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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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like, pretty much this, ward your jungle, give your lanes more time to react than theirs, remember that the enemy team is slow to react too probably

Sejuani has the weakest early game of any traditional jungler in the game. Her first clear is mortifying and she has no tools to deal with early invades because her sustain is garbage. I would rather be Amumu, who doesn't have anywhere near the issues that Sejuani and Nautilus do.

For sej and naut, their early clears are so weak that they need to rely heavily on ability usage for clearing. Naut is weak to invades because it's easy to abuse the shield being down. with both, it always comes down to appropriately using your trinket. It's easy to say you have an escape on Sejuani but you need to use Q to clear, and then it's not up for another 15 seconds.

I understand, to play "non-meta" junglers you have to be very competent at them and understand their weaknesses far more than you would a "meta" jungler. Ya'll are kind of making the same point I am. The non-meta junglers have a rougher time of it. You have to be so much better at them as a champion than you would a point and click jungler like Pantheon or Xin.

I feel comfortable on Sejuani as a non-meta jungler because I've played so many games with her. I know what I can and cannot do early game with her and I rarely have bad games where I'm completely crushed by the opponent jungler. Put me on Fiddle and it'd be a completely different ballgame.

However, I played Pantheon for the first time and it's the easiest thing in the world. Heck, I stomped as a Warwick feral flare last night. I've played Warwick all of 3 times.


thats totally over simplifying it though, you don't have to play better you just have to play differently

Isn't that the whole definition of OP though? Takes less to get the same? To say you just play differently would just mean the game is perfectly balanced.


Isn't that the whole definition of OP though? Takes less to get the same? To say you just play differently would just mean the game is perfectly balanced.

okay okay okay, you might have to play slightly better to get the same results, but some of the things garath is saying are wild exaggerations


okay okay okay, you might have to play slightly better to get the same results, but some of the things garath is saying are wild exaggerations

What's a wild exaggeration? I've said that non-meta junglers are more susceptible to early invades and counter jungling by the current "meta" junglers which are generally better duelists.

We can all agree that in order to succeed as the non-meta jungler against a competent opponent jungler you need to play safer and ward more than a meta jungler. Does a Xin, Nocturne, Pantheon, Khazix need to ward every entrance in order to feel safe in their own jungle? Not generally.
No problem on EUW here.

Check the chat box.


Just lost a 1 hour match =_=
I was bot with Fizz against Miss Fortune and Lulu. Sadly we fed them early on, I can never get what Fizz wanted, should we go in, should we defend?
Managed to score like 20 kills but even with our Wukong Tanking it wasn't enough.

Guardian Angel didn't help much either...
I got some really exciting League related news today that I can't say anything about yet no matter how much I want to.

Just saying. Can't wait to be able to say it.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Does a Xin, Nocturne, Pantheon, Khazix need to ward every entrance in order to feel safe in their own jungle? Not generally.
Yi does. WW does. I would say Pantheon should be careful early too. A lot of the junglers that are popular right now have strong invades like Lee or Kha'zix. Anyone should watch out for them, but champions like Nocturne have especially strong early clears and need to worry less.

It's okay for some champions to be strong earlier, but the problem exists with some of the out of control scaling given to these champions.
xspecials replacement confirmed, going to reddit for delicious karma.

Could be. My Thresh is legendary, just ask dobkeratops


completely unrelated, but does anyone here play a decent Ryze? Just wondering are mana runes necessary or could I get away without them?


What's a wild exaggeration? I've said that non-meta junglers are more susceptible to early invades and counter jungling by the current "meta" junglers which are generally better duelists.

We can all agree that in order to succeed as the non-meta jungler against a competent opponent jungler you need to play safer and ward more than a meta jungler. Does a Xin, Nocturne, Pantheon, Khazix need to ward every entrance in order to feel safe in their own jungle? Not generally.

yes but i would argue warding your own jungle isn't exactly difficult you just have to know to do it

there's a reason they're meta but acting like it's impossible to play other things and if you do you're just asking to get wrecked is silly


Everything is moe to me

put together the pieces, GAF.

why would he follow a rioter , a tech support twitter account for a telecommunications company and then focus on lots of writing?

theory 1:
phil has some breaking news about riot doing something big across the pond.

theory 2:
Riot Phil
I can tell you 100% I will not be a Riot employee any time soon as far as I know.

Eircom is my ISP and I asked them about when in May my area would be getting fibre.

I also follow a lot of Rioters and pro players already.

I also write reviews for a website and study journalims in college.

so neither of your theories are true :p

sorry Panda :p


I can tell you 100% I will not be a Riot employee any time soon as far as I know.

Eircom is my ISP and I asked them about when in May my area would be getting fibre.

I also follow a lot of Rioters and pro players already.

I also write reviews for a website and study journalims in college.

so neither of your theories are true :p

sorry Panda :p



yes but i would argue warding your own jungle isn't exactly difficult you just have to know to do it

there's a reason they're meta but acting like it's impossible to play other things and if you do you're just asking to get wrecked is silly

Never said impossible. Just that they are more susceptible to losing control early game. I agree with you. It's not an impossible task. I have more games on Sejuani than is sensible. I make her work.

But, concede they are non-meta for a reason. It's more work for the same results. Hence the lower tier.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Running HP yellows and two armor quints on an AD carry is pretty amazing.


Getting promoted to the next division (or rank w/e)? He is in promos and can't say anything yet because he hasn't won them.

Edit: Ryze question was completely related.
Getting promoted to the next division (or rank w/e)? He is in promos and can't say anything yet because he hasn't won them.

Edit: Ryze question was completely related.

I'd tell people if I was in promos :p

and the Ryze question was legitimately unrelated. Want to start practicing him to have a meta top laner but not gonna bother if I need mana runes.


completely unrelated, but does anyone here play a decent Ryze? Just wondering are mana runes necessary or could I get away without them?

I don't, but I just use my standard AP page as i'm building up ip for more runes and maybe Braum. AP Quints, MPen Reds, HP Yellows, MR Blues.

LS came out with another video. It's a lesson on Ryze top against melee toplaners showing movement/zoning for the matchup. 2:00 in he talks about runes, and masteries just before that. He uses flat mana if he knows he can get a kill pre-6, or scaling if he knows he won't be able to. So that prob answers your question.

Wait wait wait, the season rewards will be based on your highest tier again?
and the Ryze question was legitimately unrelated. Want to start practicing him to have a meta top laner but not gonna bother if I need mana runes.
They're not necessary at all
Reds blues and yellows are your usual stuff, Mpen HP and MR
For quints, flat AP, MS, Spell vamp, pick your poison.
Could be. My Thresh is legendary, just ask dobkeratops


completely unrelated, but does anyone here play a decent Ryze? Just wondering are mana runes necessary or could I get away without them?

You don't need them. At best, you can get a few mana pots if you keep running out.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
wow, dragonslayer panth's model does not do its splash art justice
Without a model update their options are limited. They put some really nice spell effects on it at least. I think it's about the best Pantheon could get right now.
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