All hail dictator Newt.And so the anti-waifu regiment once again controls the OT.
Oh my god. Is this what having a decent headset is like?
What have I been doing to myself for these past years?
I'm so apprehensive about going into actual 5v5 matches because of my lack of spells/masteries/runes. Should I care about that? Does it even matter in casual play?
Also! One of my friends introduced me to ARAM tonight. It's my favorite mode to play in now. It's really funnnn.
What's your IGN?Add me on your Seig account.
What's your IGN?
How often do character bundles go up? I want to get Ziggs, any chance of a bundle of sorts where you unlock him+one or two skins?
Oh my. I played my first 5v5 tonight with some friends, actually! It honestly went pretty terrible. You should be more concerned about being paired with assholes.
Also! One of my friends introduced me to ARAM tonight. It's my favorite mode to play in now. It's really funnnn.
AD Kennen? I'd go with BT over BoRK. He's mobile enough, plus decent AD scaling with W.After reading up his builds on lolking, what would say is better on Kennen?
Hextech Gunblade or BoRK? I'm leaning towards Hextech since IIRC it's lifesteal and vamp work well with his abilities.
20 AD is basically nothing by the time you hit level 18, you take AD runes for the early game, not for the late game.Thanks for the info guys.
Another thing, I'm messing a bit with Mark Runes and decided to try out the Attack damage Marks. 0.95*9 would mean I start with 9 extra attack power.
9 Atk dmg/level would mean I would have an extra 20 attack power by level 18, but I would start with 1 extra attack power at Lvl. 1. While the early attack bonus is nice having an overall 20 extra attack power sounds a bit more tempting.
Thanks for the info guys.
Another thing, I'm messing a bit with Mark Runes and decided to try out the Attack damage Marks. 0.95*9 would mean I start with 9 extra attack power.
9 Atk dmg/level would mean I would have an extra 20 attack power by level 18, but I would start with 1 extra attack power at Lvl. 1. While the early attack bonus is nice having an overall 20 extra attack power sounds a bit more tempting.
Thanks for the info guys.
Another thing, I'm messing a bit with Mark Runes and decided to try out the Attack damage Marks. 0.95*9 would mean I start with 9 extra attack power.
9 Atk dmg/level would mean I would have an extra 20 attack power by level 18, but I would start with 1 extra attack power at Lvl. 1. While the early attack bonus is nice having an overall 20 extra attack power sounds a bit more tempting.
But how can they be waifus when they're sluts to begin with?
But how can they be waifus when they're sluts to begin with?
Thanks for th info guys, I'll grab 5more Flat AD runes once I've got over 2000 IP.
That reminds me, do Masteries offer their bonuses to Runes?
Dreams-Visions said:Also his base damage and passive damage when you get it to proc is ridiculous.
I always start hydra with gang then def boots followed by bork or statik but i always make the last two. From there its last whisper then an armor.Picked Gangplank top on a whim. Was vs a Jarvan. I think I itemized wrong and again I think I would have liked the lifesteal page I scrapped awhile back (after that game I recreated the lifesteal page).
I got ganked a few times early, lived once then Jarvan hit a power spike and was basically just chasing me down. After 4 deaths their team mostly started ignoring me and I farmed up. Started with avarice blade then stopped building shiv once I was getting crushed and went sunfire. Then finished shiv for waveclear (god he sucks at pushing) and built randuins. All of a sudden I was a tanky beast. A few key ults and TPs and I was able to finish my IE. Now I was crushing face.
Interesting champ.
Maybe I should have started hydra instead of shiv. But then no crit! Who knows.
I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTEI thought it is fine as long as there are no nsfw pictures or spamming.
Someone need to test the water.
The amount of fanart with the wrong hair is astonishing.argh the hair is wrong IT'S THE OTHER SIDE YOU FOOL
AD Kennen? I'd go with BT over BoRK. He's mobile enough, plus decent AD scaling with W.
AP Kennen says no to Spellvamp. It's so Season 2.
Back in the day, the W only scaled with base ad, still not so?
I just ordered a Siberia v2, should be here this weekend. After doing the cheaper headset thing (around $30-35) and then the headphones + external microphone thing, which was about the same price but the mic is shit, I decided maybe this is where true happiness lies.I was looking for Siberia v2 but the store didn't have any in stock so I just settled for the Gamecom 780
He's definitely ban worthy in my opinion. He can chase people like crazy and just doesn't die.
All I ask is that Riot leave him alone for a week or two so I can at least try him once he reaches 6300 IP before nerfs.Having a 50% win rate after a single day isn't generally a good sign, though it's always hard to gauge whether a champion's early success/failure has more to do learning how to play as or play against that champion. I think Braum might be the latter case. My personal feeling after having him in 4 games last night - 3 against 1 with - is that he's overtuned. To what degree, I can't say.
yeah, braum is as fun on live as I thought.
Hitting things all day erry day.
Well it's his job to play with coworkers I guess.Duoing with riot for a couple of games I see.