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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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That awkard moment you write something in twitch chat, and suddenly a friend (that you know in real life) says hi, and you start chatting about life. (In spanish)

Pretty weird. lol.
I have reached a new conclusion: Top Jayce needs Flash AND Teleport. If you want to dominate the entire map and your lane, anyway. Certainly, Ignite is really good for finishing someone off before they can get away...but Teleport is just so good. Free trip back to the fountain without losing any cs, quick rotations to other lanes for ganks/pushes...it's just really good. So much presence.



Suggestions on how I could have altered my build to have given the team a better chance? I feel like maybe I should have sold something for a Randuin's or Frozen Heart since Noc didn't buy any tank items for god knows what reason. Jinx just kept trying to be up front and getting subsequently blown up. I ended up doing 7k more damage than anyone on the enemy team and 10k more than anyone on my team, while sitting at #3 in damage taken in the game. Ultimately, the combination of (a) not having a tanky initiator and (b) the ADC constantly being out of position cost us a pretty well-contested game (we had a 4k gold lead in the end), but for some reason it never really felt like we had an advantage at any point (other than my lane which I dominated vs Cho).
I tried 2x armour and 1x AD quint with 9x HP seals on ADC (Doublelift style) and really like it. The buffed HP gives you a good deal of tankiness and even gives you a psychological edge because your lifebar always seems larger than your opponent's and is harder to whittle down. The decreased damage taken seems to offset the lack of lifesteal.


I have reached a new conclusion: Top Jayce needs Flash AND Teleport. If you want to dominate the entire map and your lane, anyway. Certainly, Ignite is really good for finishing someone off before they can get away...but Teleport is just so good. Free trip back to the fountain without losing any cs, quick rotations to other lanes for ganks/pushes...it's just really good. So much presence.



Suggestions on how I could have altered my build to have given the team a better chance? I feel like maybe I should have sold something for a Randuin's or Frozen Heart since Noc didn't buy any tank items for god knows what reason. Jinx just kept trying to be up front and getting subsequently blown up. I ended up doing 7k more damage than anyone on the enemy team and 10k more than anyone on my team, while sitting at #3 in damage taken in the game. Ultimately, the combination of (a) not having a tanky initiator and (b) the ADC constantly being out of position cost us a pretty well-contested game (we had a 4k gold lead in the end), but for some reason it never really felt like we had an advantage at any point (other than my lane which I dominated vs Cho).

when you pick jayce you are usually pigeonholing your team into a particular strat
you group and poke and disengage/kite

this is because he is outdueled by a lot of top laners, and like you mentioned, taking away an initiator position from your team

jayce can do really good though, like in the situation where you destroy your lane you can also push top really deep so it draws pressure onto your side of the map. if you ward nicely you should be able to avoid dying pretty easily, but this kind of also assumes that your teammates are getting stuff done elsewhere.

your build could be more efficient (jayce benefits from raw ad...if you're trying to poke) but it's not really a big deal

jayce is something that should be picked with the rest of your team in mind rather than as a generic tank/splitter top lane, which have more situations where success can be found


Suggestions on how I could have altered my build to have given the team a better chance?
I main Jayce and I've played him in about 500 ranked games or so, I'll give my opinion.

Bloodthirster>IE is pretty critical, I've only bought IE 3 or 4 times and that was when I was so far ahead that I felt I could get away with a troll build. Trinity force is also not a great item, it costs too much for how small of a power boost it gives you, raw damage or defensive items are much more effective in that slot. In the game you linked you probably should've gone BV or MoM instead of tri-force. With a BV+BT you'd be a lot stronger and you'd have a better shot at out carrying Kayle.

In my games I find my ideal build to be 1 defensive item+ BT+Black Cleaver+Last Whisper+Manamune+CD boots. BC is optional, but I really like having that ARpen early. The 32.5% cool down reduction late game is pretty important also to be able to harass them down during sieges. I only stray away from that build if their team has a lot of AP or a fed assassin, something that makes me have to avoid getting blown up in the midgame.



Went 0/4 in lane against Jinx. Not because of any Blitz pulls, but some good ganks by their Xin and none from our Warwick. Team stayed cool, nobody raged or screamed, and we farmed up. For some reason, Jinx just seemed to stop farming midway through. Helped that Ryze absolutely dumpstered the Renekton.

Midgame turned it around with a triple kill, then our team went into full beast mode and ran over every team fight. +19 lp when I needed 20 to get back into promos, lol.

Even when we were losing, everyone was super positive. Warwick even apologized for not trying to gank even when we were pushed in. The chat looked like a shonen anime.


Went 0/4 in lane against Jinx. Not because of any Blitz pulls, but some good ganks by their Xin and none from our Warwick. Team stayed cool, nobody raged or screamed, and we farmed up. For some reason, Jinx just seemed to stop farming midway through. Helped that Ryze absolutely dumpstered the Renekton.

Midgame turned it around with a triple kill, then our team went into full beast mode and ran over every team fight. +19 lp when I needed 20 to get back into promos, lol.

Even when we were losing, everyone was super positive. Warwick even apologized for not trying to gank even when we were pushed in. The chat looked like a shonen anime.

I love that feeling. Have a rough lane as an adc and start 0/x then end the game positive with a win.

Surreal with nice people though.
SotD is such a guilty pleasure on Twitch. The game was pretty much decided so I picked up SotD. Ganked Nami and Varus. They both scampered the hell out trying to get away from me by blowing every cooldown they could. Spray and Pray crits <3


SotD is such a guilty pleasure on Twitch. The game was pretty much decided so I picked up SotD. Ganked Nami and Varus. They both scampered the hell out trying to get away from me by blowing every cooldown they could. Spray and Pray crits <3

Don't you mean Rat-ta-tat-tat crits? :p


it's beautiful and all i ever wanted but in game it's so uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

i love you zeronis why od you do this to me T_T
when you pick jayce you are usually pigeonholing your team into a particular strat
you group and poke and disengage/kite

this is because he is outdueled by a lot of top laners, and like you mentioned, taking away an initiator position from your team

jayce can do really good though, like in the situation where you destroy your lane you can also push top really deep so it draws pressure onto your side of the map. if you ward nicely you should be able to avoid dying pretty easily, but this kind of also assumes that your teammates are getting stuff done elsewhere.

your build could be more efficient (jayce benefits from raw ad...if you're trying to poke) but it's not really a big deal

jayce is something that should be picked with the rest of your team in mind rather than as a generic tank/splitter top lane, which have more situations where success can be found
It's interesting. In the example match listed, we *had* an initiator. The Jayce pick wasn't taking one away form the team. Said jungler just didn't build tanky like he should have. I'd be like having a Vi and watching her build all offensive items in a game with more than enough offense at other positions on the team. At some point, it will backfire. You need to have the ability to absorb some of the firepower you're about to get hit with when you jump in. If I hadn't gone Jayce I would have gone someone like Garen, and I don't suspect the results would have been any better because ultimately, the ADC was too often in a position to get picked off *first* by a team that didn't have particularly good initiation themselves. He also often (as in several times) unloaded ults at full HP targets. Not sure if he had just mentally given up or wasn't comfortable with Jinx or what.

If you have time, I'd appreciate it if you would spectate one of my matches. I'm sure Jayce is outduled by a lot of top laners, but I'm very rarely outdueled. As you mentioned, I tend to destroy a lane and stay in that lane pushing it and forcing responses. In that particular game I had doubled the enemy Cho's CS and was up 2 or 3 kills on him, but we were down quite a bit by 15 minutes (maybe 3-12?) so I left the lane and started rotating all over the place trying to help people bring their lanes back. What I did in the manner and efficiency in which I did it...I couldn't have done it with a typical melee top. His speed, waveclear, engage and disengage really is amazing.

I definitely agree that he's really only a safe top pick when you have someone in the jungle that can build like a tank (Vi/Elise/Sej/Naut/Noc/Lee/J4, but not with someone like Yi)...but the same is true of any relatively squishy top laner or someone you'd like to build with just one defensive item. Crush a lane and it doesn't matter if it was safe or not.

I think I'm going to experiment with building him with 2 defensive items. Perhaps something like GA + Omen. But yea, I didn't face a top laner yesterday that I didn't better by 50% CS @ 15 minutes. That was vs Rivens, Ryzes, Singed's, Cho's, Trynd's, Nasus's, Jax's and a few others I can't recall. I don't think any of my teams would suggest their issue stemmed from being pigen holed by their top that's keeping them in the game. I did win about 80% of my Jayce matches yesterday, fwiw. And I really, really enjoyed having teleport + flash (though I'm still deciding...I really miss ignite for early game, but I really rather have teleport for every moment after 15 minutes).

Ty for your input.

Yeah you don't want a triforce on jayce. You should get a bloodthirster


I main Jayce and I've played him in about 500 ranked games or so, I'll give my opinion.

Bloodthirster>IE is pretty critical, I've only bought IE 3 or 4 times and that was when I was so far ahead that I felt I could get away with a troll build. Trinity force is also not a great item, it costs too much for how small of a power boost it gives you, raw damage or defensive items are much more effective in that slot. In the game you linked you probably should've gone BV or MoM instead of tri-force. With a BV+BT you'd be a lot stronger and you'd have a better shot at out carrying Kayle.

In my games I find my ideal build to be 1 defensive item+ BT+Black Cleaver+Last Whisper+Manamune+CD boots. BC is optional, but I really like having that ARpen early. The 32.5% cool down reduction late game is pretty important also to be able to harass them down during sieges. I only stray away from that build if their team has a lot of AP or a fed assassin, something that makes me have to avoid getting blown up in the midgame.

*takes notes*

In that game I sold my Cleaver in the last 5 minutes for an IE for the last stand. I just didn't know what else to buy that I thought might help. It's almost always what I get on my first back along with tear. In the end and as I mentioned, ADC positioning is what cost us that game. He had a penchant for standing front and center. The ADC leading the team in deaths is not a coincidence. I was blowing up the Kayle, but nobody else could stand for very long because of the collective enemy cc and damage output while still being fairly tanky. ...and because Jinx couldn't figure out spacing.

I'll def consider taking the IE and TF out of my build, then. But I feel like lifesteal (in team fights, to be specific) is really only maximized when you have some crit somewhere. Am I wrong on that observation? Is BT still a solid pickup if you're not going to pair it with any sort of crit? Also, with regard to the IE...I mean damn those are 1k crits on the active W we give up by leaving it on the sideline. With an IE, we're talking about 3-shotting (W bursting) enemy ADC's. :(

Have you had an opportunity to experiment with 2 defensive items? Something like:

Cleaver + LW + Boots + BT + Omen/Visage + GA/Veil?


BT + LW + Manamune + Boots + Omen/Visage + GA/Veil?

If so, what were your thoughts? Ty for your input.
Apparently the new Curse Academy roster will be

A to-be-determined ADC

seems like a decent team for the challenger circuit depending on what ADC they bring in.


It's interesting. In the example match listed, we *had* an initiator. The Jayce pick wasn't taking one away form the team. Said jungler just didn't build tanky like he should have. I'd be like having a Vi and watching her build all offensive items in a game with more than enough offense at other positions on the team. At some point, it will backfire. You need to have the ability to absorb some of the firepower you're about to get hit with when you jump in. If I hadn't gone Jayce I would have gone someone like Garen, and I don't suspect the results would have been any better because ultimately, the ADC was too often in a position to get picked off *first* by a team that didn't have particularly good initiation themselves. He also often (as in several times) unloaded ults at full HP targets. Not sure if he had just mentally given up or wasn't comfortable with Jinx or what.

If you have time, I'd appreciate it if you would spectate one of my matches. I'm sure Jayce is outduled by a lot of top laners, but I'm very rarely outdueled. As you mentioned, I tend to destroy a lane and stay in that lane pushing it and forcing responses. In that particular game I had doubled the enemy Cho's CS and was up 2 or 3 kills on him, but we were down quite a bit by 15 minutes (maybe 3-12?) so I left the lane and started rotating all over the place trying to help people bring their lanes back. What I did in the manner and efficiency in which I did it...I couldn't have done it with a typical melee top. His speed, waveclear, engage and disengage really is amazing.

I definitely agree that he's really only a safe top pick when you have someone in the jungle that can build like a tank (Vi/Elise/Sej/Naut/Noc/Lee/J4, but not with someone like Yi)...but the same is true of any relatively squishy top laner or someone you'd like to build with just one defensive item. Crush a lane and it doesn't matter if it was safe or not.

I think I'm going to experiment with building him with 2 defensive items. Perhaps something like GA + Omen. But yea, I didn't face a top laner yesterday that I didn't better by 50% CS @ 15 minutes. That was vs Rivens, Ryzes, Singed's, Cho's, Trynd's, Nasus's, Jax's and a few others I can't recall. I don't think any of my teams would suggest their issue stemmed from being pigen holed by their top that's keeping them in the game. I did win about 80% of my Jayce matches yesterday, fwiw. And I really, really enjoyed having teleport + flash (though I'm still deciding...I really miss ignite for early game, but I really rather have teleport for every moment after 15 minutes).

Ty for your input.

yeah sure I'll do that. just fyi, when I say tanky initiator I'm referring to things like shyvana. in the current meta, scaling junglers are really popular, as are bruiser/tanky tops, coupled with supporting mids (lulu, soraka, ori). so when I say outdueled, I'm not talking about you getting an early snowball and pressing it, I'm referring to the inevitability that jax or ryze will eventually outscale you (jayce does quite well against both in lane though), or that you will not be able to push back a mundo or shyv; basically you being on a timer for getting things done.

while your nocturne did build kind of wacky, you will rarely see a tanky jungler these days. a jungler keeping their ability to dish out damage is highly favored atm, out of the popular junglers probably elise has the most incentive to build tanky because of her % dmg. a lot of elises forgo leveling w and get ionian boots now too.

really the main main thing you should consider is what to do after you have won your lane, that's really where a lot of people fall flat. taking teleport helps open up possibilities, I think it's a pretty good choice, but at the same time I might not take it if I don't think the person I'm laning against is taking it (basically all meta champs are taking it though)

in terms of build I was being kind of coy, because it's not like your build hindered your success, it just wasn't the best. normally jayce's do tear -> bf/brut depending -> bt/brut ->bc/lw depending -> ga, hexdrinker situational. finish moneymune when it's right

top lane is the lane that affects the map the least, the most important thing is the correct rotation or teleport. you will definitely have games where you smash your way to the nexus, but winning by snowballing early doesn't really mean anything.

with something like jayce, having an initiator is a nice thing, something that can help you capitalize more on extended sieges where you are poking them down, but having a disengager might even be more important, since the main thing to do against pokey teams is to engage on them.


Apparently the new Curse Academy roster will be

A to-be-determined ADC

seems like a decent team for the challenger circuit depending on what ADC they bring in.

they could buy uzi since lmq isn't

isn't that the new thing? adopt an asian guy?


The biggest thing I didn't understand was that you apparently have to last hit and smite, or you only get 0.4 or 0.5 XP to level 2. I thought smite was sufficient. I don't know if this is a recent change or if it has always been this way, but I feel dumb.
Since no one commented one way or another on this, can anyone tell me if this is true (and/or when it became necessary)?


i dunno if anyone understood the question

dreamz check this video out: http://youtu.be/-e4UKj2nb-Q?t=1h11m55s
Sorry if I was unclear. If I am killing a jungle buff monster, do I need to just smite it to get full XP? Or do I need to smite it AND be the last champion to have attacked it before that point?

Someone in a ranked game told me that I had to last hit it AND I had to smite it.

What happened was that our blitzcrank pulled the enemy blue buff, I think I helped damage it, and I killed it with smite. If I had done the same thing with my own blue buff, I would have been like, 90% of the way to level 2, correct? And killing one blue buff minion would put me at level 2.

I ended up only 50% of the way to level 2, and that's what I'm trying to understand.


Sorry if I was unclear. If I am killing a jungle buff monster, do I need to just smite it to get full XP? Or do I need to smite it AND be the last champion to have attacked it before that point?

Someone in a ranked game told me that I had to last hit it AND I had to smite it.

What happened was that our blitzcrank pulled the enemy blue buff, I think I helped damage it, and I killed it with smite. If I had done the same thing with my own blue buff, I would have been like, 90% of the way to level 2, correct? And killing one blue buff minion would put me at level 2.

I ended up only 50% of the way to level 2, and that's what I'm trying to understand.

The person that kills the monster gets guaranteed experience, no matter how far away he is. Other than that, someone else can only get experience if they are standing close enough to it.

If you kill the monster by smiting it then it is enough to give you the experience. The reason you got less exp was because someone stood too close to the buff, perhaps Blitzcrank.


The person that kills the monster gets guaranteed experience, no matter how far away he is. Other than that, someone else can only get experience if they are standing close enough to it.

If you kill the monster by smiting it then it is enough to give you the experience. The reason you got less exp was because someone stood too close to the buff, perhaps Blitzcrank.
That would be it then, the XP was shared by Blitzcrank and probably the mid laner.

Thanks, I will also want to remember not to stand near the jungle monster if I am helping a jungler kill it in the future.


OT Hard Carry
Got into Gold 3 promos, and now i'm starting my steady descent towards Gold 4 just like last season.

And it's always the fucking same. Win hard lane, get fed, have to help other lanes which are feeding. Can't do anything because they insist in doing stupid chases, have zero intuition about enemy respawn or map awareness, never fucking ward and go ham on the tank while I get nuked and the hypercarry we had under control gets a triple.

Can anyone in upper tiers confirm players eventually show signs of basic human cognition? I cannot fathom how any of the teammates I'm being paired with is even capable of breathing.

Perservat occurrendum. I guess I'll have to fucking learn a broken splitpush champ, disregard the "team" and try to end games asap.
Got into Gold 3 promos, and now i'm starting my steady descent towards Gold 4 just like last season.

And it's always the fucking same. Win hard lane, get fed, have to help other lanes which are feeding. Can't do anything because they insist in doing stupid chases, have zero intuition about enemy respawn or map awareness, never fucking ward and go ham on the tank while I get nuked and the hypercarry we had under control gets a triple.

Can anyone in upper tiers confirm players eventually show signs of basic human cognition? I cannot fathom how any of the teammates I'm being paired with is even capable of breathing.

Perservat occurrendum. I guess I'll have to fucking learn a broken splitpush champ, disregard the "team" and try to end games asap.

I just stopped playing ADC in ranked altogether and only play it when I have a full team on voice.

Unless you can vocally ask people to help you peel you won't get any, which makes playing ADC impossible unless you're Lucian. Even then it's hard.


Got into Gold 3 promos, and now i'm starting my steady descent towards Gold 4 just like last season.

And it's always the fucking same. Win hard lane, get fed, have to help other lanes which are feeding. Can't do anything because they insist in doing stupid chases, have zero intuition about enemy respawn or map awareness, never fucking ward and go ham on the tank while I get nuked and the hypercarry we had under control gets a triple.

Can anyone in upper tiers confirm players eventually show signs of basic human cognition? I cannot fathom how any of the teammates I'm being paired with is even capable of breathing.

Perservat occurrendum. I guess I'll have to fucking learn a broken splitpush champ, disregard the "team" and try to end games asap.

you sound salty, we can duo q if you wanna play with some plat level players to see what thats like


Got into Gold 3 promos, and now i'm starting my steady descent towards Gold 4 just like last season.

And it's always the fucking same. Win hard lane, get fed, have to help other lanes which are feeding. Can't do anything because they insist in doing stupid chases, have zero intuition about enemy respawn or map awareness, never fucking ward and go ham on the tank while I get nuked and the hypercarry we had under control gets a triple.

Can anyone in upper tiers confirm players eventually show signs of basic human cognition? I cannot fathom how any of the teammates I'm being paired with is even capable of breathing.

Perservat occurrendum. I guess I'll have to fucking learn a broken splitpush champ, disregard the "team" and try to end games asap.
Per what Rex and others have said, it sounds like the same sort of things still happen, just in different ways, all the way up through diamond and challenger.

Rex plays with platinum/diamond players, and still had someone intentionally feed 18 deaths, if I recall correctly. Then they were like "fine I'll start trying" because they hadn't lost yet, and the team ended up winning.

I feel like the bottom lane is the most common one to get crushed and affect everything else. But, playing support with horrible players is a soul-killing experience even though you may be able to influence the game with some supports, and playing ADC (as was just mentioned) means you will be left alone to die 80% of the time.


OT Hard Carry
you sound salty, we can duo q if you wanna play with some plat level players to see what thats like

Yeah, I'll take you up on that offer when I have the time and the patience needed.

I've played with and against plat players before anyways, for the most part I wasn't too impressed. But if I'm wrong, it'll be nice being the one dragging down the team for a change.
What's a decent build path on Kayle?

I went Nashor's > LB > Zhonyas but I don't know, I kind of feel that Nashor's is getting in the way of massive damage.
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