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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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Can you next time during the regular meetings with your peers, to suggest something about fixing Corkis Q and R back to what it was and something along the lines of "let's nerf Draven."
Can you next time during the regular meetings with your peers, to suggest something about fixing Corkis Q and R back to what it was and something along the lines of "let's nerf Draven."

but I like Corki Q. it does like a billion damage

and I like Draven too. I was like og draven when he released and people thought he sucked


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
you can just build feral flare and botrk and then go tanky and he's fine. He's not master yi good late, but he has much more mid game presence. really good for exploiting other weak junglers too.
I don't really think his early game sustain/damage is good enough to invade on someone weak, especially when he's lacking an escape mechanism. You can go down a lifesteal path with him but it doesn't have the impact that build would see on the other popular junglers, but his kit is weak and predictable in a way that doesn't give him the leverage other Feral Flare junglers would have.



Lol. Yas is actually my most played in ranked. I just stopped playing him top when ppl stopped picking tankier top laners.

Lee has always been a problem for me in top lane. Last season when I played a ton a Trynd, Lee was that one champ I couldnt beat. Now i'm playing a lot of Ryze and once again Lee Sin is the champ that destroyed me. I just cant get out of my own way. Constantly getting hit by his Q. I'll figure it out one day.


Last time I fought a Lee Sin I was Gangplank and managed to hold my own. What makes Gangplank's Q so good is that you just need to hover your mouse over the target and mash the button.
For some reason few are those who are able to react to my poking offensivly.
Nami = GGYI.

Alpha Strike on someone? Throw bubble. Kill Yi. Laugh.

maybe if they're full damage Yi and engaging (aka are dumb)

but if you build feral flare and botrk, then banshee's and randuins, you do absurd damage and practically never die and it's useless to focus you.

he's honestly completely ridiculous.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
maybe if they're full damage Yi and engaging (aka are dumb)

but if you build feral flare and botrk, then banshee's and randuins, you do absurd damage and practically never die and it's useless to focus you.

he's honestly completely ridiculous.
taking notes

I'm still new to the idea of the feral flare stuff. All I did was jungle before and I've missed way too many updates to just jump back in right now.

Also seems I missed the rune sale.
taking notes

I'm still new to the idea of the feral flare stuff. All I did was jungle before and I've missed way too many updates to just jump back in right now.

Also seems I missed the rune sale.

Yi's so versatile right now in his builds. You can build based on what your team needs. Like if your team already has a tanky bruiser, you can afford to build more damage. But if your team has Trynd top and Kat mid like mine, we already had a heap of damage so building tanky with only one or two damage items was so beneficial cos I was still getting triple and quadra kills, but I could hardly be killed either.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Yi's so versatile right now in his builds. You can build based on what your team needs. Like if your team already has a tanky bruiser, you can afford to build more damage. But if your team has Trynd top and Kat mid like mine, we already had a heap of damage so building tanky with only one or two damage items was so beneficial cos I was still getting triple and quadra kills, but I could hardly be killed either.

I'd love to go back to jungle and try him with it but I think its best that I get the most out of my long break and return by trying a new primary role for a while.

He's also a champ I somehow avoided ever picking up too. Even on my old account.

Also, the stress of having to deal with ppl begging for ganks being gone is such a relief too lol


I'd love to go back to jungle and try him with it but I think its best that I get the most out of my long break and return by trying a new primary role for a while.

He's also a champ I somehow avoided ever picking up too. Even on my old account.

Also, the stress of having to deal with ppl begging for ganks being gone is such a relief too lol

You'd never get to play him in a draft game though.


random afternoon arams

get a diamond 1 and diamond 3 in my team

diamond 1 goes 0 9 3 on nami

diamond 3 rushes bjork on graves

i actually just looked the game up on op.gg expecting them to be like bronze 5
the new League of Legends facebook page cover photo is pretty damn cool



We just got a normal game with a couple of challengers. It was a fun game, and we managed to outplay them during laning phase, but they consistently got towers and drakes better than us. They were in a 4 man premade though.



We just got a normal game with a couple of challengers. It was a fun game, and we managed to outplay them during laning phase, but they consistently got towers and drakes better than us. They were in a 4 man premade though.

For my random afternoon ranked, I ended up with Morgana twice, supporting Twitch both times, because someone else took jungle, or the other team picked Xin very early before I could grab him.

It seemed to go well in laning phase both times, but both games suffered from the trend of people wandering aimlessly. Like, remember how awesome that in-lane synergy was? Now the ADC will hardly ever be near a lane or objective again, let's definitely not stay together. :p The first Twitch said he hated me (he was on a winning streak) and muted me...after he'd gone like 8/2 in lane. So I guess I played really badly after that, and we got crushed.

Both games also had one of the bottom laners (support in one case, ADC in the other) leave within like 5-8 minutes. The problem in the first game was that the leaver was Karma, who roamed mid and top to lane 2v1. We didn't push bottom lane hard enough to take lots of towers (only got 2 + part of inhib tower) so it helped the other team crush us instead.

The problem in the second game was that the ADC left, but then bought feral flare and farmed jungle for a long time so he could become strong. We managed to win but it was difficult to convince people to group to kill bulidings.

I need to learn how to do well with Ryze. When I've tried him in ARAM with lots of mana, he just gets crushed even with tank items, and barely does damage. Unless you get lots of CDR, trying to Q/W/Q/E combo also takes too long for Q to come back up, and if you leave E last then you're wasting its MR shred, right? But in Summoner's Rift I see Ryze's doing great.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
What's a solid uncommon top to try out?

Outside of Quinn. Because she rocks.
played my first ranked as jayce today and had a 2-0 lead on a fiora

then she hit 6 and one thing lead to another and she got 27 kills that game.

but then i played blitzcrank in a normal and had fun
yeah, those guys are the perfect fit for Dig. they now have players that can carry from every lane. Will be interesting to see how they mesh, cos if they do they'll be a formidable team.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Was going to say Quinn myself, completely screws any melee that goes up there.

I'm enjoying Liss top myself.

Maybe an AD kennen? Watched Wings shit on a jax with it.

I don't know about Kennen... but he's cheap and I've heard a lot of good things about so I'll go ahead and give him a shot soon. Lissandra seems like fun too. I didn't like her mdi but top does seem more her speed. Appreciate the recommendations.
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