Does Mercury Treads reduce the duration of Teemo's poison shroom?
transistor did that unforgivable activision thing of not having a release discount so my brain doesn't register it
i'd rather just ng+ dark souls 2 bitchesss
transistor did that unforgivable activision thing of not having a release discount so my brain doesn't register it
i'd rather just ng+ dark souls 2 bitchesss
Way ahead of you.BTW guys... it.
These seem not right.Someone on reddit made a thread for new players that don't know what they're doing with mastery pages. Someone made a imgur album of the 12 mastery pages.
What's wrong? Recovery and Block are the best 4 points in Defense if you're laning.why would you get the health regen mastery?
Nobody knows.Is CLG considered a good team nowadays compared to the competition in NA?
What's wrong? Recovery and Block are the best 4 points in Defense if you're laning.
Tried Rengar top today for my last game and it went really well. Went up against a Lee and was able to get a level 2 double q off from the bush. Got first blood and snowballed hard from there. How does he do against some of the more common tops right now like Shyv and Renek? He was hella fun mid game too. Killed Lee 2 times in lane and managed to kill their mid by roamind down and also caught their jungle clearing the top side of his jungle. After that I could blow anyone up in one combo. Seems like that's where he would excel though. Getting a lead in lane and just being a giant pain in the ass in the early/mid game.
Einbroch's waifu gets Hedwig.
It died with the sequel.THE LEGEND NEVER DIES
It's not a very long path to go I downloaded hearthstone today and this is a dark dark path I'm going down
Yeah I've had zero motivation to play league the past few days. Usually I have to think about playing to be like, "Oh, yeah, I might have fun doing that" but I've been thinking about champs I usually find fun and I just can't find the desire.
so I downloaded hearthstone today and this is a dark dark path I'm going down
Only the slow.
With Jax, how do you prefer upgradin his abilities? Do you max out his Q or W first?
With Jax, how do you prefer upgradin his abilities? Do you max out his Q or W first?
E. Or maybe I'm wrong and that's why my jax sucks.
RWQE, always.
Opening depends on the situation.
E. Or maybe I'm wrong and that's why my jax sucks.
You max W for the trading/damage because the cooldown on it decreases dramatically per rank. Q second for the mobility.Hmm. One match I decided to max out his E first because of the Stun, but we ended up doing good in the end.
From what I've noticed, Braum can't block CC- effects. So yes, a hook can still pull him in.Blitzcrank Q reductions are OK too, but does Braum's shield block his Q, or does it pull Braum to him?
From what I've noticed, Braum can't block CC- effects. So yes, a hook can still pull him in.
Spell shields like Nocturne's, Sivir's and Morgana's and Banshee's Veil will negate his hook.What stuff can't Blitz pull towards him? There were times when his grab would damage but not pull an opponent.