Isn't there also Group A semis?(real time to iem im bad)
Group B losers finals
Group B semis
Isn't there also Group A semis?(real time to iem im bad)
Group B losers finals
Group B semis
one step ahead of ya babywe should make a videogame
that, and lack of sleepWhy would zombies climb ladders? Your code won't work because it goes against the Law of God!
"Undead, Schwarzenegger quoting axe-wielder with mass lifesteal? BURST MAGE!"He's a close proximity burst mage that gains defensive stats. How does that not make sense?
Sion's problem isn't that no one is willing to work on his rework, it's that he takes up more work from the dedicated development team than any other remade champion they've done to date. They're looking to start anew with his aesthetics and character (+ lore I suppose) on top of him devising a more thematically appropriate kit. Trundle, Sejuani and Karma were also done from scratch (sorta), but at least with those they already knew of a core appeal they wanted to retain (troll & barbarian on a boar & Buddhist mage) as well as a functional skill set foundation they could mold into something that's more appropriate for League's current state. Not really the case with Sion with what their artists have been saying on the forums.They've been "working on it" for so long I'm almost ready to write it off. I suppose some of the other reworks were on the back burner forever, as well, but Sion's been in traction forever.
I think the problem is you have to convince a group of game designers and artists to work on Sion when they could be doing literally anything else. Like, they probably get the "Sion Rework Team" together in a room and everyone volunteers to be the one to go make coffee.
one step ahead of ya baby
stupid ai won't climb my ladders
edit: now they don't want to get off! silly zombies!
Iono if it was me , but I think Deficio said something like, "they aren't fucking high".
for now it's kind of a sidescroller version of a game i really liked on ps1, deception 3, with some (tons of) changes. basically you're chased around by monsters and evil dudes and you set up magical traps which you can activate to make the bad guys dieWhat game are you working on?
gamemaker studio prowhat are you using to make it?
I predict a gambit win here, they are ruthless when focused
i think that's just how the chinese play?Really feels like WE are trying too hard to force plays they don't need to make. They could have just swept up some easy objectives and been well on their way to winning. They don't want to drag this to late game.
i think that's just how the chinese play?
like it looks really crazy aggressive when it works but when it doesn't you can tell it's kinda sloppy and overeager
Gambit turned that game around well. At this rate, of the 4 remaining teams 3 will be Western teams. That would be so awesome after all the "West is weak" people.
Well I mean, the best chinese and korean teams aren't there after all![]()
Genja loves sniping, and CDR is huge on varus
WE is 2nd in China iirc, C9 is 2nd in NA, Gambit is tied with Roccat for 1st in EU. I don't recall what IG and KTB are, but these aren't bottom tier teams. Even if there are stronger teams in their respective regions, it shows that the West isin't a pushover like people thought.
great game by gambit
EU strikes back
ig r 8th in china, ktb are a b-tier korean team now (around 4-5th)
WE is 2nd in China iirc, C9 is 2nd in NA, Gambit is tied with Roccat for 1st in EU. I don't recall what IG and KTB are, but these aren't bottom tier teams. Even if there are stronger teams in their respective regions, it shows that the West isin't a pushover like people thought.
KTB's kind of hard to place because of the way the Korean "season" works. They were 3rd in Winter's total circuit points, if I remember correctly, which means they're still in a position where they could take 1st/2nd with a good enough performance in Spring.
Edit: Though it's worth noting that all indications are that SKT remains head and shoulders beyond even the other Korean teams.
morg is a god with frostfang doe
what to do - the same spell instance can only proc spellthief on the same person once?
It would probably be okay. Morg could still get all procs with Binding -> Soil -> AA. I'd let Brand's passive damage count as a different "spell" for proc purposes (so max two procs from one spell by Brand), though, just because I want more Brand. The same with Zyra's plants being a proc separate from the spell that spawns them (provided the spell itself actually hits a player, obviously).