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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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Curse would benifit from a better shotcaller. They are a pretty innovative team most likely coming from coaches/analysts. Quas is solid and voy can be with practice. Cop has come a long way and can actually do well. Don't forget mf is back.
Dominate is the only one I'm not so fond of.


Is there any way to escape a glitched game? I've been trapped in an endless reconnect/can't connect loop for the past couple hours.

Edit: apparently posting about it fixes it



1. C9
2. CLG
3. TSM
4. LMQ
5. Dig
6. Crs

CRS all ways gets fourth. It's destiny, you can't change it. To be honest thought the top sixth this split should be really competitive. I could see Complexity having a really poor record if teams just abuse Westrice.

EDIT: If this Xpecial thing is true I could see Saint coming back to replace Dominate. Dominate would be the weakest member by far and didn't perform too well last split like Voyboy. Hopefully this won't be the only change Curse makes but it does make Curse's bot lane top tier now.
The upshot of all these changes does seem to be that NA is going to be stronger and more interesting to watch than EU in the coming split. You have C9 as a "constant" to compare teams against, TSM and CLG looking to catch up to them with strong additions, while Dignitas and Curse hope to close the gap on the top teams partly due to signing new players. LMQ arrive, the Chinese newcomers expected to be competitve with most teams having dominated the Challenger scene. EG might have roster changes of their own - they've acknowledge jungle and bot lane as places they're considering other options. It is likely CLB will struggle, but they are at least new blood.

Meanwhile in Europe, Fnatic, SK, Alliance and ROCCAT will be unchanged and likely similar to where they were in the last split, but Gambit and CW will have to deal with big holes in their teams as a result of departures. SHC will have a new support and might be able to challenge the top teams with him, which is what's getting me most excited about EU, as I'm a big fan of MrRallez and have always suspected his support held him back somewhat. Millenium seem likely to struggle again.

I'm hyped for NA Summer Split but a sanguine on EU. Hope it proves to be fun to watch all the same, though.
the thing i'd say is in silver, don't worry about team comp at all - just play the game, a teemo mid isn't gonna lose you the game when everyone is making a million mistakes constantly

He gets outranged and out scaled by Velkoz in every way. I'm not going to play on a team that doesn't even work well late game in the hope their team is better than ours.


He gets outranged and out scaled by Velkoz in every way. I'm not going to play on a team that doesn't even work well late game in the hope their team is better than ours.

this is a ridiculous way to think when you're in silver, there's a pretty good chance that velkoz would play awfully and your teemo would get fed as hell but then you'd still lose because everyone would make awful lategame decisions and get caught

if you're in silver you should just be playing games instead of waiting on dodge timers, it'd be way better for you


this is a ridiculous way to think when you're in silver, there's a pretty good chance that velkoz would play awfully and your teemo would get fed as hell but then you'd still lose because everyone would make awful lategame decisions and get caught
Similarly, wouldn't there be a pretty good chance the teemo would play awfully and the vel'koz would get fed, and then you'd still win because everyone would make awful lategame decisions and get caught?

I mean dodging like 5 times is only one game worth of LP so I can sort of understand it, but you might as well play them and accept the results or whatnot, unless it's a losing streak. In bronze and silver a lot of games basically seem to be a coinflip on what happens 35 minutes in.
They do completely different things.

Okay then, I believe Velkoz is the better champ.
this is a ridiculous way to think when you're in silver, there's a pretty good chance that velkoz would play awfully and your teemo would get fed as hell but then you'd still lose because everyone would make awful lategame decisions and get caught
What's ridiculous is playing with a handicap when I don't need to.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Okay then, I believe Velkoz is the better champ.
There is not some great disparity between Vel'koz and other champions. People can win with whatever and there are loads of variables. The game isn't decided in champion select.


like, do what you want, play the game your way but don't moan and claim you absolutely had to dodge because your midlaner had the audacity to pick teemo into velkoz


WTF, does skipping seeing the stats also result in you not getting any IP? I did that a match just now because the screen wouldn't switch over and I don't seem to have gotten any IP >_>;
except you're killing your lp by dodging in perfectly win-able games

But I'm not. I'm losing 3LP instead of ~20 when some chump has decided not to pick an ADC.
like, do what you want, play the game your way but don't moan and claim you absolutely had to dodge because your midlaner had the audacity to pick teemo into velkoz

Re-read what I wrote. Teemo into a Velkoz and me being forced into my weakest role. I'm not moaning because I had to dodge this specific game. I'm moaning because I've had to do it os many times this week when I've ha dout and out useless comps like the aforementioned no ADC.
There is not some great disparity between Vel'koz and other champions. People can win with whatever and there are loads of variables. The game isn't decided in champion select.
But it helps if you have a good team comp. We didn't.

don't you main nami?

shouldnt you be spamming thresh/leona for your elo if you believe in picking the better champ all the time?

I don't believe Thresh and Leona is better though. Leona's trashy, but categorically better? Nah.

32 minute match.

Is there a reason I'm getting stuck with players like this? Does Team Builder mode start MMR from scratch or something? I'm did more damage than the entire team combined. I had 3x farm the enemy Singed had at 15 minutes (something like 120 to 40) but the team was already down something like 2-12 (both my kills solo top).

It's been consistently like this. Someone always extremely heavy at a key position. 0/10 junglers, 3/18 Brand mids, 2/12 junglers, 1/12 ADC's with 40 cs @ 30 minutes. It's like I started a new account or something. Except the other team is usually pretty competent.



32 minute match.

Is there a reason I'm getting stuck with players like this? Does Team Builder mode start MMR from scratch or something? I'm did more damage than the entire team combined. I had 3x farm the enemy Singed had at 15 minutes (something like 120 to 40) but the team was already down something like 2-12 (both my kills solo top).

It's been consistently like this. Someone always extremely heavy at a key position. 0/10 junglers, 3/18 Brand mids, 2/12 junglers, 1/12 ADC's with 40 cs @ 30 minutes. It's like I started a new account or something. Except the other team is usually pretty competent.
I suspect team builder mode at least partly started from scratch, since skill levels seemed to vary pretty wildly when I started.
Ya im pretty sure team builder has its own mmr.

ah okay. I'll just stop playing it, then. I like it because I can practice champs over and over until I'm satisfied with the progress...but these matches are otherwise a hotass mess. It literally feels like I'm playing with people that are still leveling to 30. The positioning mistakes, the inability to last-hit, etc. It's numbing.


“My goals have shifted. I no longer long for only competition,” said Xpecial. “I long for victories at the world stage; something that has alluded me all of my career.


dammmmit i was just trying to say he used the wrong word dammit

tsm website news of legend getting many hitz

it's probably more a case of $, curse probably approached regi with the most cash

notice oddone super streamer getting nice tsm sendoff severance package and xpecial floundering fish streamer getting kicked in the nuts

yo lord pewt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-P3NSalFTc


So I played with this Jax that went 2/12. (We could have won if he had teleport, who doesn't get tele on Jax).

The very next queue the same kid appears in my lobby and picks zed and goes 0/10.

Why am I so unlucky QQ


So I played with this Jax that went 2/12. (We could have won if he had teleport, who doesn't get tele on Jax).

The very next queue the same kid appears in my lobby and picks zed and goes 0/10.

Why am I so unlucky QQ
That's not bad luck...that's just stupidity. 3lp dodge

(unless you had dodged before)


Uninstalled League. I'm done with this game for a while. This community weighs you down and down and it hasn't been fun in like a month.
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