Laning versus Graves is so frustrating. At least Lucian isn't just QR BOOM DEAD...
Who were you? I think Graves is an easy matchup as long as you have someone who has good range.
Laning versus Graves is so frustrating. At least Lucian isn't just QR BOOM DEAD...
me and gamma won a ranked game in cs
that lux pic made me pick lux and lose.
fuck you, zkylon. it's your fault.
I just tried it in a custom. It does not work. We tried shaco and twitch.
Would like to start the GAF Fantasy League I started up tonight around 10:30 CST tonight if possible. If not we could do it tomorrow at sometime. If someone isn't there the draft will auto select you the best projected player at the slots you need. Post here on how you guys want to do this. Did a mock draft and it was hella fun. I'm getting excite.
i'm here for a couple more hours, dunno what cst is
y not just wait for smatt
is there a link to the league thingie?
i haven't joined i think
100% win ratio so we might be the best in the world i dont know
relaly sucks to have joined this thing like three times and being left out now
i wish riot had done it right
alright so i couldnt get tsm because some scumbag first picked bjergsen
i dont even like that guy
yo iunno about this tabz guy
What's wrong with it?
Chowdah going down.
My friend seems to have problems running LoL on his new laptop.
It's a Dell Inspiron 3150, with 4 GB RAM, and has Intel Graphics installed.
When he runs LoL the game runs at single digit FPS.
well like servers crashed so many fucking times we had to redo this shit like 3 times with my friends
Does team builder have a separate mmr?
Who wants to talk about how Braum is the best character ever
me and gamma are 1-0 in practice cs ranked
no u did that before we won cuz ur blind
I forgot about Cop and that's like half my joke. Also I really don't understand what's happening. This should be a good match.Fantasy LCS is serious business.
Don't steal the picks I want you jerks, omg.
Me vs Schmatt on week 1
Guess I know who to root for.I forgot about Cop and that's like half my joke.
What items do you guys like to start ARAM matches with? is starting with 2 Doran Blades, for example, better than building towards the Weapon that gives you attack speed+life steal?
If in a carry, I usually go pickaxe and long sword first so I can get the lifesteal item that turns into it as long as I don't die too early. Only need 1k gold on your first back which is very doable.What items do you guys like to start ARAM matches with? is starting with 2 Doran Blades, for example, better than building towards the Weapon that gives you attack speed+life steal?