yasuo is probably the one i've had most trouble dealing with that isn't that one diamond velkoz that thoroughly kicked my ass. he has so many tools against her and his level 1 is pretty insaneYasuo is still a bit of a challenge against LeBlanc. He's melee and she's ranged but he does have more tools to deal with it than most. A well timed windwall can ruin her combo. The shield negates a lot of her burst and he can knock her up (again well timed) mid jump and return some good damage. He also does well with a hexdrinker which is further protection against the burst.
Kassadin would be a good pick against her as well. The passive MR, his build path, the Q shield and his mobility would give him some help.
yupYasuo should slap her shit at level 1 and set the pace of the lane. There's so much squishy mids can do Vs an Yasuo starting E and just auto attacking them.
Hey, if you can't beat them, learn being as annoying as them.yup
i hate giving as advice doing what makes me mad but u know, lologaf love :3
W in case you need to trade at level 1. W anyways if you don't because the extra AD is nice for last hitting and you don't have an escape anyways.What is the first ability you learn with Fiora? I'm starting to have problems with the early game since I don't know how I'm supposed to start engaging my opponent(s) at the top lane >_>;
What teams?Thank god it's almost the weekend. I can finally play some league tonight now that all of my sports teams have been knocked out of their respective playoffs.
Also, I keep checking to see if fantasy lcs is working, but it's still down.
What teams?
Hey, if you can't beat them, learn being as annoying as them.
Lol, my wizards lost last night so I had to take my depression/anger on kayos during the inhouse yesterday.Bruins. Hockey is one of the sports that I dont really watch if it isnt the B's playing. Football and basketball (and sometimes baseball) are sports I can watch any teams play, especially the playoffs.
I'm a Celtics fan, but I was rooting for Brooklyn (as much as I hate Jason Kidd). I wanted to see the Trailblazers beat the Spurs and the Clippers beat OKC, but you can't always get what you want lol. As long as lebron doesnt win it all, i'll be a-ok.
I hate you all and your OGN spoilers.
Lol, my wizards lost last night so I had to take my depression/anger on kayos during the inhouse yesterday.
Also I'm with you, as long as the Pacers or whoever comes out of the West vanish Lebron and the Heat to the shadow realm, I'm happy whoever wins.
W in case you need to trade at level 1. W anyways if you don't because the extra AD is nice for last hitting and you don't have an escape anyways.
I was thinking the wizards were going to do it too, especially after that game 5 beatdown.
No, activate W right at the start so you shield yourself from autos, if the guy tries to back off just keep hitting, you should have over 100 AD so unless it's Jax or Riven there's so much they can do against you.Hmm so what I can do is attack champ, activate W, attack a 2nd time then back off?
I think a Banshees would be better for MR instead of Maw.Noobs never saw me coming
Kill me however many times you want I'll ninja your ass one way or another.
I think a Banshees would be better for MR instead of Maw.
I think a Banshees would be better for MR instead of Maw.
On an straight up ADC, I agree.
Been going back and forth on Wriggle's or SotEL as the better offensive item on Xin. I can't decide. I've been winning more games and getting more stats w/ Wriggle's than SotEL, but I think I would have done better in those matches anyways. I can really feel the missing CDR from Wriggle's->BotRK. Maybe I should try Wriggle's->Brutalizer/Ghostbalde when I get ahead?
Wriggles. Audacious charge doesn't proc incinerate on SotEL and he scales well with the attack speed, better than with the CDR imo. The only thing he's missing is the better gold generation and mana restoration from SotEL.
If greedy, BT would've been better I think. Although they had 2 AP casters that could burst you down before you can.I got greedy but I'll def. consider making a def. armor next time/in future games.
I have continued building wriggles -> tank item (typically randuins) -> BOTRK.Depends on what you're trying to do. Xin can scale in different directions. If I'm in a teamcomp where it's obvious I'll be building tanky, I like the CDR to increase my CC. While SotAG could cover that case, I still prefer SotEL since it's better for early-mid game ganks and objectives. Several pros (e.g. DiamondProx) have gone back to SotEL for that reason. It might be a perception issue, but I find that I'm forced to pair Wriggle's with another damage items ASAP whereas with SotEL I don't feel that seem need.
Because you are working at Riot headquarters that you can't play in the evening??playing a game of Dota 2 makes you realise how good the in-game UX/UI for LoL is.
Honestly think I'd like Dota 2 more if I didn't hate the in-game UI.
I'll prolly start playing it more now that I'm off college but meh. Depends on if my ping allows.
I still can't play LoL at home in the evenings.
Because you are working at Riot headquarters that you can't play in the evening??
That's unfortunate.if that were the case, I certainly wouldn't be playing Dota 2![]()
I'm having a weird ping issue to certain locations, one of which includes Frankfurt where the LoL servers are. Been hounding my ISP for weeks. It's basically been Diablo III time in the evenings. For some reason I have a lower ping to the US than to Germany in the evenings.
They said it couldn't be done. That a founding member of "Bad-GAF" could possibly find the strength.
On a 13 ranked game win streak right now over the last two weeks. Holy fuck.
Congrats bad gaf broThey said it couldn't be done. That a founding member of "Bad-GAF" could possibly find the strength.
On a 13 ranked game win streak right now over the last two weeks. Holy fuck.
They said it couldn't be done. That a founding member of "Bad-GAF" could possibly find the strength.
On a 13 ranked game win streak right now over the last two weeks. Holy fuck.
I need to as well. Hollatchaboi.I should start rank...but i'd need a duo..least for placements.
Probably have to start playing jax/ryze just incase they're not banned too.
They said it couldn't be done. That a founding member of "Bad-GAF" could possibly find the strength.
On a 13 ranked game win streak right now over the last two weeks. Holy fuck.
I met a guy in NY who had a Rick Flair tattoo on his arm haha.
fantasy leeg happenin?
"Going top"
*doesn't take teleport*
k see you in tribunal.
Who was he?
Any top laner.
Teleport is just so strong right now there's no reason to not take it.
Its even better if you're playing a scaling top laner.