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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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if you push him up and hurt him hes very diveable w/ jungler
plan it so the wave you built up is about the reach his turret, he'll lose all that cs too

he's killable with all-ins, and is susceptible to harass before he gets some levels/spirit visage; you can zone him with some champs really easily and keep the wave near the middle. as it builds up (because you are harassing) you should try to get the jungler up there for a dive


I don't find any of those champs a threat to nasus except for ryze and teemo

Riven is one of the easiest match up for nasus. I have never seen a nasus lose to one. She's forced to push if she wants to harass, and she can't dive a nasus.

AD nid is kind of a joke if nasus gets armour yellows and lifesteal quints.

Jayce can be problematic if you don't know how to stand behind the melee minions to dodge accelerated Qs.

Vlad is very meh. Vlad wins at level 1-3 but if Nasus starts with flask+pots, vlad is pretty much another minion he has to tank in the lane.

But now I realise why people find these match ups hard. I have like 3-4 rune pages for nasus to cater for different match ups.


vlad pretty much does no damage to nasus, especially if he rushes visage
i dunno if teemo would do well against nasus, wouldnt the wave always be pushed into him


teemo and ryze are the only top lane champs that can safely poke and continuously zone nasus under tower in the early levels.

From experience, if you stop nasus from getting 100 stacks at 8-10 minutes, he won't be able to buy any cdr+tanky items to come back against teemo and ryze. Just gotta hope your team puts enough pressure so you can free farm.
Ryze is the best Nasus counter, there's just no answer for it.

Vlad wins early but Visage Rush makes that lane impossible. What're you going to do, rush a Void Staff? Right.


Teemo prevents nasus from getting stacks, or even csing the caster minions very safely. Nasus will lose half his life if he tried to even get near them.

And not many junglers can 1v1 a teemo at early levels even when they are near the tower (no idea why a smart teemo would be hitting the turret early on so i'm just eliminating that situation). You can burn a flash but that's it. Highly doubt a nasus can get into range of teemo to wither without burning ghost or dying with the teemo.

Ganking a teemo at level 3 as a jungler is pretty pointless since nasus at level 2 is basically useless. Not an efficient way of spending your time. Plus, if you screw up the gank and the lane freezes, nasus is out of the game. Not even maxing e and building chalice is going to save him.


being hit by teemo stops the freeze, being harassed pushes the wave towards you, like you will only be very low if you are just taking free hits over and over again

being harassed by teemo under turret agros the turret on him because of his passive, nasus regains 1 teemo shot everytime he last hits

the only way teemo can mess you up is if you are needlessly taking hits over and over, just give up a wave of cs and get harassed and the wave will push towards you

once you hit 6 you can even run him down with your ult

and teemo is really easy to gank before 6 too he has no escape just try not to fight 2v2
im pretty sure nasus wont die to two autos and a blind

teemo also has no way to stop your tele and cannot stop your split once you have spirit visage

the best things against nasus are things that
also need to farm and can zone him at the same time
can constantly damage him and then dive him
participate in kiting him in team fights


honestly the biggest problem i have or have seen is when you actually are kind of denying the nasus and doing well, and then you just get ganked and it just snowballs from there..

I feel like tp nasus might acually be my least favourite thing in this game right now


jax or ryze are much better choices for that kind of ramping up style top
nasus is great if you have a good wither target though

like nasus kind of requires 4v5, while not so strong ryze or jax can still contribute

nasus is like master yi, good for stomping baddiez


Teemo can push and harass all he wants early on.
He is exceptionally strong at denying cs under tower
That's what im getting that. Teemo doesn't need to freeze.

Teemo shouldn't be aggroing turret when he is denying caster minions. He can stand far back.

Nasus runs to caster minions - Teemo auto - Q - Auto - fall back.
That's 30-40% of nasus' life depending on Teemo's ap

Nasus loses half a wave of gold every wave if he doesn't want to be poked to almost half. It's a long term crippling effect.

Teemo shouldn't be taking any turret shots off that

And nasus can't 1v1 teemo at 6 even if they are both even. His blind will cripple you. I mean, you can do it if you bought boots 2 and a sheen for your first item but there is no way anyone would do that.

And in terms of jungle ganks, I think you're underestimating teemo's movement and overestimating nasus' movement and wither range.


no yeah I understand that, I'm saying teemo does not want to be overextended

when I'm thinking about jungler ganks, I don't even think nasus wither is necesary
I might be underestimating teemo's escape sure, I don't play him much

i cant really imagine nasus losing to teemo at 6 unless he runs through mushrooms
he gets 300 health, 3% health degen per second

like maybe if he blows a blinded q, but even then all you have to do is step on teemo


Can't get stacks if you're blind.
This is a really stupid question, but does blind actually stop the Q proc? I thought that blinded champions still got the Nasus Q proc, and maybe other on-hit effects, just not the actual autoattack damage. I seem to remember specifically Q'ing Nasus as Teemo to deny him minions and being sad when it didn't work.


like this might not be clear but
I'm not saying teemo doesn't prevent or cripple nasus from taking cs
I'm saying that it's situation that's easier to deal with compared to other picks you can make at top

im saying there is no situation, unless you feed kills, that teemo will outscale nasus, even if hes say 35 cs down
even without many stacks, all he has to do is build some tank, ult, e, w, stand in them, and he will contribute more in a fight than teemo, who has to get close to do damage, and who will die in 2 spells. teemo is obviously useful for other stuff though.

this guy made a locodoco highlight from the summoner's insight; basically all the fat cut out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lvHFNKXluM
this highlight is better https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvnUWoVYskY
I really dislike top lane right now thanks to the TP buffs. Unless you play perfectly it's very tough to stop hyperscalers (Ryze, Jax, Nasus) from farming up if they run TP. I've taken to playing them myself, but I'm much more of a "win lane, apply pressure, roam, snowball" type of player than a "farm up, win late", and too often find that neither me or the other top laner have any impact on the game's outcome at all, as one team will get significantly ahead before laning phase is done. Would like TP nerfed.

Thankfully it's very rare for one of jungle, AD or support not to be open when I pick. But ugh, top sucks right now.


I really dislike top lane right now thanks to the TP buffs. Unless you play perfectly it's very tough to stop hyperscalers (Ryze, Jax, Nasus) from farming up if they run TP. I've taken to playing them myself, but I'm much more of a "win lane, apply pressure, roam, snowball" type of player than a "farm up, win late", and too often find that neither me or the other top laner have any impact on the game's outcome at all, as one team will get significantly ahead before laning phase is done. Would like TP nerfed.

Thankfully it's very rare for one of jungle, AD or support not to be open when I pick. But ugh, top sucks right now.

Ya the setback you get for dying or having a low mana pool is almost non existent if you're running TP.


Alright i'll draw up a level 6 fight between a nasus and teemo:

1. Nasus ults, withers teemo and lands an E on teemo.
2. Nasus presses Q
3. Teemo presses W for massive movement buff and blinds nasus
4. Nasus autos teemo but does no damage due to blind. (Q stays up even if you try and hit it while blinded. Just wanted to let you guys know. You can still Q once the blind wears off)

5. Teemo places mushroom on top of himself.
6. Nasus stands next to teemo to use his ult damage while he is getting auto attacked
7. Mushroom explodes (I mean you could dodge it but then he'll run around it and you won't be able to hit teemo)

8. two things can happen now;

8 a) You realise you can't chase the teemo due to the mushroom slow+W and you run back. You have to go b, lose minions and exp

8 b) You dodge mushrooms but you get kited

8 c) you die with teemo if he makes the mistake of not attack moving since he has ignite and you have tp


just got my ass kicked by a diamond 5 velkoz

holy shit that guy was good

he was a total gentleman too, although i had him muted like everyone else so maybe he was trolling me in all chat and i never knew

but kudos, i learned today what a good level 3 velkoz can do to a silly level 3 lebonk


Alright i'll draw up a level 6 fight between a nasus and teemo:

1. Nasus ults, withers teemo and lands an E on teemo.
2. Nasus presses Q
3. Teemo presses W for massive movement buff and blinds nasus
4. Nasus autos teemo but does no damage due to blind. (Q stays up even if you try and hit it while blinded. Just wanted to let you guys know. You can still Q once the blind wears off)

5. Teemo places mushroom on top of himself.
6. Nasus stands next to teemo to use his ult damage while he is getting auto attacked
7. Mushroom explodes (I mean you could dodge it but then he'll run around it and you won't be able to hit teemo)

8. two things can happen now;

8 a) You realise you can't chase the teemo due to the mushroom slow+W and you run back. You have to go b, lose minions and exp

8 b) You dodge mushrooms but you get kited

8 c) you die with teemo if he makes the mistake of not attack moving since he has ignite and you have tp

that's just an ideal situation for teemo, what about an ideal situation for nasus
dying with teemo is great

for example, why would nasus go on teemo if his q is up


Nasus shouldn't even try to fight unless provoked, even then he should just ignore it.

Nasus's fight is between him and that little counter. Your job in lane is to build so you don't notice that other guy that happens to be there with you and your minions.

So a lvl 6 fight shouldn't even happen.... nasus is happy to avoid that.


(Q stays up even if you try and hit it while blinded. Just wanted to let you guys know. You can still Q once the blind wears off)

Quick question about this: I just laned Nasus against Teemo, and it really SEEMED like autoattacking while Q was active blocked the damage, blocked the stack, and put Q on cooldown. Is that what you are referring to?


Teemo ain't gonna use his Q to poke if he's in a favorable matchup. He'll just Q whenever Nasus withers him.

i mean its just more damage to make nasus more miserable, it's not as if nasus perma wins if teemo's q is down either, i didnt mean to imply that


I mean I don't see it that way tho I know what you mean, to me lanes where you are in a bad matchup and you trade kills are good, especially when you scale better
a teemo combo at lvl 6 does roughly the same as an auto-q from nasus
well more with 20 arpen from his e and his paltry e damage

i probably wouldn't try it unless I had ghost up though, but all of ^ is quite something w/ jungler help


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
first time playing zac, his jungle clear feels really bad. was it always like that?
Zac didn't change as much as the game did around him. Expectations for clear times have changed, and the jungle itself became more difficult to clear and shifted to better support single target damage junglers.
Nothing like playing ADC and your support quitting the game because he's not having fun at the 10 minute mark.

Winning it 4v5 40 minutes later does grant its own satisfaction, however.


ok 6300 time again

apparently you people hate fizz, but what else is there (can't be a jungler)



Fizz is fun Zky, you'll enjoy him. I'm gonna say buy Trynd and Jayce, but that's just my personal preference ;)

Karma is another good pick. There's a bunch of lanes you can take her to.
Played first game in a week. I'm last pick in ranked and I get my role and vi is open.

16-3-11 against a pretend jungle shyvana. Kills and objectives > stacks.

We tried to throw at Baron a couple times but were too far ahead.


ok 6300 time again

apparently you people hate fizz, but what else is there (can't be a jungler)


Heimer, Karma

first time playing zac, his jungle clear feels really bad. was it always like that?

Zac and Sejuani were how I got to gold in Season 3. Zac never really had great clears but was a ganking monster. They slowly chipped away at his jungling ability by lowering base damages and making the blobs fly out further so you had to chase them more (further slowing his clear). In the new jungle he's almost useless. His ganking is less effective too with the lower damage and they took away the built in tenacity on his ult (plus I think there's some little delay on the cast now that didn't used to exist). Just not a good fit anymore.

I really dislike top lane right now thanks to the TP buffs. Unless you play perfectly it's very tough to stop hyperscalers (Ryze, Jax, Nasus) from farming up if they run TP. I've taken to playing them myself, but I'm much more of a "win lane, apply pressure, roam, snowball" type of player than a "farm up, win late", and too often find that neither me or the other top laner have any impact on the game's outcome at all, as one team will get significantly ahead before laning phase is done. Would like TP nerfed.

Thankfully it's very rare for one of jungle, AD or support not to be open when I pick. But ugh, top sucks right now.

You've pretty much nailed it. When I have to play top, my philosophy is "don't feed". I won't let my opponent get any stronger than me. Just stalemate it and keep us both up in the lane. The rest of the game plays out in a 4v4. Every now and again you'll get to TP to a fight around dragon or for a 4 man gank on bot but other than that.. it's an island.
A farming, boring, island.

That's kind of why the late game monsters are such popular picks. If it gets that far then you at least give your team an advantage. Ryze, Jax, Nasus can all easily put the game on their back and carry the 40+ min win.

I suppose if I was more well versed in top lane matchups I could actually anticipate winning my lane hard and start roaming to impact the game more early but I just don't have the top experience to do that.
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