time vs ziggs and only played mid for a few days) and kept their Lee out of the game. bot lane got rolled pretty heavily.

when it came to fights, i was doing really well, got so many kills. coordinated a really good kha'zix ult ball delivery system with ori shockwave etc.

couldn't really push too hard cos of death timers and minions, but ori overstayed and died. then team got engaged on while I was backing and died, so I couldn't do anything. death timers were too long and they pushed for the win.

really annoying :/

wait, how do you only have 15 normal games under your belt but lvl 30?


For does who didn't see it, I recommend watching the first and 4th game of the CLB vs CST promotion series. Those 2 had some crazy decision making and endings.


So if I want to get in on this curse voice business, what should I do? I know I saw a beta invite in here a couple weeks ago but didn't install it at the time.


What Seals do you recommend getting? I don't see many of them being good if I were to get 9 of one set.

For Marks I think I'll go for 'Hybrid Penetration', at 9 Marks, that's an extra 8% Armor Pen. and 6% Magic Pen.
With my Mastery for Offensive characters, that'd mean I'm ignoring 10% of their armor and MGR. Not much but every little bit counts.

EDIT: Reading up on Seals via LoL wikia (at work atm), I might go for Attack Speed, 9 of those gives me an extra 6%ish Attack Speed, with my Glyphs & Mastery, that means I start with 20% attack speed, meaning my ADCs would be close to 1 hit per second start of the match.

I might also get the mana and health Seals for another Rune page focused on Mana dependant characters.


no i mean he got benched like he got bench pressed

the only seals I have are armor and health, you should get those
if you want atspd on your adc throw like 2 quints on a regular page


What Seals do you recommend getting? I don't see many of them being good if I were to get 9 of one set.

For Marks I think I'll go for 'Hybrid Penetration', at 9 Marks, that's an extra 8% Armor Pen. and 6% Magic Pen.
With my Mastery for Offensive characters, that'd mean I'm ignoring 10% of their armor and MGR. Not much but every little bit counts.

EDIT: Reading up on Seals via LoL wikia (at work atm), I might go for Attack Speed, 9 of those gives me an extra 6%ish Attack Speed, with my Glyphs & Mastery, that means I start with 20% attack speed, meaning my ADCs would be close to 1 hit per second start of the match.

I might also get the mana and health Seals for another Rune page focused on Mana dependant characters.
basic stuff you should have for each type is:
reds: ad and mpen
yellows: armor and flat hp
blues: flat mr

nice stuff to have but not completely essential:
reds: doublepen, attack speed, maybe armor.
yellows: hp/lvl
blues: ap/lvl, mr/lvl


hypen is good for reds, it's not percentage
youll want atspd reds as well for jungling

a basic page you can use for a lot of people is
ad quints
ad reds
armor yellows
mr blues

actually replace armor with health


no i mean he got benched like he got bench pressed

the only seals I have are armor and health, you should get those
if you want atspd on your adc throw like 2 quints on a regular page
Hmm I might go for Health primarily, what Health Seals are the best ones to get?

basic stuff you should have for each type is:
reds: ad and mpen
yellows: armor and flat hp
blues: flat mr

nice stuff to have but not completely essential:
reds: doublepen, attack speed, maybe armor.
yellows: hp/lvl
blues: ap/lvl, mr/lvl
What do you mean by Flat HP? On the LOL Wikia for Seals, it lists 8 HP, is that bonus 8 HP per Yellow Rune?


Hmm I might go for Health primarily, what Health Seals are the best ones to get?

What do you mean by Flat HP? On the LOL Wikia for Seals, it lists 8 HP, is that bonus 8 HP per Yellow Rune?
yea, flat means it doesn't scale with levels.

a lot of people are running like 5 armor 4 flat hp yellows or something like that, so you can like mix em up if you don't wanna commit to a one type of rune.

i wouldnt' go with doublepen cos that's really expensive and mpen is pretty much just as good (while doublepen is kind of useless for ad characters).


hypen is good for reds, it's not percentage
youll want atspd reds as well for jungling

a basic page you can use for a lot of people is
ad quints
ad reds
armor yellows
mr blues

actually replace armor with health

Oh yeah my bad. So basically it ignores that amount during damage, but which is activated first? % reduction or flat number reduction?

I'll look into those ideas, I've got 2 rune pages so I can assign one for Magic characters and one for AD characters.


i think standard pages right now for adc are like:
quints: 2 as, 1 ad
red: 9 ad
yellows: 5 hp 4 armor
blues: 9 mr

and for like aps:
quints: 3 ap
reds: 9 mpen
yellows: 9 hp/lvl
blues: 9 mr

but you know, i wouldn't go with hp/lvl if you don't feel too comfortable mid lane


Everything is moe to me
Oh yeah my bad. So basically it ignores that amount during damage, but which is activated first? % reduction or flat number reduction?
flat reduction -> percent reduction -> percent penetration -> flat penetration.

so if AP trundle ults someone, his target would get:
-20 from trundles abyssal scepter
-40% from trundles ult.
-35% from trundles void staff
-15 from trundles haunting guise

so if you have 100mr, you'd be knocked down to 16.2 mr. i think. i'm bad at math.


I'm going to be so sad when they nerf Kha'Zix.
They're going to crush his ultimate and it's going to make me sad.
There is almost no counterplay to his ult. He's like an Akali with a spammable escape.
What's dangerous about his ult is the 50% damage decrease. The invisibility can be countered with a Sweeper/Oracle's Lens or pink ward.
Ryze appears to be simple, but it's incredibly important to use your skills in the right order to maximize damage, and position close to the enemy for the bounces on E.

Unless you use your skills in the exact right order to exploit his passive you will deal suboptimal damage.

Make sure you use your Q first, as it has the shortest cooldown. I would do something like Q -> W -> E -> Q. And when you use your E, walk towards your target. The enemy's first instinct will usually be to run away from you so walk towards them to get the bounces. And when you have your ult, I would do Q -> R -> W -> etc. as the R gets your Q even faster. And since your ult gives you movement speed, it's a bit easier to get the bounces.

OK I've maxed out my Glyphs with cooldown, now I'm thinking of getting Cooldown Seals.
0.36*9= 3%ish
With my Glyphs and Mastery, I'd have 18% cooldown by Lvl. 18.

For Marks I'm thinking either attack speed or critical damage. Mind you I'm only using 1 Rune Page atm.

You don't want to get such high CD% from runes and masteries. It's extremely easy to get the 40% cap with items. I would go no more than 10% since getting any more than that would end up being a waste.

hypen is good for reds, it's not percentage
youll want atspd reds as well for jungling

a basic page you can use for a lot of people is
ad quints
ad reds
armor yellows
mr blues

actually replace armor with health

Depends on who you're jungling as. If you're doing a Feral Flare jungler, than sure. But someone like Vi or KhaZix doesn't really need it. Also, Scaling Health would be better. By the time you're level 6, it's the same amount as the flat HP seals.
Ryze appears to be simple, but it's incredibly important to use your skills in the right order to maximize damage, and position close to the enemy for the bounces on E.

Unless you use your skills in the exact right order to exploit his passive you will deal suboptimal damage.

I opened with QRQWQEQ on Quinn last night since they were clumped together. On 1v1s I'll try to get QWQEQRQ if I can afford it. R depends if I need the spellvamp now or if they're already clumped. Still, in the situations mentioned, I didn't do much damage, but I sure can remember single Ryze Qs that hurt me a lot.


Eh I dunno, I've been doing fine with 9 Cooldown glyphs. 15% Cooldown at lvl. 18+ 5% cooldown mastery has helped me with Twitch for example. STEALTH MODE EVERY 10-20 SECONDS BEE-OTCH!

@Pandaman- Thanks for the info, I think I managed to figure what the maths a bit.


Will mess with Vladamir a bit before he gets cycled out. I recall only ever going against 1 good Vlad in the past months. The fact that he can fully benefit from Spell Vamp is interesting with his Q is rather interesting.


What characters do you guys usually use Guinsoo and Sword of the Occult with?

Guinsoo would be most effective with champions like Jax and Kayle because of the hybrid damage.

Sword of the Occult (and Mejai's) is build for the disrespect towards the enemy team.
Guinsoo would be most effective with champions like Jax and Kayle because of the hybrid damage.

Sword of the Occult (and Mejai's) is build for the disrespect towards the enemy team.

SoC definitely. Mejais can be used effectively on stealth supports. More often than not I hit 20 stacks with Nami.


The last time I built a guinsoos it was on kayle but that was a long time ago. I always liked straight ap on her because of the burst. But with the nerfs to her q and lich bane I'm not sure if that's how you build her anymore.
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