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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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Just lost a 1 hour match =_=
I was bot with Fizz against Miss Fortune and Lulu. Sadly we fed them early on, I can never get what Fizz wanted, should we go in, should we defend?
Managed to score like 20 kills but even with our Wukong Tanking it wasn't enough.

Guardian Angel didn't help much either...

isn't Fizz a late-game terror? Every time I play him he just keeps getting better and better as the game progresses. Have yet to play him in Summoner Rift though


On the subject of Nautilus, I wish Riot would stop dicking around and fix his W to make a more dependable source of damage. That's all he needs.
isn't Fizz a late-game terror? Every time I play him in not he just keeps getting better and better as the game progresses. Have yet to play him in Summoner Rift though
His effectiveness falls as the game goes on since people will start getting items to deal with his burst, specially with the new Exhaust


isn't Fizz a late-game terror? Every time I play him in not he just keeps getting better and better as the game progresses. Have yet to play him in Summoner Rift though

More of a Mid Game terror where you can assasinate whole teams by yourself if fed. At late game you probably can still nuke the carry but the rest of the team likely has some MR and high HP and will melt you if you don't GTFO.


You're talking about your own preferences again man. I'm not you. The other jungler mains in the world aren't you.

you might not want to learn new champs and stick with what you're good at but I am not you.

Stop making it out like all junglers are never satisfied and Fotm is a toxic thing. You can always play blind pick if you dont like the meta.

I feel like this discussion belongs in 2011

So much anger, Rex feeling the frustration of wriggle nerf.


was asleep but thanks for the replies peeps, specially dat soda lizzy picture lol

mega-quote incoming

Unfortunately, all competitive games have tiers. If you want to win, you got to stick to the meta. If you want to have fun, play whatever you want. For some winning = fun. Some people like to keep things interesting and playing different champs every couple of weeks. You like to play your particular pool of champions, that's fine. Ideally, every champ would be viable, but I don't think that is the case in any lane.
well i'm not diamond or anything but generally win more than i lose. nowadays not so much cos i haven't been playing enough ranked and have gotten pretty rusty but i do ok.

like i agree you won't ever get all champions to be balanced and they will always be tiers and whatever, but jungle seems specially unbalnaced towards the fotm chase. i wonder what could be done to remedy that, so that people can play whatever they want without hamstringing their team

Well, this line depends on the elo you are playing. If you're in diamond, choosing a weak jungle is as bad as choosing a weak mid.
i would say choosing a weak mid is actually not that bad. like i don't play diamond, just watch streams and whatever but i've seen bjergsen or voyboy or whatever run like fiora mid or ap alistar or things like that. it's not really a punishing lane if you play your champion right. and they weren't terribly successful or anything but they had a plan and stuck with it and it worked sometimes, sometimes it didn't.

but if someone in my team picks like fiora mid i wouldn't really mind, cos i know you can make almost anything work there. it won't be nearly as dumb as lebonk or ziggs or nidalee but it's not complete doom and i can just pick like a more pokey top to compensate and still save our team comp :I

Lots of reason, none of which I think have been stated.

1.) The jungle doesn't have years of built up orthodoxy like other positions. We've seen the competitive viability utility/support junglers, tank junglers, bruiser junglers, etc. People invest their time into those champions and would like to continue to play them without hamstringing their team - a reasonable request.

2.) The jungler is the keystone of the team. More than any other position, it's the jungler that enables the team's strategy because, among other reasons, the jungle allows for roaming (e.g. picking Vi into an assassin/burst comp) and can effectively hide important champions who would be liabilities in lane (e.g. Amumu into an AoE comp).

Since the beginning of season 2 Riot has a stated goal of broadening the viable jungle picks as much as possible, which in turn broadens the available strategies, which in turn broadens the viable lane picks. The majority of players who jungle a lot (in my opinion which I hold with zero facts) know this - some consciously, most unconsciously. When they complain that they want X jungler to be viable, they're saying they want Y team composition to be viable.
well what's weird is that it seems like every change rito makes doesn't really make more junglers be viable, just shifts the meta somewhere else and all the junglers move there

like as soon as elder lizard junglers became viable all ancient golem junglers disappeared. same with feral flare and elder lizard, tho feral flare is kinda dumb at the moment so that might get turned around

also it's weird you'd capitalize my name :p

It isn't like jungling was the only role impacted by changes this season. The pool of logical top lane champions drastically shrunk, and there's a greater emphasis on supports and top laners both to provide tankiness to their team. S3 jungle diversity has had problems because Rito broke Spirit Stone and machete to give higher returns to champions with high damage yields after making the jungle harder to clear.

Blatant item and champion imbalances have had an impact on every lane. You can still pick whatever you want and get away with it if you know what you're doing though, but life is hard when you don't conform to the meta regardless of role. Jungling is only super bad right now because of the introduction of Feral Flare, but top lane and support were/are huge problem areas for the entire season.
so much wrong about that picture, i love it

also agree on everything you've said, the issue is that i think jungling has been like this for as long as i've known it existed (maybe not entirely true, i don't fully remember), while top and support have had different less restrictive metas.

Lol, just about to do a promo game and we have Amumu jungle and they have Naut.
terbinator livin' the dream

My stance on the Feral Flare nerfs isn't so much influenced by the FoTM transitions that the jungle (all roles, for that matter) goes through; most are either mindnumbingly boring to me or I prefer to play them as laners (like Elise or Pantheon). I was just glad that after months and months of obscurity, Wriggles was finally in a decent enough state for me to buy it on jungle Trundle (with a worthwhile upgrade to boot) and now Riot is overdoing it with their attempts to tone it down.

You could make a valid argument against Feral Flare having infinite stacks and I'd likely agree, but the way they're handling its balance just irks me. It's not as if those that synergize with it are overbearingly strong either; said champions usually have straight-forward playstyles and are easily punished, yet there's a lot of belly-aching that *gasp* these previously underplayed champions like Xin Zhao (who's not that good imo) and Master Yi are now being dug up again with varying degrees of success. Meanwhile, for long periods of time Riot was perfectly content on only handing out babyslaps to Ancient Golem when it was the dominant Spirit Stone item. At a much slower rate than the time it took for them to get crackin' on "fixing" Feral Flare, in a case of double-standards regarding jungle builds. Now if they gave it something meaningful in return it wouldn't be so bad, but currently they aren't despite their claims to reprioritize its team-oriented benefits. Damage is being toned down once more (when they already did a few times before) which I don't necessarily object to, the extra gold passive remains at 30% even though at 40% it still nearly always yielded drastically lower gold income than the Spirit Stone line and the upgrade still requires 30 stacks. Maybe Wriggles receiving the ability to build up stacks on kills and assists will be a significant improvement, but I doubt it.
hmm i personally don't like anything about feral flare, i don't like the junglers it enables and i don't like the idea of carry junglers in the sense of junglers just winning the game thru raw stats. i don't really agree that if a guy goes unpunished and gets to play pve he's allowed to hyperscale, but i don't really like super late game champions like ryze and vayne and jax in the first place so you know, adding hyperscaling to another lane, that i'm not a big fan of

the old cliche of having your nasus farm each little wraith with q while they're 4 manning mid is just something infinite scaling does to people, and i don't like an item that promotes playing like that, even if people should know better. so yea i kinda would like adding a cap to it, that'd be pretty much exactly what i want

other than that i just don't like warwick or shyvanna or master yi or whatever, so if it were up to me i'll just remove it and be done with it :p

When we getting braum?

Want my liss skin
want my syndra skin


felt really weird for heal to "counter" ignite when it's always been the other way around

it's very silly how much rito messed up new heal lol


Here Newt (and other people that play AD): http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/408222#runes

That guy is one of the better AD carry players. The returns on Lifesteal quints are just too low after the changes.
Doran's blade offers 3hp per hit. Feast returns 3hp on minion kill. If I'm running 4.5% LS and I have 80 AD, that's 3.6hp. Before the nerfs, a hit would grant you 4.8hp. Not a huge change for me.

I'll try his armour page though, and see if I like it.


It's not that bad anymore with the nerfs.

Emphasis on with the nerfs. It should never have made it to Live. Even as a selfish summoner spell it was better than Barrier. Everyone jumped on heal ASAP it was so blatant. Even down in the depths of Wood 5 the people I play against immediately switched, no need for trickle down knowledge from higher ranks. Hell, I faced triple heal before I ever saw it on a stream.

ZkYLOn said:
well what's weird is that it seems like every change rito makes doesn't really make more junglers be viable, just shifts the meta somewhere else and all the junglers move there

like as soon as elder lizard junglers became viable all ancient golem junglers disappeared. same with feral flare and elder lizard, tho feral flare is kinda dumb at the moment so that might get turned around

also it's weird you'd capitalize my name :p

Yeah, hence why I said Riot's stated goal is to broaden the jungle, not that they have broadened it. Two entirely different things once you throw in Riot's crack balance team in the mix.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Doran's blade offers 3hp per hit. Feast returns 3hp on minion kill. If I'm running 4.5% LS and I have 80 AD, that's 3.6hp. Before the nerfs, a hit would grant you 4.8hp. Not a huge change for me.

I'll try his armour page though, and see if I like it.
It's kind of a big deal with what you're missing out on. Attack speed and armor quints are both so strong that it's hard to see how three and a half HP per hit could really make up for it. Like...you almost might have more sustain just from running attack speed quints.


Crazy ass ARAM now. ARAM games shouldn't go this long. This was stressful with both nexus turrets down for like 15 minutes lol. Always someone from either team stayed alive >_> until we managed to ace the last TF.


Yeah, hence why I said Riot's stated goal is to broaden the jungle, not that they have broadened it. Two entirely different things once you throw in Riot's crack balance team in the mix.
maybe it's more of a jungle layout thing or something and it can't be just solved with items and champions nerfs/buffs


Mmmm nothing I like more than a well fed Gangplank.
Me and Poppy rocked the top lane and I scored a dozen kills against Yi and Jinx. Bot was Sona and Pantheon but they did good too.
The biggest threat was Katarina, bitch would wipe out my HP like it was NOTHING. I died twice in this game and only to her, but thankfully we managed to win the game by the end :)


The returns on Lifesteal quints are just too low after the changes.

Remember' it isn't because LS quints returns are too low, its that AS quints returns are higher than LS quints now

That high AS at lv 1 makes your attack animation so much smoother and it just gives you an easier time CSing and harassing it's like night and day


Support rammus and then a second pick vayne into caitlyn

Newt please, help me close out this diamond promo. Bot lane is too heavy.


It's kind of a big deal with what you're missing out on. Attack speed and armor quints are both so strong that it's hard to see how three and a half HP per hit could really make up for it. Like...you almost might have more sustain just from running attack speed quints.
I'll probably get an additional page with two armour Quints and one LS. I don't really play ADCs that need much attspd.
Support rammus and then a second pick vayne into caitlyn

Newt please, help me close out this diamond promo. Bot lane is too heavy.
Idiot jungler doesn't gank gg wp.
IMO Heal should only be healing. No status cleansing, no move speed, nothing but pure HP.

Cleanse should be an anti CC spell and should get a MS boost because that actually makes sense.

Barrier should counter burst and as well as a temporary shield, should give you armour and MR while the shield is active.


just had a bot game were I did almost three times the combined damage of my entire team
turns out they were all between lvl 8-21


lifesteal is definitely hit pretty hard but
it is also one of the few options for a bad matchup/you don't really know how to trade correctly, giving you 1-2 hp regen per auto early on. you can also run armor in this situation tho
even before the rune changes lifesteal wasn't really the most effective in its slot
atspd blues are interesting

the only guy I run lifesteal on now is jax and I get feast also
This is awful. There are way too many smurfs running around at low levels. No Lv6-10 buys wards, and harasses with AAs well while CSing. There's also so much trashtalking. I make it a point to stomp those specific trashtalkers. I feel bad for all the legit newcomers.


yeah it seems like a legit bad thing, and the idea that you can wait until you get stomped into ppl closer to your skill level is kinda messed up


14-2 win streak with morgana, reach diamond promos, lose 0-3. Happened 3 times in s3, never reached diamond...

/uninstall LoL
/install Dota2
Doran's blade offers 3hp per hit. Feast returns 3hp on minion kill. If I'm running 4.5% LS and I have 80 AD, that's 3.6hp. Before the nerfs, a hit would grant you 4.8hp. Not a huge change for me.

I'll try his armour page though, and see if I like it.

I'd only take LS quints at this point if I was playing Draven due to how much his Q does early on.

On a side note, I just played Ryze top a few times and oh my lord, is that shit broken.




Just came back after a riven went 16-2 and we were down 22-9. The Kayle who fed Riven just started pushing top and everyone ignored her since who cares, we're winning. That gave us much needed gold. Swain and me as morg just started rooting everyone and since there was absolutely no MR, we just tore them to shreds in team fights. Was glorious. The riven just gave up after the throws


That's why you always have to harass Ryze. Never let him get free farm. Only issue is trusting your mid and bot lane to play it on the safe side since your jungler should be in top lane ganking him endlessly.


14-2 win streak with morgana, reach diamond promos, lose 0-3. Happened 3 times in s3, never reached diamond...

/uninstall LoL
/install Dota2
Maybe you should duo with Rex. If you're both doing great other than the diamond promo, your powers combined will make you get past it (or combine for double the terrible games if that's how your passive works).


I'd only take LS quints at this point if I was playing Draven due to how much his Q does early on.

On a side note, I just played Ryze top a few times and oh my lord, is that shit broken.

Unless his Q is an exception (which I doubt) the bonus damage on Q shouldn't provide lifesteal.

Edit: Apparently it does apply lifesteal. Pretty surprised by that, actually.
This is bull. I was 14/3 Vayne. Their Yi was 22/something. I can still 1v1 him, but get out barely alive. We could still win the game but for reasons unknown our Volibear decided to dance at the fountain for the last 20 mins. It's a shame since their Jinx was pretty much a non-issue and I had to somehow avoid getting blown up by the rest (Yi, Zyra, Vlad, Amumu).

Unless his Q is an exception (which I doubt) the bonus damage on Q shouldn't provide lifesteal.

Edit: Apparently it does apply lifesteal. Pretty surprised by that, actually.

Pretty much every enhanced physical attack uses Lifesteal. Kha Q doesn't since it's not really an enhanced auto attack. Enhanced magic auto-attack is a hit or miss with Spellvamp though (eg Jax W/R works, Teemo E doesnt)
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