When do you think we'll next here about some champs having their IP cost reduced?
the next one will be when Braum releases, probably this week. Can't remember who's next up though.
When do you think we'll next here about some champs having their IP cost reduced?
the next one will be when Braum releases, probably this week. Can't remember who's next up though.
Fizz, I think.
I miss knowing if my team is winning or not. I really don't understand most of what Riot does to this game, they should hire Icefrog.I miss being able to snowball.
So GAF should I drop some cash on RP and unlock Fiora? Really enjoyed using her during her free week availability.
So GAF should I drop some cash on RP and unlock Fiora? Really enjoyed using her during her free week availability.
So GAF should I drop some cash on RP and unlock Fiora? Really enjoyed using her during her free week availability.
I don't recommend buying champs with RP unless you're getting a new champ bundle.So GAF should I drop some cash on RP and unlock Fiora? Really enjoyed using her during her free week availability.
No way. Teemo's blind doesn't even reliably stop his Q's when Susan engages farm mode, which is a plain stupid design oversight that's been left unfixed for reasons that escape me. Yeah, he has the kit to keep Susan at bay like you pointed out (many ranged champions do), but if that's your primary goal on top of pushing towers you might as well go for Tristana instead for a champion that's less susceptible to ganks, has far better range + the Grievous Wounds debuff, clears waves + destroys structures faster and has a late game that's comparable to Susan's. Even has a way to interrupt his Teleport if Susan is dumb enough to use it within your vision. Teemo still has his mushrooms for map control, but eh.Only match up that nasus has a tonne of trouble with is teemo. Even then, Nasus can kind of win the lane by building chalice and maxing e for poke. Press E to do a quarter of teemo's life. Stops the q stacks but teemo gets zoned to hell.
Ryze is quite troubling level 1-4 but nasus can out-trade ryze once he gets some cloak, merc treads and around 150 stacks.
I'd consider it beneficial to you and your team if hyperscalers like those three use Teleport just to not miss any farm. One or two minion waves at the expense of map pressure, on a 3+ minute cooldown even if you aim it on a tower (IIRC). Worth it? Jax has several noteable early game vulnerabilities though (so 'counter-picking' him isn't hard), such as him being weak against strong sustain with or without Ignite and Ryze top doesn't fare too well against jungle pressure or another top laner with ranged attacks. Both of 'em can't set the pace either if you push the lane to their tower after sufficiently harrassing them, so you can still apply pressure and roam if you wanted to.I really dislike top lane right now thanks to the TP buffs. Unless you play perfectly it's very tough to stop hyperscalers (Ryze, Jax, Nasus) from farming up if they run TP. I've taken to playing them myself, but I'm much more of a "win lane, apply pressure, roam, snowball" type of player than a "farm up, win late", and too often find that neither me or the other top laner have any impact on the game's outcome at all, as one team will get significantly ahead before laning phase is done. Would like TP nerfed.
Thankfully it's very rare for one of jungle, AD or support not to be open when I pick. But ugh, top sucks right now.
I don't recommend buying champs with RP unless you're getting a new champ bundle.
So GAF should I drop some cash on RP and unlock Fiora? Really enjoyed using her during her free week availability.
Is this related to...IP? RP?The mental gymnastics people are doing in the Pokemon thread to convince themselves Nintendo isn't doing it for the money is astounding.
Is this related to...IP? RP?
I feel like I missed some connection post.![]()
well u know what can you do if there's a fiora in your team![]()
While GAF lobby last night gave a bunch of Nasus suggestions, I managed to win 1/3 Nasus games to barely stay alive in Silver 2.Grats. Every GAF player seems to be reaching Diamond. Meanwhile I'm just here sitting at provisional. ;_;
I wish more people were playing Team Builder.
Want to practice Yasuo but it takes so damn long to find games/teams/build teams.
I don't recommend buying champs with RP unless you're getting a new champ bundle.
you mean for people to dodgeDoesn't take too long for me... I just hate the blind aspect of it. I take my "I assume it'll be a physical damage person" top rune page.. which can fuck me sometimes.
Just wish you had like 30 seconds to see the enemy team and change runes/summoners.
you mean for people to dodge
i don't really mind cos there's no normals draft pick in south america but i really wish rito just replaced normal blind pick with team builder
what were you runningI'm just bitter about a game against a morde yesterday where MR runes would of really swung the battle in the other way. I fucked up in other ways too.. but lack of any MR blues really hurt.
what were you running
yea you probably shouldYa. Too helpful for riven.
Maybe I should make a teambuilder page that's just general resists.
yea you probably should
if you don't you might as well play like hey rng drew a morde, and live with that :|
i usually play with mr blues unless i'm feeling like ap/lvl
Even then it's not as good as the normal page i'd run up against a morde with. Oh well.
Also is patch today?
my elo will decay if i don't play this week
someone drill me into playing ranked pls
my elo will decay if i don't play this week
someone drill me into playing ranked pls
The mental gymnastics people are doing in the Pokemon thread to convince themselves Nintendo isn't doing it for the money is astounding.