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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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what is rito thinking
They're not. Barely anything ever gets done because stuff gets picked up and dropped at the drop of a hat.

They absolutely need better organisation. They're doing another SR facelift (which they've put under NDA even though people know it exists thanks to S@20 anyway)


I got two extra Curse voice keys sitting in my inbox so I've hidden them in the post. Quote to see.

29de4e86-d213-4442-90b6-6f1062772750 1a0f993c-e997-446e-b702-eafe08992b8e


well i don't see how anyone could find her fun :I

she's actually really satisfying to play when you're ahead, healing your team when they're just about to die, baiting the enemy in then turning and stomping fights, running through the whole enemy team spamming q with rylais getting slows on everyone while your team rips them apart, feels good man


OGN Champions SemiFinals are on now. Samsung Ozone vs Samsung Blue.

I'm finally up early enough to watch.



To win.

A mid/top Soraka with a few items is a monster that few know how to play against/pick against (at least in my Wood Tier elo).

I faced a Soraka top recently (Plat I - Diamond IV elo), left her 2 levels and 30 cs behind as Vladimir. A monster idd.


Mid Gangplank can be so good but it depends on who he's up against.
Won my recent match with another good team. I was mid against Oriana and Voli was our jungler. Our top, Wukong, was doing good too. I had some assist ganks and managed to wrack up kills and assists giving me a good chunk of gold to go offensive at the start. Afterwards I started to tank after getting BoRK.

Knowing Oriana's moves I tried to carefully position myself and chuck his Q at her with great results. The oriana player must've hated me since I killed her twice with my Q while she was at her turret and at one point my Ulti killed her while she was at another turret XD.
queue up in Team Builder as TF

*please don't be against LeBlanc please don't be against LeBlanc please don't be against LeBlanc please don't--*

enemy mid is LeBlanc

game pls


Mid Gangplank can be so good but it depends on who he's up against.
Won my recent match with another good team. I was mid against Oriana and Voli was our jungler. Our top, Wukong, was doing good too. I had some assist ganks and managed to wrack up kills and assists giving me a good chunk of gold to go offensive at the start. Afterwards I started to tank after getting BoRK.

Knowing Oriana's moves I tried to carefully position myself and chuck his Q at her with great results. The oriana player must've hated me since I killed her twice with my Q while she was at her turret and at one point my Ulti killed her while she was at another turret XD.

Careful with spamming your Q as harass. You'll go oom pretty quick and not have mana to cs with it.

Funny story. Last night I was Jayce against a GP toplane who ran TP. I was up two kills and over 30 cs around 15 mins. He respawns and teleports bot to pick up a quadra. Awesome.
Is Statikk's crit chance from the proc tied to your overall crit chance?
Yes and no. The proc has no crit chance per se, in order to crit the Shiv proc the attack that causes it to proc needs to be a crit. It's based on your crit chance but when the proc comes it'll only crit if you actually crit in that specific auto attack.
My TF is definitely better than it used to be. Not good enough to beat LeBlanc in lane (so close), but I made good plays around the map and locked gold cards appropriately 99% of the time. Still lost the game, but I can see myself improving.


My TF is definitely better than it used to be. Not good enough to beat LeBlanc in lane (so close), but I made good plays around the map and locked gold cards appropriately 99% of the time. Still lost the game, but I can see myself improving.

did you get that thing where even if you pick a red card intentionally some asshat on your team makes a "herp derp red card" comment?
did you get that thing where even if you pick a red card intentionally some asshat on your team makes a "herp derp red card" comment?

nah, I got the "LeBlanc is bot why aren't you pushing mid?" after I already got mid tower, proceeded to TP top, kill their top laner and take that tower as well.

TF's a fun guy.


Wanna know why me Roger is so Jolly?

Played this with my brother, he went bot as Jinx but fucked up real bad lol. Pretty sure he'll do better next time since he hasn't played in over a week.

Was top with Teemo against Warwick and Lee Sin, but Akali was getting kills left and right.
Built Hydra and Ninja Tabi first then made Spirit Visage followed by Randuin. Tankplank worked well and we managed to get the win. Our Oriana even got a Penta mid game!
Look at all them assists XD
Oh god. Full HP, Armor plus Thornmail Malph. I melted myself as Vayne. I probably should have bought BT and Wits instead of IE plus Shiv on top of my Zerk, BoRK, GA, LW.


CLG dropping hints that they are importing a new Korean top laner. Possible from Najiin. Hmm.

I guess according to MonteCristo this will make them 1/5th as strong as a korean team.


Ya I love the Yasuo/Nami combo. Heart was on point with his bubbles. I'll be rooting for Blaze to face Blue, but we'll see what happens!


Pretty much every enhanced physical attack uses Lifesteal. Kha Q doesn't since it's not really an enhanced auto attack. Enhanced magic auto-attack is a hit or miss with Spellvamp though (eg Jax W/R works, Teemo E doesnt)

Yeah, apparently I play lots of the champions who have exceptions to the lifesteal on on-hit physical damage rule. That's why I thought LS didn't work on bonus physical damage, TIL I guess. The Spellvamp/Rylais/Liandry's for on-hit magic damage is aggravatingly confusing. It depends entirely on how the abilitiy was coded with no logic to it at all and Riot apparently thinks that its perfectly acceptable to leave it this way.


What is the reason that I haven't seen Mundo that much in ranked anymore? He was banned a lot and I know they nerfed his cleaver width. Was there anything else that made him a less common toplaner? I feel like I'd see him a lot more with how popular heal has been.


Warwick with a higher ban rate than Vi, how far we've come

Warwick is so simplistic and strong right now. I'm shocked by everything that is warwick with Feral Flare. He still has serious mana issues but with flare he only needs mana pop his attack speed and gank.

And of course people in gold don't see the value of buying a QSS.


What is the reason that I haven't seen Mundo that much in ranked anymore? He was banned a lot and I know they nerfed his cleaver width. Was there anything else that made him a less common toplaner? I feel like I'd see him a lot more with how popular heal has been.
well % hp regen masteries and doran's shield were making him pretty strong and they were both nerfed


Warwick is so simplistic and strong right now. I'm shocked by everything that is warwick with Feral Flare. He still has serious mana issues but with flare he only needs mana pop his attack speed and gank.

And of course people in gold don't see the value of buying a QSS.

I was watching my buddy play his promos to get into gold last night. 4/5 of his games he picked Warwick lol..


Warwick is so simplistic and strong right now. I'm shocked by everything that is warwick with Feral Flare. He still has serious mana issues but with flare he only needs mana pop his attack speed and gank.

And of course people in gold don't see the value of buying a QSS.

The issue with getting a qss as e.g. a marksman is that it leaves you quite useless if you rush it and the game might be lost if you postpone it.


'Cuz she is broken. She can 2v1 easily.
she's just so boring tho

like i can understand going after lebonk, she's op and fun and flashy

soraka is just ehhh

not even really complaining, i just went lux vs soraka and just started flask+pots, got a lot of ap and tried not to fall too behind, then won the game by assisting other lanes better than her, but man was that a boring lane to play.

in general it's just an overall mentality thing, i pretty much always tryhard but i won't ever play a boring champion just cos he's broken. i've played like 2 games of ryze and that was my fill to know i'm not a fotm person
That's why you always have to harass Ryze. Never let him get free farm. Only issue is trusting your mid and bot lane to play it on the safe side since your jungler should be in top lane ganking him endlessly.

Do you understand how much damage Ryze has even at lvl 1 with just a mana crystal? I ran him with flat mana blues and yellows as well and made a Renekton back three times before lvl 6.

Yeah, apparently I play lots of the champions who have exceptions to the lifesteal on on-hit physical damage rule. That's why I thought LS didn't work on bonus physical damage, TIL I guess. The Spellvamp/Rylais/Liandry's for on-hit magic damage is aggravatingly confusing. It depends entirely on how the abilitiy was coded with no logic to it at all and Riot apparently thinks that its perfectly acceptable to leave it this way.

Probably because it'll break some champs, particularly AD casters. They'll shoot waaaay up if they can lifesteal whenever they do any damage.

But still, I hope Riot gives this a massive sweeping look, like a pre-season patch. If Lich Bane could actually use Spellvamp it would open more interesting builds. AP Kog's damage is very competitive, but he has a very massive issue with sustain since W doesn't proc spellvamp. AP Jax with Lich would be great if Lich actually used Spellvamp.
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