This is a thing I guess:
horse rap lol.
This is a thing I guess:
It's akin to mental abuse trying to play support in bronze. Everybody sucks, and they make such terrible decisions. You can't even help them. Solo engages, nobody knowing how to focus in a team fight, and freaking morons who refuse to go along with the emerging team plan.
Edit: I try to fill to be nice, but I'm going to avoid supporting at all costs. That has to be far and away the worst role if you're trying to climb. Too much of the game is out of your hands.
d[-_-]b;113230660 said:Got my first ranked win :O, on my way to bronze v!
I think I've had this happen sometimes, and dragging it to a different number slot and back makes it start working.Was playing Tryndamere and my cutlass wasn't letting me use the active. Has anyone had a problem like this? I couldn't even click it to use the active, pots were working fine in my inventory. When it turned into BoTRK it worked.
Was playing Tryndamere and my cutlass wasn't letting me use the active. Has anyone had a problem like this? I couldn't even click it to use the active, pots were working fine in my inventory. When it turned into BoTRK it worked.
I tried dragging it around. Moved my pots where the cutlass was and they were working. Was a stupid bug I think. Even tried turning off and on my key bindings.I think I've had this happen sometimes, and dragging it to a different number slot and back makes it start working.
Also when you first get items with an active, they turn a weird faded color that always makes me FEEL like they're not going to work the first time I try them. The faded color goes away after you drag them to another slot and back.
Don't think so. Went straight for cutlass on my first back.Did you undo a purchase of Cutlass?
XWX is pretty funny. Although the only words he says are "wat da fak" and "cute boi".i like listening to lmq streamers speak chinese
I have sent a highly skilled force belonging to the anti-waifu regiment to eliminate you. Enjoy your last hours.Why you betray your waifu ashe?
If you're in silver or bronze, you'll eventually get to the point where you can carry virtually every game. If you're in gold, just keep playing, and your mmr will eventually even out. If you're in plat you're just screwed.Go 4-2 for the night and end up with less LP than when I started. So screwed up. Been like this for weeks now. I can't move up because I have to literally win at an 80% rate to increase.
Oh shit , Lord Newt is sending top tier men.I have sent a highly skilled force belonging to the anti-waifu regiment to eliminate you. Enjoy your last hours.
XWX is pretty funny. Although the only words he says are "wat da fak" and "cute boi".
Oh ya and I forgot to mention that the OGN Champions Spring finals are tomorrow morning.
Samsung Galaxy Blue vs NaJin White Shield
Best of 5
OGN Champions Spring Finals Preview
Really? Are you sure you play League of Legends?I really don't see why people say this. In my time of playing LoL, I haven't even met the amount of rage I get in Call of Duty.
In LoL I haven't been called a fat negro* by an 11 year old kid :^)
*replaced original word for taste and I don't wanna offend
I'm not sure toxic was adopted by Riot. Proof?Maybe because Riot adopted the word "toxic".
Go search for "worst online community" to remove the bias.
Regardless of whether "toxic" is a buzzword about LoL or not, the sheer volume of negative feedback about the community speaks for itself.Reading is fundamental. Adopted != invented.
Cool. I could care less if the poster used the wrong terminology.
Regardless of whether "toxic" is a buzzword about LoL or not, the sheer volume of negative feedback about the community speaks for itself.
Mid is a clusterfuck because of other roles. LeBlanc pretty much makes many mids unplayable while making stuff like Lulu necessary - also thanks to some junglers.
apparently the massive lebonk nerfs are as to force her to rush dfg, which i guess makes some sense but on the other hand i feel is really shitty to make a champion 100% dependent on an item this hard and it still won't fix her waveclear being pretty shit (i'm guessing she won't be able to double w and clear anymore)
what i don't get is if riot was gonna olaf her why didn't they just do it like 4 or 5 patches ago instead of saying they're thinking of the best way to nerf her, etc etc.
we'll see, lebonk's bullshit that's for sure but i feel midlane's turned into such a giant clusterfuck since the heal changes that i'm scared of what her demise will bring
Tournaments never had diversity. They've always been mindnumbingly boring in this regard. The only difference nowadays is that teams came up with the innovative 3 - 0 / 4 - 0 lane strategy.LCS is painful now. Literally zero top lane diversity. Its just the ADC and support free farming the lane while shyvana and trundle follow eve, Lee, or Elise around in the jungle.
Oh boy, more jungle nerfs. Won't someone please think of the poor, poor laners?
#firstworldleagueproblemsI got a 10 win match history again... so I don't want to play.
edit: Played Yasuo. Got carried again.
But it's Riot.nope, can't do it.
can't play with my friends any more.
waste of my time
Which do you prefer building on Jungler Vi? Spirit of Lizard or Feral Flare?
Lizard every single time. Flare is garbage on her and you need the mana sustain and CDR from Spirit Stone.Which do you prefer building on Jungler Vi? Spirit of Lizard or Feral Flare?
But it's Riot.
What's the problem with them? I pretty much exclusively play with my friends, only ranked and the occasional IH GAF and ranked are my only non friend matches I play.
Riot said:Assassins in League need to rely on fighters or tanks to initiate fights before they take the opportunity to engage, but Kha'Zix is able to do it all by himself, which gives him a lot of free power. We're looking at highlighting Kha'Zix's assassin powers over his fighter abilities.
Riot said:Void Assault
R - Evolved Active Camouflage
(NEW) UTILITY: Void Assault Duration +1 seconds (total 2 seconds)
Damage reduction while in stealth increased to 50% from 40%
Damn, that's way more severe than my friends lol. Once in a while, my friends might dumb down but we will whip them back into shape and not go back down that road again.because none of them have a clue what they're doing, even though they've all played the game years before me and have far more games played, and when you try to help them they don't listen. they're oblivious to what's going on on the map to the point of complete absurdity. I can't enjoy myself when I play with them.
Like, I don't think I'm good at the game. I really don't. But, there are levels of not good and it's like... I don't care if you're not good. But I want to play the game and I want to try and win. If I don't win, shit happens, but I'd like people to try. They just don't and it drives me up the wall. they don't take advice, they don't try to get better, they're happy mulling around doing nothing.
We had a game where one of them forgot to trade with the other, meaning I had a support Udyr and a jungle Braum, which was annoying in and of itself. Instead of trying to help the lane that's in a rough spot because of support udyr vs. Jinx + Thresh, he's dying top along with the guy who's got AP runes on Nasus and builds Glacial Shroud first against a Lulu. Or people trying to play on a laptop they know won't run the game and crashing all the time.
And that sort of stuff happens every single game. I'm not enjoying it at all and it's making me angry, and I don't want to put myself in that situation because I'll say things I don't mean/will regret.
Think I just need to separate Summoner's Rift from them and do ARAMs or something here and there. I honestly don't mind losing, but it's the level of carelessness and lack of interest they have that just makes it a waste of time for me.
i don't think lebonk has to do with lulu and soraka, i think the heal+mikaels+morgana meta just killed burst and now all good mids have to be support dps to even be relevant: soraka, lulu, kayle, ori, nidalee to some degree.Mid is a clusterfuck because of other roles. LeBlanc pretty much makes many mids unplayable while making stuff like Lulu necessary - also thanks to some junglers.
The DFG thing I disagree, she's a ultra mobile, point and click assassin, she should need to buy actual assassin items in order to burst people down. Seeing LeBlancs in competitive play rush Athenes and still completely and effortlessly destroy squishies is ridiculous.
the jungler "community" has been the most entitled and whiniest of them all, i don't know where this comes fromOh boy, more jungle nerfs. Won't someone please think of the poor, poor laners?