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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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Bargain Hunter Rengar. riot pls


700 stack Nasus hnggghh. Thank you based Renekton for leaving me alone after doing a pretty good job of bullying me. Nearly everytime I went back I bought a complete item.


Ugh. I guess today is the last day to play ranked before I decay. Can't believe it's already been a month. Diablo3 not doing me any favors here lol.

I don't like playing ranked when I only play like 5 games a week. I'm too busy always shaking off the rust.


Ugh. I guess today is the last day to play ranked before I decay. Can't believe it's already been a month. Diablo3 not doing me any favors here lol.

I don't like playing ranked when I only play like 5 games a week. I'm too busy always shaking off the rust.
Maybe I'll play with you. I'm already decaying.


Started playing rumble after this patch. It took a while to get to know his mechanics but holy hell! If you manage to survive his early (1-5) levels he turns into a beast as well as one of the most fun champions in the league. He's the first toplane champ I actually enjoy playing. Csing is so rough though. Usually I'm at like.. 110-150 cs at 20 minutes.
Edit: Yes, I bought super galaxy rumble...



Demoted to Gold V.

I lost over 50 lp. Went from 25 in Gold IV to 75 Gold V. Ouch.

edit: ok game.. playing a ranked game.. and I'm stuck in mid (which I never play) against a Plat LeBlanc. Cool.


Funny how Yi has *always* been a beast in low elo games, hilarious to finally see his terror extend to higher levels. God I wouldn't want to be in a sub-30 game that's for sure.


Funny how Yi has *always* been a beast in low elo games, hilarious to finally see his terror extend to higher levels. God I wouldn't want to be in a sub-30 game that's for sure.

Pretty hard to jungle him without runes. Especially when no-one gives you leashes.


I really hate team builder ELO. I got this bot lane that fed a Lucian 4 kills in the first 4 minutes and complained that if they don't get a gank they will continue to feed. Meanwhile, everyone was at level 4.

Fucking scumbags.
By the fucking gods^
I really hate League of Legends. I got this bot lane that fed a Lucian 4 kills in the first 4 minutes and complained that if they don't get a gank they will continue to feed. Meanwhile, everyone was at level 4.

Fucking scumbags.



Solo q is so hard. I think I'll stick to ranked 5's for the time being );

edit: also, any tips for shot calling? I'm the team's adc, and our dedicated shot caller. but sometimes in the heat of the moment, my calls end up sounding too aggressive. im working on it, but its tough.


Mm.. one ranked win and I'm right back in promo. 25 lp np I guess.

The LeBlanc was better than me in mid. But I was Yasuo. So I scaled REAL well. Even had less than optimal runes (I removed my Yasuo page doh). Everything has cdr, no MR and scaling health. Ugh.


Speaking of ranked 5's I figure I'll take the time to brag about this amazing game.

Our top laner fed the hell out of the enemy Trundle. At one point, Trundle was 10/2, having all the kills of the enemy team. Our oppressive Caitlyn/Raka was wrecking their bottom lane cs wise, but it wasn't translating into kills.Thankfully we secured a few towers and drags and Trundle got too cocky and ended up giving me his bounty. It was a tough game, but after after a few more throws on his part, and an amazing Caitlyn carry, we won. :)

These are all the ranked 5's games we've played. heavily contrasted by my solo q games. and it's not like we were facing lesser opponents. these were high golds and low plat carries and supports. but i cant translate that into solo q. hm... maybe i should duo q with my support more often.


Hardly. Very slightly lower base stats, but Wriggles now gain stacks from kills and assists. Could even be treated as a buff by some.
ah you're right, i wasn't reading wriggles

so you'd start with 55 (25 base + 30 stacks) damage on the passive?

the heal doesn't seem to scale with stacks anymore tho, which sounds big i dunno

i really don't like that item at all


Good, that item broke the jungle. They nerfed the damage and attack speed but made it so kills and assists grant stacks, which will encourage junglers to still gank (but also work with their team and put themselves at risk).
yea that sounds like a nice tradeoff

i still don't like the item cos i don't like any of the junglers it enables but again i don't like junglers as a whole unless it's like amumu and chogath so whatevs :p
Good. The unkillable jungler was stupid. They'll still do an asston of damage, just won't be an unstoppable juggernaut.

I think the biggest "ouch" is the wriggles nerf.

Wriggles was also pretty crazy because you couldn't counterjungle as a non-Wriggles jungler when Udyr or Xin would just melt you down with their AAs.


Good. The unkillable jungler was stupid. They'll still do an asston of damage, just won't be an unstoppable juggernaut.

I think the biggest "ouch" is the wriggles nerf.

what's so bad about the wriggles' nerf?

i don't understand anything


what's so bad about the wriggles' nerf?

i don't understand anything

Slows down their clear and dueling. Going to be harder to get the full 30 stacks.

Though getting stacks for assists/kills on champions is going to help the feral flare gankers, like xin.


i actually just started learning udyr last night after having him forever and not bothering. with these feral changes i dunno if i want to continue.


Any tips for playing Nidalee? The internet makes it sound as if it's press Q to win with her but I'm not doing much :( I understand I have to play passive until 6 which I do but aside some roaming I don't see myself contributing much aside from landing some spears in midgame teamfights. I've felt invisible on the games I've played her.

Still feels fun to use will definitely practice with her.


Any tips for playing Nidalee? The internet makes it sound as if it's press Q to win with her but I'm not doing much :( I understand I have to play passive until 6 which I do but aside some roaming I don't see myself contributing much aside from landing some spears in midgame teamfights. I've felt invisible on the games I've played her.

Still feels fun to use will definitely practice with her.
Practice her Cougar form with bots in a custom match so you can see how much damage she can do in a duel. Also, practice jumping over walls with her jump. Even in extremely high ELO, people fail her wall jumps.

And even though you're already roaming, keep doing it if you're ahead. Putting pressure on other lanes only helps out your team. And when you eventually start going after turrets as a team, just make sure you poke them enough where at least one enemy champ has to recall and that's when you dive.


Any tips for playing Nidalee? The internet makes it sound as if it's press Q to win with her but I'm not doing much :( I understand I have to play passive until 6 which I do but aside some roaming I don't see myself contributing much aside from landing some spears in midgame teamfights. I've felt invisible on the games I've played her.

Still feels fun to use will definitely practice with her.
she's weird cos she needs levels and items to ramp up and her laning is pretty awful in mid. she's got all the tools to survive laning phase, it's just that her version of winning lane is actually going even.

i usually build athene's rather than tear on her cos it makes her relevant earlier on (plus generally more useful stats) but i tend to like rush deathcap+void staff and depend on blue buff a lot too.

but tbh that's kind of what nidalee is, a spear bot, your burst in cat form is deceptively strong, so i like to go to lanes that are pushed to turret and dive with her since people cowering under turret are easy javelin targets. like with any mid, bot is specially good to roam to cos they're pretty squishy down there so you can like land a spear, and follow up support cc with your cat form execute burst

also a really good and very easy combo is to flash, throw a spear, go cat form and then mash all your keys. you can do the spear first if you know it's gonna land but if you point blank it you can't miss it. it's a lot of burst and you shouldn't be afraid to get kills like that. she gets like a million jumps with her pounce and is superspeed on brushes, so it's not like not having flash is as punishing as if you were playing like orianna or something
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