Hmm so I get the red buff first, by when I should be Level 2, by then I should have what Q and E abilities learned? Stealth, gank with my top or mid, then go back to jungling and taking down blue last in my jungle path.Been playing him a lot recently. I go red->gank->camp->blue. A lot of people don't expect very early ganks. Also, his lane ganks are very good but you really need to get a feel of the enemy's sight range without enough levels on Q. My skill order is QWE then RQEW.
I tested both Lizard and Wriggles. He doesn't feel optimal with either to be honest. He's very very heavy on auto attacks which makes Feral desirable, but he can get so many ganks which makes Lizard desirable. I ended up going with Feral for the clears. When I gank, I find that the best position is to appear behind them to block their exit(s) at max AA range if possible. I try sticking closer to my laner just in case the enemy Leb looks at me funny.
He's prone to getting counterjungled though. I got harassed pretty hardcore by Eve in one game, but we managed to win.
What abilities are best learned asap with Twitch Jungle? Q or E?