I'm hoping at least not until next Tuesday so I can play him for a week. I think he's dropping to 6300 today.Braum is too nice.. when do you think the nerf bat* will come?
Braum is too nice.. when do you think the nerf bat* will come?
i joined, rush it, i'm sleepy :I
sooner rather than later methinks
so am i waiting on kitsu we are all in mumble
That's... actually quite decent. It could certainly have been way worse.
No, just a rengar who knows how to use his combo properly
Regarding Rengar, in one of the games I lost to him he had Hydra and Youmuu's ghost blade on and once knocked off like 90% of my health with one of his attacks, is this a glitch or something?
Lowering the cooldown of her Q is important.Why do most players focus Vi's ability learning per level as W>Q>E, why not buff her E 2nd?
Also the damage on Q is ridiculousLowering the cooldown of her Q is important.
It's still Q > E > WAre people maxing W first now on Vi?
I thought Q first, into W or E depending on the tankiness of the enemies. Granted, my Vi knowledge might be a bit outdated.
How the hell do you kill Yorick?
How the hell do you kill Yorick?
No, don't buy Vayne. Nobody likes a Vayne player and she takes too much effort to become proficient with her since she's not even that good of an ADC anyways.OK thanks for clearing it up.
I feel like blindly buying Ziggs, Vi and Vayne since I'd be busy with some other games this week and may not be able to put much time into LoL. 20 Euros for all 3 don't sound too bad IMO.
If you're playing a champion that can duel early on, all-in him when he comes back with a Tear in his pocket. Provided you shopped too of course and bought items that actually improve your fighting ability (which Tear does not no matter which champion you play). Then bring this to your jungler's attention too, because that item turns him into a sitting duck. Before that, just walk away from his ghouls. They're painfully slow as is and thus it isn't difficult to 'bait' him to waste said cooldowns.How the hell do you kill Yorick?
CoooooolEU LCS Summer Split - Week 1 - Super Week
Fnatic vs SK Gaming
Roccat vs Millenium
Copenhagen Wolves vs Alliance
Millenium vs Supa Hot Crew
Gambit Gaming vs Roccat
Please use the LCS thread for further discussion. Let's keep this thread spoiler free.
Super weeeek!!
Lol, you can't trade? That's pretty sad. Really fun part about any fantasy sports, is the ability to make trade scenarios in your group and negotiate.Fantasy LCS is missing so many things. Like what kind of fantasy league doesn't have trading in place? You can't even view any other team's full roster either. Just their starters.
Which reminds me.. closer, drop LMQ, I want them as my team.
game spoiler:Did Fnatic win? Someone, *cough* Fallen *cough*, got like 3-4 members of them on his team so if they fail he fails.
Is Poppy built AD where I get weapons that offer the most attack damage, or is she built like jax and Irelia: BoRK+Trinity then tank up?
Trinity force is core. Starting runes are pretty flexible since she benefits from both ad/ap.
You can pick either botrk or gunblade. A little tankiness especially hp is beneficial if you're down in the game. The most important thing about poppy is ulting the right target and focusing down the right target. Your goal with your item builds should focus on sticking power.
Her builds are very flexible allowing you to get whichever pen item benefits the game the most (last whisper/void staff) and in some cases I like to go infinity and shiv after trinity with her.
I can do some today but not until 9pm pst.We're having a severe lack of inhouses lately.
We're having a severe lack of inhouses lately.
I gotta beat it so I can get target triple value for my gameDark Souls is too much fun.