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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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just played the weirdest blitz game

lane was weird. jinx started boots and pots. then wouldnt harass anything and was just scared to even be near the wave, so I couldn't play aggro. we got out of lane. She built frozen mallet.

thank god our ryze and annie got completely fed. I was basically shot calling and it felt good. its nice to finally be winning in Silver 2.


Make peace, not war.



Fuck that shit. That's Thresh 2.0 right there. That shield eating abilities is crazy. Am I reading this wrong, or can he completely neutralize something like Nami/Sona's ult if he positions himself correctly?


Fuck that shit. That's Thresh 2.0 right there. That shield eating abilities is crazy. Am I reading this wrong, or can he completely neutralize something like Nami/Sona's ult if he positions himself correctly?

Yeah, I think they pretty much made it windwall 2.0 but a different look lol.


Oh ok, so you can make some high level plays if you can use it right when a big spell is coming.

I think that's how it works anyways

I can't wait to play with him in lane (As in, I main adc, so I'm not actually gonna be playing him but yea), especially as I'm spamming vayne right now, seems like he'll be real good with vayne in a lot of ways


I wanted to get Quinn, but I'm not sure I'm ready to give this game money yet. If only I could just get $1 of RP to buy her. Riot, why don't you want my dollar?

I guess for now Ashe will remain my waifu.

I'm I doing this right? Do I have to google pics of her with safe search off first?


I wanted to get Quinn, but I'm not sure I'm ready to give this game money yet. If only I could just get $1 of RP to buy her. Riot, why don't you want my dollar?

I guess for now Ashe will remain my waifu.

I'm I doing this right? Do I have to google pics of her with safe search off first?

Before or after really, just as long as you do it


people who ban champs when they first come out really frustrate me, people are rarely right about the balance of a champion when they first get released, it takes time for people to get used to playing with and against the new champ to get a good sense of whether a champ is actually good or maybe even too good

the argument is "people will be bad with him and ruin games" or "he is so op waaaaaahhhh :'(" but you're essentially stopping people from gaining experience with him and against him by banning him out

just let the people who are super excited to play him have their fucking fun you buzzkills, there's just as much chance of them being on your team or on the enemy team anyway pretty much


this "i dont wanna play him so fuck everyone else" attitude is just silly, aren't you even curious to see what he's like?


people who ban champs when they first come out really frustrate me, people are rarely right about the balance of a champion when they first get released, it takes time for people to get used to playing with and against the new champ to get a good sense of whether a champ is actually good or maybe even too good

the argument is "people will be bad with him and ruin games" or "he is so op waaaaaahhhh :'(" but you're essentially stopping people from gaining experience with him and against him by banning him out

just let the people who are super excited to play him have their fucking fun you buzzkills, there's just as much chance of them being on your team or on the enemy team anyway pretty much


this "i dont wanna play him so fuck everyone else" attitude is just silly, aren't you even curious to see what he's like?
If you wanna try out a champion, play blinds or team builder. New champs are not welcomed in ranked.
Or draft.

Don't take it to ranked. Why must you take it to ranked? Why are you compelled to play it there and not Normal Draft? Why do I have to get a wildcard champion in ranked "just to see what he's like", when I can do it in Normals where everything goes?


Braum looks really good. I think he might have a tad bit much offensive potential in lane for a "defensive" champion, but I'll have to see how it goes. He will certainly be a highlight reel champion along with Thresh.

I agree that people should not try out the new stuff in ranked though, keep it in the normals to let people become comfortable with and against him.
All Riot should do is disable new champions in ranked for the first week after they come out.

And what is with this thread and posting half naked soft core porn of league characters. You seriously can't just go watch porn or something if you need to, you have to post it in here? I don't know it just makes me embarrassed to be reading this thread sometimes.
people who ban champs when they first come out really frustrate me, people are rarely right about the balance of a champion when they first get released, it takes time for people to get used to playing with and against the new champ to get a good sense of whether a champ is actually good or maybe even too good

the argument is "people will be bad with him and ruin games" or "he is so op waaaaaahhhh :'(" but you're essentially stopping people from gaining experience with him and against him by banning him out

just let the people who are super excited to play him have their fucking fun you buzzkills, there's just as much chance of them being on your team or on the enemy team anyway pretty much


this "i dont wanna play him so fuck everyone else" attitude is just silly, aren't you even curious to see what he's like?

I ban new champs because they are an unknown quantity. I know what to expect with Thresh or Annie or Leona. Braum might be OP or the player might feed. The point is that it is an unknown variable that might hurt your chances of winning, and the whole point of the ban phase is to control variables and outliers.

You wouldn't take a champ you've never played into ranked. Why would you let your allies or opponents?


consider showing the lane into tower, lots of creeps there. Then use Braum E to deny the enemy adc cs while the tower kills them. It might only be enough for one or two cs, but still. Denying a cannon minion could be worth.


I think that's how it works anyways

I can't wait to play with him in lane (As in, I main adc, so I'm not actually gonna be playing him but yea), especially as I'm spamming vayne right now, seems like he'll be real good with vayne in a lot of ways

I can think of quite a few combos with him. Funny enough he reminds me a bit of Lee Sin with his hopping, but not quite as broken since his allies are gonna be doing most of the damage.

Fuck that shit. That's Thresh 2.0 right there. That shield eating abilities is crazy. Am I reading this wrong, or can he completely neutralize something like Nami/Sona's ult if he positions himself correctly?

Nah, he's no Thresh 2.0 since he doesn't have anything like Thresh's lantern. Everything he does has some counterplay from what i can tell. For example, if he does something like Unbreakable, just use skills/ult behind him with something like Zyra or Leona (when laning against him) or keep him CC'd since he has no natural immunity to it (lots of characters have that, even a root will mess him up pretty bad). Plus he is prolly really weak against dealing with mobile assassins since quite a few of them will just go right past him for the squishies. He's got no actual buffs or health/sustain for his laning buddies, all CC and intercepts. I'll have to see how much damage he can put out from his passive and attacks though.

Also since he is built around counterplay himself it will be interesting. it looks like he's gonna be capable of making some stupidly amazing saves (that *might* require some skill unlike trolllantern) but won't be able to start or clean up anything himself too often, which is quite a switch from several current used supports so are built around initiation and harass. I kinda like having that option though, hope i like him (first bundle I'll be buying in a long, long time).


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Nah, he's no Thresh 2.0 since he doesn't have anything like Thresh's lantern. Everything he does has some counterplay from what i can tell. For example, if he does something like Unbreakable, just use skills/ult behind him with something like Zyra or Leona (when laning against him) or keep him CC'd since he has no natural immunity to it (lots of characters have that, even a root will mess him up pretty bad). Plus he is prolly really weak against dealing with mobile assassins since quite a few of them will just go right past him for the squishies. He's got no actual buffs or health/sustain for his laning buddies, all CC and intercepts. I'll have to see how much damage he can put out from his passive and attacks though.

Also since he is built around counterplay himself it will be interesting. it looks like he's gonna be capable of making some stupidly amazing saves (that *might* require some skill unlike trolllantern) but won't be able to start or clean up anything himself too often, which is quite a switch from several current used supports so are built around initiation and harass. I kinda like having that option though, hope i like him (first bundle I'll be buying in a long, long time).
When he jumps to a target he gives them an armor and magic resistance buff.


When he jumps to a target he gives them an armor and magic resistance buff.

Oh man i completely missed that!

Still, he will be outsustained in lane if he plays too passively vs most champs with range harass or shielding /healing and will have to be on the ball with counter-initiating, so I feel like there isn't anything too questionable regarding balance yet. At least he won't be totally defenseless to help an ADC getting dived or something though. That was kinda worrying me until now, there's more than a few popular champs who do that.

Basically i just really want to play him and hope I like him. I'm usually not big on melee types or all-in supports but I really might like this guy.

If you wanna try out a champion, play blinds or team builder. New champs are not welcomed in ranked.

Yea i can agree with this. It's not like there's no options for people who want to learn a champion, especially now with Teambuilder out letting pick your exact role and champion with no fuss. It's not just about you not knowing the champ either, it's extremely unlikely your team will know anything about them as well, which is kind of an unfair burden to place on them (and the enemy team too tbh if they can't realistically know what to counterpick or w/e).


I can't look at the last few pages at work, well at least I don't dare to!

It looks like Braum might be out this evening then? :D Or if not maybe tomorrow.

I'm a bit Thresh and Leona player so Braum looks kind of fun but far less of a play maker and more of a play laster, first one in and last one out. I think his laning phase might be easy to go against if he doesn't make plays a bit like against a Leona, the big issue being his passive. It seems a bit crazy that if he hits you once as long as your adc is on the ball you can get an easyish stun to disengage. I think he may struggle against a thresh that can hit hooks though but with him being so tanky it always make him a hard target! Looks like support is becoming the new top for super tanks :D

I only started playing Leona this weekend and it is kind of crazy what you can get away with, with her. That said it really counts on the ADC being awake and prepared to fight if not them you may as well be a minion :p I think Braum may be somewhat similar so at the elo I play it it could be very tricky to do much with him!


And what is with this thread and posting half naked soft core porn of league characters. You seriously can't just go watch porn or something if you need to, you have to post it in here? I don't know it just makes me embarrassed to be reading this thread sometimes.

Why so serious? It's all clearly for fun, and it's not like there was an incredibly engaging discussion going on anyways. I lmao'd at things like Draven-Caitlyn, Leona-Ezreal and baby Gragas.
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