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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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So GAF should I drop some cash on RP and unlock Fiora? Really enjoyed using her during her free week availability.


So GAF should I drop some cash on RP and unlock Fiora? Really enjoyed using her during her free week availability.

If you have some cash to burn, I don't see why not. I've put over 700 hours into LoL over the last couple years so I have certainly gotten my money's worth. I've bought quite a few champs (only on sale! or if they are brand new and you want the bundle) and quite a few skins (mostly only on sale!). I don't regret any of it. With my playtime I would have never had the champion roster I have now as well as all the runes and rune pages I have without spending some real money.

I used to buy in $20 increments. Wish I would have just done the $50 or even $100 though. Would have saved quite a bit over the years.


OT Hard Carry
So GAF should I drop some cash on RP and unlock Fiora? Really enjoyed using her during her free week availability.

If you play regularly enough, no. Save that money for stuff you can't get with IP, ie: skins for the champs you like. It's more cost efficient.

Unless you're haemorrhaging cash in which case the gentleman's route is to buy skins for all gaffers.


So GAF should I drop some cash on RP and unlock Fiora? Really enjoyed using her during her free week availability.

Up to you. If you play 3-6 times a day I would just save up and buy her when you got the ip saved up. If you got money too blow and don't wanna waste time in grinding ip then by all means feel free to put down some cash.

Just remember, this is a Free-to-Play game.

I've spent over $100 dollars on this damn game -__-
Only match up that nasus has a tonne of trouble with is teemo. Even then, Nasus can kind of win the lane by building chalice and maxing e for poke. Press E to do a quarter of teemo's life. Stops the q stacks but teemo gets zoned to hell.
Ryze is quite troubling level 1-4 but nasus can out-trade ryze once he gets some cloak, merc treads and around 150 stacks.
No way. Teemo's blind doesn't even reliably stop his Q's when Susan engages farm mode, which is a plain stupid design oversight that's been left unfixed for reasons that escape me. Yeah, he has the kit to keep Susan at bay like you pointed out (many ranged champions do), but if that's your primary goal on top of pushing towers you might as well go for Tristana instead for a champion that's less susceptible to ganks, has far better range + the Grievous Wounds debuff, clears waves + destroys structures faster and has a late game that's comparable to Susan's. Even has a way to interrupt his Teleport if Susan is dumb enough to use it within your vision. Teemo still has his mushrooms for map control, but eh.

Someone else also suggested wet noodle Vladimir earlier, and he too isn't good against Susan either given that it'll eventually become a sustain tug-of-war with the former being significantly slower at whittling down towers.

I really dislike top lane right now thanks to the TP buffs. Unless you play perfectly it's very tough to stop hyperscalers (Ryze, Jax, Nasus) from farming up if they run TP. I've taken to playing them myself, but I'm much more of a "win lane, apply pressure, roam, snowball" type of player than a "farm up, win late", and too often find that neither me or the other top laner have any impact on the game's outcome at all, as one team will get significantly ahead before laning phase is done. Would like TP nerfed.

Thankfully it's very rare for one of jungle, AD or support not to be open when I pick. But ugh, top sucks right now.
I'd consider it beneficial to you and your team if hyperscalers like those three use Teleport just to not miss any farm. One or two minion waves at the expense of map pressure, on a 3+ minute cooldown even if you aim it on a tower (IIRC). Worth it? Jax has several noteable early game vulnerabilities though (so 'counter-picking' him isn't hard), such as him being weak against strong sustain with or without Ignite and Ryze top doesn't fare too well against jungle pressure or another top laner with ranged attacks. Both of 'em can't set the pace either if you push the lane to their tower after sufficiently harrassing them, so you can still apply pressure and roam if you wanted to.


yea i was thinking about karma before fizz and braum but tbh i don't really like champions with no "real" ultimate. lebonk's an exception cos she got the crazy moves but you know

also if fizzerino is getting cheaper when braum releases i can just get him then maybe karma

i'll buy fiora when she's reworked

no doge cos i'm not worthy


So GAF should I drop some cash on RP and unlock Fiora? Really enjoyed using her during her free week availability.

If you don't mind spending the money and you enjoyed playing her then you might as well. Only buy 6300 champs and only buy them when they're on sale.
The mental gymnastics people are doing in the Pokemon thread to convince themselves Nintendo isn't doing it for the money is astounding.
what do I have to do to carry this stupid game


dumpstered Zed in lane. Finally got the beating of him. Roamed well. Farmed well. Didn't make any dumb mistakes. Finally felt good playing Yasuo to the point where I was getting double kills single handedly when I was ganked.


urgh. the worst feeling in the game is when you know you played really well but there was no way for you to win.

at least I can feel good that I'm finally getting the hang of Yasuo and outplaying people, including hard lane match-ups for me, I guess.


just poking fun costy :p

you know maybe it doesn't work for everybody but i find that whenever i play really well and a game's simply lost in spite of me i don't really mind so much.

like, i did all i could, no point beating myself over it

but you know sometimes i'm all like "fuck i like went crazy farming for that idiot to like throw the game cos he wanted to clear wraiths" so you know i'm a hypocrite


yesterday i was supporting a mid zed (basically i didn't like him calling mid with 5s left on champ select after i already picked nidalee, and our twitch was cool with it), and the guy's excuse for missing over 50% cs was "DUDE GIVE ME A BREAK I WAS EATING AN APPLE"

caps included


Thanks. We have achieved it in the same game with my duo buddy (grothenozaur) ^

I was really frustrated in the lobby lol, random annie suddenly appeared as last pick, I had to go ADC but still we ended up with two smites. Thankfuly LS was awful and fish won pretty much all lanes so we secured the win :)


Grats. Every GAF player seems to be reaching Diamond. Meanwhile I'm just here sitting at provisional. ;_;
While GAF lobby last night gave a bunch of Nasus suggestions, I managed to win 1/3 Nasus games to barely stay alive in Silver 2.

It sounds like I need to keep posting my stat updates so non-diamond people are not sad. :p


My last two wins have given me 7 LP and 11 LP while each of my last two losses gave me -22 LP. I have to win at an insane rate to climb. That's some boooooooosh.


I wish more people were playing Team Builder.

Want to practice Yasuo but it takes so damn long to find games/teams/build teams.

Doesn't take too long for me... I just hate the blind aspect of it. I take my "I assume it'll be a physical damage person" top rune page.. which can fuck me sometimes.

Just wish you had like 30 seconds to see the enemy team and change runes/summoners.


Doesn't take too long for me... I just hate the blind aspect of it. I take my "I assume it'll be a physical damage person" top rune page.. which can fuck me sometimes.

Just wish you had like 30 seconds to see the enemy team and change runes/summoners.
you mean for people to dodge :p

i don't really mind cos there's no normals draft pick in south america but i really wish rito just replaced normal blind pick with team builder


you mean for people to dodge :p

i don't really mind cos there's no normals draft pick in south america but i really wish rito just replaced normal blind pick with team builder

I'm just bitter about a game against a morde yesterday where MR runes would of really swung the battle in the other way. I fucked up in other ways too.. but lack of any MR blues really hurt.


Ya. Too helpful for riven.

Maybe I should make a teambuilder page that's just general resists.
yea you probably should

if you don't you might as well play like hey rng drew a morde, and live with that :|

i usually play with mr blues unless i'm feeling like ap/lvl


yea you probably should

if you don't you might as well play like hey rng drew a morde, and live with that :|

i usually play with mr blues unless i'm feeling like ap/lvl

Even then it's not as good as the normal page i'd run up against a morde with. Oh well.

Also is patch today?
Jungling s startting to stress me, my teams wants me to stay in all the map without grindind blue or red and sometimes my ADC steals red because is "funny".

The mental gymnastics people are doing in the Pokemon thread to convince themselves Nintendo isn't doing it for the money is astounding.

Nintendo have actually a schedule about their pokemon remakes so I dont see why some people are freaking out about this.
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