looks like the korean player clg are trying out is this guy called seraph
The Syndra skin is good, just unimaginative.
The Syndra skin is good, just unimaginative.
next level
am i wrong to play morgana support?
i've rarely played support before. when i did, it was almost exclusively with janna and nami and that was last season too.
next level
am i wrong to play morgana support?
Why is irelia a thing now? A rework, the rune changes, some combination?
am i wrong to play morgana support?
i've rarely played support before. when i did, it was almost exclusively with janna and nami and that was last season too.
seriously fuck heal and fuck soraka mid, warwick mid and all of that shit
laned against a leblanc running barrier
you done fuck it up riot, people are going insane
yea it's less so that i can't kill them, a lot of them even carry like ignite or something, but it's so fucking boringMorellonomicon?
Fuck Ryze.
They should revert his buffs... they're stupid as shit.
Lost another promo 1-3.
Making progress.
Is it true you don't lose MMR when you lose in promos? Heard that somewhere. Could be why I feel I get paired against pretty good people.
Insec leaves KTB.
Koreans trying to overtake NA drama.
why is irelia a ryze counterpick?
Disappointing Blaze is disappointing :|
So my tf dies twice to ziggs before 10minutes then starts intentionally feeding by suiciding into turrets with his ult
Luckily top and bot were ahead enough to carry this shitty mid lane. He practically afked until he saw me and twitch solo the enemy team.
"Ok, i'll start trying"
Go fuck yourself.
Maybe not the feeding aspect, but if that glum feeling when you have a shite opening to a game isn't the worst then I don't know what is.
Jungle Twitch UGH.
Nearly every gank gets a kill. I was ganking so often that I questioned my Wriggles, which turned into Feral Flare at ~28mins. Despite that, WOW. Every lane is still losing hardcore. I got Morgana 3 ganks and she went 2/0. I was busy helping other lanes when she asked for help again. 2/3?? One of us got picked off at dragon so it was a free dragon for the 5 enemies there. Morgana decides to go alone.
I can't help but cringe whenever I score a kill in a gank then hearing the other lanes died at the same time. Kennen DC'd at the last third but reconnected for the last 4 mins. He was way too behind that Lucian Q->passive chunked him down to 25%.
Jungle Twitch soundskickass GONNa try that later
Maybe not the feeding aspect, but if that glum feeling when you have a shite opening to a game isn't the worst then I don't know what is.
Oh my god. That twitch. This is a plat game???