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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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First pick goes Vi

"Please don't be Flare Vi please don't be Flare Vi please don't be Flare Vi"

I've never been so excited to see a Spirit Stone.


What's a decent build path on Kayle?

I went Nashor's > LB > Zhonyas but I don't know, I kind of feel that Nashor's is getting in the way of massive damage.

i had fun with dfg kayle but i bet that's not really a good build heh

I played Kayle a bunch last season and did nashors, dfg, and sorc boots. After that lich bane, rabadons, or void staff. Then a GA maybe. Does anyone build lich ban anymore since the nerf? My build was because of her huge burst before so I havent thought a ton about her lately.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
the SKT skins are so awful but they're only available for a limited time

wat do
The last pick on my team was very insistent that they played Vayne because the new SKT skin would make them OP. They won. Convinced?

ib obber news:

i should have bought santa lulu.
The last pick on my team was very insistent that they played Vayne because the new SKT skin would make them OP. They won. Convinced?

ib obber news:

i should have bought santa lulu.

i have winter wonder lulu

it's glorious

the 975 RP I paid for it puts into perspective even more how awful the SKT skins are

not buying them

thanks soda cop


The last pick on my team was very insistent that they played Vayne because the new SKT skin would make them OP. They won. Convinced?

ib obber news:

i should have bought santa lulu.
Are you playing her mid lane? Is she gonna get nerfed? Maybe I should learn the wonders of Lulu.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Are you playing her mid lane?
I do both. I think only two out of six of those games are mid. Could be half I guess. Doubt she'll get nerfed again. The meta will support her as long as Chalice is a good item to rush mid and build early on supports. Lulu trades well against most other supports, just don't pick her into Nami.


here you go world we chose the most ham champs so have fu
wait u wanted teemo o fuk our bad

oh you wanted to see madlife hit another hook oh woops


if it helps i played against a diamond 5 kayle on ranked teams the other day and her final build was zhonyas, void staff, sorc boots, deathcap, nashors and a ga (i was playing ori).

she wasn't particularly good and i can't remember the order but sounds like lich bane isn't 100% mandatory


I don't get why you would look at someone's rank/elo/whatever prior to a game. There's absolutely no benefit and the only thing you're doing is faking yourself out. Every game you should be going in with the mindset that whoever you're playing against is a more than capable player anyways. If you freak out that the person you're against is higher ranked than you, you're going to play defensively and quickly accept that you're losing only because he's higher ranked. Sure, go ahead and check afterwards but doing it before is quite silly.

Vel'koz works well in bot lane. If you abuse his massive range up to six you should set up your ad to farm and if the enemy lane stays once you hit 6 someone is going to die if you've been poking them well enough. Only problem is Leona/Thresh can cause problems for him and if you fall behind it can get nasty. Against those two you have to really capitalize on your poke, dodge a few skill shots, and hopefully your lane can get a kill or big cs lead so when you're 6 they enemy still has to respect the poke otherwise if they hard engage at full health it's bad.


I don't get why you would look at someone's rank/elo/whatever prior to a game. There's absolutely no benefit and the only thing you're doing is faking yourself out. Every game you should be going in with the mindset that whoever you're playing against is a more than capable player anyways. If you freak out that the person you're against is higher ranked than you, you're going to play defensively and quickly accept that you're losing only because he's higher ranked. Sure, go ahead and check afterwards but doing it before is quite silly.

Vel'koz works well in bot lane. If you abuse his massive range up to six you should set up your ad to farm and if the enemy lane stays once you hit 6 someone is going to die if you've been poking them well enough. Only problem is Leona/Thresh can cause problems for him and if you fall behind it can get nasty. Against those two you have to really capitalize on your poke, dodge a few skill shots, and hopefully your lane can get a kill or big cs lead so when you're 6 they enemy still has to respect the poke otherwise if they hard engage at full health it can be nasty.
One problem with Vel'koz is presumably people who are good at dodging and/or hiding behind minion waves.

Regarding checking elos, one reason to do it may not be to warn yourself about good players (as you say you should assume everyone is competent) but to find if there is a duo with platinum + bronze or something. The idea being to find the weakest player and spend all game camping and taunting them in an attempt to get the other team to rage and fall apart before yours does.

This is not a nice way to play but I have heard it mentioned.


i just check runes and masteries, can't really get one without the other

unless the guy's challenger it doesn't really change how i play, i've danced with enough diamonds to know they suck as much as everyone else
I don't get why you would look at someone's rank/elo/whatever prior to a game. There's absolutely no benefit and the only thing you're doing is faking yourself out. Every game you should be going in with the mindset that whoever you're playing against is a more than capable player anyways. If you freak out that the person you're against is higher ranked than you, you're going to play defensively and quickly accept that you're losing only because he's higher ranked. Sure, go ahead and check afterwards but doing it before is quite silly.

I usually check it to see the runes/masteries so I can punish them. like when the other midlaner doesn't have mr, armor, or health (pure ap), or shit like that.

And I usually play more agressive if the other laner is higher rank than me (platinum or above, I usually get matched against golds), I don't want him to feel comfortable or let him roam.

Like in that game I played really agressive got first blood, and we won in bot, but once tf started it didn't went well for us, lol.


The mastery/rune thing makes sense now. I mostly play bot lane and jungle where those pages tend to be stagnant or obvious with their champ select.

I'm gonna have to play Vel support next gaf in house this weekend.

I think I like the double defensive item build. Not as much damage of course, but you get to be a problem in fights long enough to get your combos off multiple times and be very fucking disruptive. Still almost W bursting the enemy ADC. Would have had more kills, but they were very timely with the shields. Kayle shield + Sivir shield + Noc shield = very annoying comp to kill. He felt very much like a typical tank top, but with a lot of options. To the Skies! also sets up Randuin's active really, really well.


The mastery/rune thing makes sense now. I mostly play bot lane and jungle where those pages tend to be stagnant or obvious with their champ select.

I'm gonna have to play Vel support next gaf in house this weekend.
i just use it to check for cheese pages like all ap or see if support has like gp10 yellows and ap blues or something dumb like that.

most of the times is a waste but i got nothing better to do in loading screen


Just had my first AFK. I don't feel guilty about it.

First three games of the night every lane fed. I'm talking 1/10/x by 25 mins type of shit. Still managed to do decently well myself. Fourth game broke the camels back. MF d/c'ed at start and only got into the game at 7 mins. Riven top had to reset their PC twice so top Annie - who should have been a fucking feast - got to free farm. Their fucking botlane were cutthroat once they noticed MF was d/c and took down mid tower before I even hit 6. Despite all this, still managed to go 5-2-4 to start the match. But we're down 6 turrets, 2 dragons, and loads of creeps. We get decimated in two teamfights (surprise surprise yet another suicidal Leona, that doesn't help). Team refuses to surrender. So I left, I just can't take this anymore. I've now won 3 game in my last 20.


Think I experienced my first drophack... but it was in a teambuilder game...seriously? Reconnect screen never came up after the disconnect, and it's not showing in my match history. Oh well fine by me, was getting beat by a Jayce as Riven. I had accidently taken smite... several times I would of had the kill if I had ignite.


Played a ranked today to avoid decay. Solo que is hilarious when youre not constantly exposed to it. Had an easy victory against a lee sin who went heal/smite. Our fiora top got dumpstered by yorick and she picked tp as a summoner. She flamed me all game for resetting her wave when both her and yorick backed.

Random: Im gonna make an EU smurf
I'll give LB a miss then (does this apply to Akali too?).

Edit: 7/10 recent pro builds features LB - two of the seven being Sheen - and 8 of the last 10 games were victories. It must still have a place?

I seem to be having some success with solo laners as a change of a pace so I might stick with with Akali and Kayle (utility from her ult is too good) for a while and maybe even roll out the old Zed too.


Just managed to slaughter a ranked game where we had two Plat 1s in our team, one duoing with a higher ranked partner and one solo. I prepared for the worst, but even the Swain top managed to get fed, most likely because his opponent had the balls to pick vlad into swain. I had 4-0-1 after 5 minutes in bot lanes as Karma. I don't see why people try to fight on lvl 1 against a Karma. Even Annie cannot produce enough damage to match a Mantra Q hitting two people.


So wtf do I do against a sorkaka top. Faced one twice yesterday and all I could do was farm. Did I just answer my own question?


formerly sane
Regarding checking elos, one reason to do it may not be to warn yourself about good players (as you say you should assume everyone is competent) but to find if there is a duo with platinum + bronze or something. The idea being to find the weakest player and spend all game camping and taunting them in an attempt to get the other team to rage and fall apart before yours does.

I'm not sure if I should laugh at the evil hate in that or simply take the idea and run with it when possible.

LOL is a lot more than it use to be, I'd imagine that cause of my twitch and morg play as of late be it ranked or not they are fun to use. Who are some of the top melee jungles at the moment?


I haven't seen a dominating Kassadin yet in soloq, despite him being picked/banned a couple of times. Not to say he haven't gotten strong in some games, but he is not on the same scale of trouble as he was before. Not to say I believe it to be impossible for him to be dominating, but I just haven't seen it yet.
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