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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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Blech. Decided to try Shyv top. Laned against Vlad. Obviously can't do squat. Jungle Udyr: "B-b-but muh stacks!". Tried farming golems. He actually flashed just to smite the big one from me.

Vlad's level 1-2 is comically weak. I'd start boots/4 pots, push the wave so you hit 2 first, if he doesn't play super passive until your creep wave reaches the tower, he's probably going to have to burn summoners or die outright if his jungler isn't in the neighborhood. His q at level 1 is a 10 second cooldown, and his autos do like nothing compared to yours.

It's not really a bad matchup unless Vlad gets to level 9-10 without much hassle (or gets ahead from ganks) and you're underfarmed. Once you get BotRK and cowl, he has a lot of problems dealing with you.

Fairly common mistake is to just back off whenever Vlad q's you, but if you're aware of how long the cooldown is initially and you're playing a top laner that is a damage threat early (Shy definitely is) and can get on top of him, he's not that bad.


Blech. Decided to try Shyv top. Laned against Vlad. Obviously can't do squat. Jungle Udyr: "B-b-but muh stacks!". Tried farming golems. He actually flashed just to smite the big one from me.
I'm kind of with Udyr on this one. If you can't get tanky enough to farm (or let the tower go down and farm) with Shyv, you clearly don't deserve the dragon lady. :p

But most of all, it's the worst thing in the world when laners start eating jungle stacks, especially now that it's 30 stacks, especially if the laners start doing it early, especially if the laners ignore waves of 10+ minions to take the jungle instead.

I may have had a game or two where a laner would try to follow me around the jungle to steal camps from me even early game, just because they were upset and wanted to troll.

Side note, speaking of Vlad, I got him in ARAM yesterday. I was confused because his E description says it increases the cost and damage, but the tooltip doesn't increase. Kassadin's R and Kogmaw's R both show the increase even in the tooltip when they stack, right?
Guess I am starting to like jungle, my Vi can Gank more easy but god lord when the three lines are in troube I am moving non stop, its awesome. I am still want to buy Sejuani, she will get buffs in the next patch right?

Don't bother you're not missing much. Whole show was a cocktease.

it died when the prot got supa powa and everything went cliche land.
Vlad's level 1-2 is comically weak. I'd start boots/4 pots, push the wave so you hit 2 first, if he doesn't play super passive until your creep wave reaches the tower, he's probably going to have to burn summoners or die outright if his jungler isn't in the neighborhood. His q at level 1 is a 10 second cooldown, and his autos do like nothing compared to yours.

It's not really a bad matchup unless Vlad gets to level 9-10 without much hassle (or gets ahead from ganks) and you're underfarmed. Once you get BotRK and cowl, he has a lot of problems dealing with you.

Fairly common mistake is to just back off whenever Vlad q's you, but if you're aware of how long the cooldown is initially and you're playing a top laner that is a damage threat early (Shy definitely is) and can get on top of him, he's not that bad.

The Vlad I played against was really good. I got Lv2 first, tried to get to him but nope he knew so he played safe. He was always at the edge of his range. Whenever I W'd at him after he Q'd a minion, either he's still out of reach or my W went out. I knew I can duel him early on so I even opened with a DBlade. I tried intentionally being a Q target so that I'd be closer, but nope he still gets out quickly. It got to a point where I couldn't even farm under my tower, which was when I tried farming golems and Udyr flash smited the big one. Vlad would gladly eat a tower shot for a Q, then just Q again to heal it. IDK how else I could have played that one.

Our Udyr just kept farming. All I needed was one gank to put me ahead of Vlad.

so anyone played kassadin this patch?

ran against him in arams

he felt broken again :/

Played him 2 nights ago. Got superfed (20/7/15 something) despite laning against Velkoz+Kat. I went a bit as a beefy initiator/chaser early on with RoA + Gauntlet. Maxed RQWE. Q shield is just too good to pass up against AP laners since it will eat magic harass. I barely got scraped in lane. He feels like he's actually good as an anti-mage instead of anti-everyone.


yeah i got ahri and just couldn't do anything to him.

lost 4 arams in a row, even if i got ori, ahri and syndra

i'm pretty bummed :<
Supa Hot Crew doing a TSM and benching (at least temporarily) their support Migxa for attitude/not working hard enough

evidence that support is boring: everyone that gets benched for not playing enough soloq is a support

Patoy, Xpecial, now Migxa

edit: krepo's stream is usually pretty popular. qtpie's stream basically counts as a dual stream with him and kiwi so that sorta counts.
I'd buy that argument if it was EARLY harass, but Ryze can shut down most top laners completely from lvl 1 through the entire game. There is simply no answer for it unless you can rush lvl 2 and nuke him somehow, and even then it's impossible to do unless you can get on Ryze without flash.
He's not nearly as strong against champions with ranged attacks in top lane as he is against the typical melees. If he could trade or harrass that well against anyone, you'd be seeing him mid more often too so that he wouldn't share the same "gank this sumbitch" vulnerability the way he does elsewhere. Hell, even that exhaustive video from a few pages back commented on how "Ryze shouldn't really be able to kill Mundo or Rumble" (among other examples) if the opposing players are decently skilled at the match-up, or something along those lines. Someone like Trundle or Shyvanna on the other hand wouldn't be able to do much against Ryze however, yeah.


yeah i got ahri and just couldn't do anything to him.

lost 4 arams in a row, even if i got ori, ahri and syndra

i'm pretty bummed :<

He is like ryze, except with more mobility. Especially in this meta where most cc heavy jungler is no longer popular. The only reason he is so strong because his w gave him infinite mana, so he can just spam spells/shield nonstop.

May be they should nerf or take off the mana regen from hitting minions.


I'm sad I didn't get the most out of the rune sale. Wasn't playing enough LoL.

I did pick up CDR runes, flat health seals, health/lvl seals and attack speed quints. But I think I still need hybrid pen quints and cdr/lvl. Oh well.

I'll save my IP now for pages and/or Braum.


are you guys playing him mid or top?

is his laning mid still sorta rough?

Kass? Mid since there some of the match up top is scary. Thanks to his q shield and infinite mana, he doesn't bully lane, but he had no problem out trading most ap champion with a bunch of potion.


Now I want to duo with someone playing Morg as Varus. I love Varus.

I had an awesome bot lane duo in two of my games last night. They did Morg/Graves. Wrecked bot lane both games.

Morg in general is just strong. Those bindings last forever.


Now I want to duo with someone playing Morg as Varus. I love Varus.

I had an awesome bot lane duo in two of my games last night. They did Morg/Graves. Wrecked bot lane both games.

Morg in general is just strong. Those bindings last forever.
It's near Fiddlesticks fear in duration at max level, isn't it? 2.5 seconds off the top of my head for Morgana snare?

That's a long time to sit there and ponder one's poor choices in life.
Couldn't connect to 3 games in the past week (OCE) due to the "please check your firewall" error and ended up with a Leaver Buster warning. There is nothing wrong with my firewall when it works with LoL 90% of the time.

It definitely has to do with Riot's servers and how I connect to them for each match. I found a solution on the forums by using VPN software to connect to a US proxy to connect to the OCE game. Which means I get 300+ ping, which is pretty bad but at least it's better than dropping a game because of Riot's crappy servers.
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