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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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he was really underpowered before this patch, but they may have overshot it a little.
i'm just like, you know, maybe don't give him a .5 buff to his shield? you know, on top of the many other buffs you gave him?

like rito you really don't wanna just try .2 or .3? maybe see how that works first since you're already giving him 40 more base shield and 40 more base damage on his w?

take it slow rito pls

everyone is happier when you do
I haven't seen a dominating Kassadin yet in soloq, despite him being picked/banned a couple of times. Not to say he haven't gotten strong in some games, but he is not on the same scale of trouble as he was before. Not to say I believe it to be impossible for him to be dominating, but I just haven't seen it yet.

I had one go like 30-2 in my last ranked game.

He's definitely overtuned right now.
He's definitely not as pick/ban as he was, now he's rewarding if played correctly or not played against correctly - specifically versus AP mid.

The ratio on his shield could do with a slight knock though. .5 per AP is competing with a supports shield isn't it? OTOH, he's a good LeBlanc counter, I guess?


I'm not sure if I should laugh at the evil hate in that or simply take the idea and run with it when possible.

LOL is a lot more than it use to be, I'd imagine that cause of my twitch and morg play as of late be it ranked or not they are fun to use. Who are some of the top melee jungles at the moment?

Top melee junglers:



Kassadin's shield ratio is 0.8 per AP, then you combine with 15% reduced magic damage from his passive. If he gets a lane against an AP champion and he doesn't die early, they're going to have problems.

They're rolling it back to 0.3 per AP, if they do what's on the PBE (wouldn't shock if me they did). I saw Kassadin do fine a lot of times before they buffed him. Post buff, if he gets ahead he just wrecks people because there's very little most magic users can do against him.
He has to have a large shield though because he doesn't do anywhere near as much damage as he used to. Like they completely gutted Riftwalk.

You can just build him pretty tanky now and not die and reposition around the fight a lot. He's probably even more cleanup reliant, and he has to go in more because a lot of his damage is in his W.

I think he's far more balanceable than he was before, and I think straight reverting the Q buff would be bad, especially considering it's only a magic damage shield. Could probably knock it to .6 AP.

He's not great against all AD teams either cos he has to go off his optimal build quite a bit and his shield is useless against them.

The most trouble I had was against a Zed.

I still didn't lose though. I'm 3 for 3 with him.
...He's not great against all AD teams either cos he has to go off his optimal build quite a bit and his shield is useless against them.

The most trouble I had was against a Zed..

(not trying to discard anything else you said)

This is the main problem both for and against him. Mid is still heavily skewed towards AP and his shield gives him a super strong platform. In the Kayle game I mentioned a few pages back I had to go AP as we had no one else and even though I beat him in farm (as expected) and was reasonably fed (like 4/1 by about ~20mins) the shield was skewing any 1v1 advantage I should have had given our gold differences.

New Kassadin demands more than just Riftrolling in and out of teamfights compared to before but he is still, perhaps, too strong.
Yeah. JoJ had Malz kidnapping Kass' daughter, hopefully to do some evil voidy things to her.



where is your leblanc and lulu top now costy T_T

fuck everything about this

i think i would've preferred it if he retired


Freaking Feral Flare...

I swear that FF is ruining the game. I can't believe how many times I've been in 4v5 fights simply because the dumb crap jungler wants to build his stacks and he refuses to be with the team. Lost two games last night because of that crap. It's an item that totally encourages bad players to be much worse for team synergy.


At least he's letting you know and you can play accordingly.

Sure, but the problem is that they refuse to deviate from their plan to pile up stacks, even if a lane gets into trouble or the perfect gank opportunity comes up. I like FF in concept, but in practice it's become a bit of a mess. Otherwise good teams get penalized so hard by one greedy jungler.


Sure, but the problem is that they refuse to deviate from their plan to pile up stacks, even if a lane gets into trouble or the perfect gank opportunity comes up. I like FF in concept, but in practice it's become a bit of a mess. Otherwise good teams get penalized so hard by one greedy jungler.

Didn't say it was necessarily the smart choice, but at least he's letting you know. There's value in that information.

zkylon said:
feral flare's what happens when you trust people to be smart rito :p

Swap "feral flare" for whatever comes to mind and I think you're onto something.


Rito pls.
I want to try Vi already.

OK about to buy my Yellows soon, so do I get Flat HP or HP per Level?
Gonna get a few armors and MGR too and make my Rune pages accordingly.

EDIT: Would 3 Health/per level, armor/level and MGR/level be good seals to have? 3 of each? I have an OCD in having stuff balanced like that >_>;


Why the hell was Riven nerfed awhile ago anyways? I'm still scratching my head over that one. She's rarely played, never seen her in any tourny... yet they smacked her pretty hard.
Why the hell was Riven nerfed awhile ago anyways? I'm still scratching my head over that one. She's rarely played, never seen her in any tourny... yet they smacked her pretty hard.

because she was by far and away the best top laner in solo q and one of the best competitive mid laners at the time.

She's not picked now because she was nerfed but she was hugely popular before the nerfs.
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