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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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I hate Fizz. I pretty much never see him lose his lane and more times than not he snowballs out of control.

That's because the requirements to start the snowball with him are braindead, so mid to low skilled summoners alike can do it and think they're good at the game. Same goes for Kassadin, Vayne, Jax, Ryze, Tristana, Kha and a few other infectious champions. who fall under the "doesn't matter what the hell you do in lane, get to late game, get an easy kill and faceroll to the victory".


can you count the athenes?

only 11

Out of 15 matches. I'm not sure what point you're getting at, or what we're talking about in general.

edit: does anyone know what the like (5.9) or (4.7) or whatever right next to some of the cs counts means? i thought it would've been like cspm or something but since it's only on some games i have no idea

It's definitely CS/m if you crunch the numbers.


Anyone play Karma top often? I always liked her mid, but I usually just play top. She's great against these short range melee champs. Even against ranged her Q's are awesome.


Anyone play Karma top often? I always liked her mid, but I usually just play top. She's great against these short range melee champs. Even against ranged her Q's are awesome.

Crab Milk Mickey does or at least advocates it. A stronger lane bully than Ryze but not as smashy later in game but with the benefit of some massive utility
I hate Fizz

as a player of mage waifus you should also hate fizz. fuck that champ

I hate Fizz. I pretty much never see him lose his lane and more times than not he snowballs out of control.
The key to beating Fizz in lane isn't that difficult; simply don't pick a squishy AP mid, provided the enemy player's arrogant enough (which a Fizz usually is) to pick him without seeing his lane opponent and it's a done deal. His early game is subpar and he has no sustain, so I used to purposefully leave him open during the ban phase back when he was popular only to roll champions like Cho'gath, Quinn, Karma, Yorick or Elise. Anyone with either a much better ability to harrass soon or anyone with too much sustain to really care about his burst. Especially Elise walks all over him: Fizz ult = rappel = no damage. Pretty sure Fiora should beat the snot out of him too, among other unorthodox choices.

Too bad your own allies start bitching at you for not picking one of the common mid laners because fuck logic.

Anyone play Karma top often? I always liked her mid, but I usually just play top. She's great against these short range melee champs. Even against ranged her Q's are awesome.
She's more obnoxious than Nunu top ever was for most melee champions, yes. It's hilarious.


Thanks, I'll try some of that out.

When I'm angry and I just want to win, I take Katarina. The only champ I don't feel comfortable against with her is Yasuo, but I don't see him that often anyway. I'd like to expand my "eff it, I just wanna win" selection pool.
Do you have any Katarina advice? I used to play her in tons of games, but now even with lots of experience in season 4, she's one of my bad win rate champions. :( I think most played yet like 40% wins in bronze/silver.

Ironically I wouldn't mind playing her against (at least bad) Yasuos, since most of them will eventually hit you with the knockup thing, at which point they have nothing that can interrupt your ult and you hit them with the full ult duration.
so that Jinx and Vi image was actually part of a much larger piece.


there's that new baron again.


it's cs/m, it isn't calculated for some games because it didn't see how long the game lasted.
weird, it doesn't calculate it for like 3/4 of my games

Out of 15 matches. I'm not sure what point you're getting at, or what we're talking about in general.
no point, just having fun

i love athenes

wish it was named after someone cooler tho

is the site supposed to take forever just to load?
loads ok for me

so that Jinx and Vi image was actually part of a much larger piece.

there's that new baron again.
i love how this is like a picture of a baron throw, jinx mispositioning and gatlinggunning vi at melee range, xerath getting caught q'ing at lucian auto range (who apparently decides to cull away as to give xerath some breathing room), rengar going invi in full vision for some reason

it's amazing

at least lux is there


So it appears that astralfoxy officially joins Riot. Astralfoxy appears to be the one who made the wintermint, but another person might be more knowledgable about what astralfoxy has done.

Improved client incoming I guess?

Hopefully, but maybe not. I remember a long time ago some guy was showing off mock-ups for different loading screens (think fighting game fighter selection screens) and he was hired by Riot. Pretty sure he ended up working on the animated log-in screens (though I don't know in what capacity). Sure as hell didn't work on the loading screen, 'cause that totally looks like dog shit to this day.

But I mean, why else would Riot hire this new person right? At least the log-in screen ended up doing something animation related. Can't imagine they hired this person to work on anything but the client.

(Wintermint was hella sexy)

zkylon said:
no point, just having fun

i love athenes

wish it was named after someone cooler tho

Yeah ok, I thought I maybe wrote something off-putting. All in good fun. And yes, should have been named after someone else. Not sure why Athene got an item but Total Biscuit got a fucking cookie, not that I'm a fan of him much either. Just seems really inconsistent.

Isn't that Cho?

That would be Baron from the Twisted Fate video released a good while ago. Seems like this picture kinda hints we might see the new Summoner's Rift at All-Stars. Maybe? Hopefully? Soon(tm).
If anyone wants the current build of the Team Builder music, let me know. In the files it's in 3 separate layers spread across 3 separate audio files that I had to mix together to create one mp3. For some reason, the original files are of lower audio quality than the regular Draft Mode music. Like...much lower. Still sounds good, though.


Seems like this picture kinda hints we might see the new Summoner's Rift at All-Stars. Maybe? Hopefully? Soon(tm).

If it's anything like the leaked Dota2ish garbage stuff, they can save it forever. Unfortunately, considering they've been copying Dota 2 style for items and abilities for some stupid reason, the leak will be real and the game will continue to lose its classic recognizable and universally liked sharp, vivid, colorful cartoony look in favor of a soft, bland, dull style because well, let's copy our main competitor and create an illogical clash of artstyles, that way we'd be able to reclaim the first spot right?

If they go ahead with this abomination I'm switching to Dota 2. If I want to play Dota 2 I PLAY FUCKING DOTA 2.

Also remove fucking Ryze from this game already. Jesus Christ who even thought such a toxic kit was a good idea? Oh right, the self-named co-founder of Riot.


speaking of ahri


i hate watermarks :I

If it's anything like the leaked Dota2ish garbage stuff, they can save it forever. Unfortunately, considering they've been copying Dota 2 style for items and abilities for some stupid reason, the leak will be real and the game will continue to lose its classic recognizable and universally liked sharp, vivid, colorful cartoony look in favor of a soft, bland, dull style because well, let's copy our main competitor and create an illogical clash of artstyles, that way we'd be able to reclaim the first spot right?

If they go ahead with this abomination I'm switching to Dota 2. If I want to play Dota 2 I PLAY FUCKING DOTA 2.

Also remove fucking Ryze from this game already. Jesus Christ who even thought such a toxic kit was a good idea? Oh right, the self-named co-founder of Riot.
seems like all you do nowadays is get angry about stuff

chill a bit dude, enjoy life, you can count on reddit for putting rito back on the right track with dumb artstyle decisions and shit

also like they also have said a couple times they were intending to keep the whimsical feeling to the summoners rift so i wouldn't be too worried it'll turn into doto


No, it's Cho. Who needs a visual upgrade asap, btw.

I think you're right. I didn't look at the blown up image so Cho's limbs looked more like rocks jutting out from the ground. Also doesn't look like the Baron from the trailer either, but that was so long ago they may have changed Baron's look since.

Nev said:
that way we'd be able to reclaim the first spot right?

Am I missing something here?


maybe chogath is now baron

nobody plays chogath anyways

also patch got pushed a day. there's a link somewhere but i'm too lazy to find it so just trust me



flat mr blues
flat hp yellows

mpen reds and ap quints for ap mids

flat ad reds and 2 attack speed quints (i guess? maybe armor now?) + 1 ad quint for ad

that's it

no need dwelling on it so much, just buy these and spend your ip on fun shit like champions

Young Jax did not enjoy his laning experience. I was up something like 80-25 cs and 1 kill on him. Unfortunately, the rest of the team was getting wrecked, so I had to start rotating. First teleport gank: 2 kill, 1 saved carry and 2 towers. Game still ended up hard because an underfarmed LeBlanc ain't about shit...and neither is an underfarmed Twitch. And Lucian and mid Ryze ended up with their cups running over.

Game was over when: Ryze took a lazy path from the jungle to the mid lane where we were coming up in plain sight. He put himself in a position to get Thresh hooked. Ya boi descended upon him like so many arrows upon the 300 Spartans. His team just wasn't in a position to come out and help him as they were all at their T3 ready to mount a defense. They still put up a helluva fight in their base and got me down to about 150hp. But those W's kept ya boy up right and on about 200hp I was able to burst down Lee Sin AND Jax with W spam and a final hammer form To The Skies!. But yea, game was hard because the team fight was awkward. Rengar just wants to go invis and pick someone off in the back. LeBlanc just wants to pick someone off in the front. And with Twitch is trying to enter fights invis, it just left Thresh and I as the tip of the spear.

On another note: thoughts on CDR quints in Jayce? I don't have any and can't really afford them yet...but I thought I'd ask in advance.


On another note: thoughts on CDR quints in Jayce? I don't have any and can't really afford them yet...but I thought I'd ask in advance.

Likely good for Jayce. Starting the game off with 10% CDR would be very nice. The only catch is that there's a significant amount of magic damage top lane these days. Might have to go with HP seals.


Garen probably has a 30 stack feral flare with blade of the ruined king.

Although garen is probably throwing the game since he isn't helping his team in the fight around baron pit, lux is literally doing nothing.

This is probably a low elo game or maybe the garen is smurfing on a low level account.


Damn, past 12 games I only lost once. 7 game win streak on a 1,7 - 1,8k mmr mostly vs and rarely with diamonds. I'm on a roll.


it's so easy for nasus to get really out of control, i have no idea how you're really meant to deal with him, blehh

Depends on whether the top laner knows how to play against nasus. People are stuck in this mindset that pushing the wave into nasus' tower is going to stop his farm.

It's not.

Nasus mains will run cdr and ad runes and materies. Because of this, Nasus has 0 difficulty last hitting under tower. With his innate lifestealing ability, Nasus cannot be poked down by melee champs under tower. He will farm forever.

If he does make a mistake, he can simply tp back into lane.

To beat nasus, just freeze the damn lane. Stop pushing it. Do this by only using skills on nasus when he comes to last hit. Don't auto attack him unless you know you can make him go back to base or completely zone him because the wave will automatically push into his turret if you auto him.
If you do push it, you better roam mid or get dragon because that nasus is going to free farm. And if a top laner fucks up by freezing the lane just outside of nasus' turret, they pretty much lost the lane. That lane is never moving ever again. Even the most dumb ass junglers can gank and secure kills on a lane freeze like that.

Only match up that nasus has a tonne of trouble with is teemo. Even then, Nasus can kind of win the lane by building chalice and maxing e for poke. Press E to do a quarter of teemo's life. Stops the q stacks but teemo gets zoned to hell.
Ryze is quite troubling level 1-4 but nasus can out-trade ryze once he gets some cloak, merc treads and around 150 stacks.
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