Yeah, let's hold the trophies up with SKT, we are part of the team also! - Ryze and Tryn.S3 ceremony brings back cringey memories.
It may have been said, but you basically SOUND really negative in this thread even if you don't realize it (as in, you sound like a very unpleasant person to play with, probably like I am).I know I must sound like a moan and I apologise for that, but League is a competitive game and if people aren't trying then it annoys me, because it wastes my time and I don't have fun playing. I want a good competitive match that I can go into, have a god time against people taking it seriously where I can learn and become better.
Maybe that means taking it to ranked, but I typically don't like ranked things because of ranks themselves. I'd just like serious normal games that aren't tied to a rank, but I'm probably shit out of luck there.
By and large the ADC's are the most entitled crybabies of the lot, with mid being the second. No shocker there with how Riot and the playerbase makes them out to be the center of attention for years on end, since they're the sacred cow carries. Junglers are just extremely bitter in comparison, for good reason.the jungler "community" has been the most entitled and whiniest of them all, i don't know where this comes from
might have to do with them getting blamed for everything every game but no one asked you to first pick lee sin and pretend you're korean
It's not like ADC as a role has been nerfed over and over every single season to the point that even supports will now slap your shit if you're behind and not playing Lucian or anything like that.By and large the ADC's are the most entitled crybabies of the lot, with mid being the second. No shocker there with how Riot and the playerbase makes them out to be the center of attention for years on end, since they're the sacred cow carries. Junglers are just extremely bitter in comparison, for good reason.
adcs are pretty whiny tho. i keep reading them posts about not having enough impact which entirely contradicts how i see most games go downIt's not like ADC as a role has been nerfed over and over every single season to the point that even supports will now slap your shit if you're behind and not playing Lucian or anything like that.
Won't someone think of the jungles, who have the most influence over the game at the cost of having more restricted metas when it comes to what they can pick?
the jungler "community" has been the most entitled and whiniest of them all, i don't know where this comes from
might have to do with them getting blamed for everything every game but no one asked you to first pick lee sin and pretend you're korean
Lizard, Vi is too gank-reliant to build FF.
no, like, i'm not saying junglers don't have reason to whine about, as they do. playing jungle is a stressful as fuck putting down fires role that has turned into a pick whatever's op or have your team burn thingI started just this year but wasn't the jungle and jungle items specifically because the jungler tended fall behind really quickly? Especially if he was supposed to feed the ADC? Which to follow up is the real entitled, evidently tanks are supposed build AP and ad defense without gold, support should peel for the role, and junglers are supposed to set the table for the role. Like this whole tank era is just that even if the game revolves around the ADC that other roles can better contribute to supporting the ADC if they aren't half starved.
dont u guys play every role
usually mids whine about one or two champions being frustratingly op (kassadin? old zed?) and with the exception of the current mid meta being a sack of the most annoying champions to lane against ever (i wish morello once and for all did what he's wanting to do forever and just olaf soraka forever) but nowhere near the amount of whining junglers do about everything
they want lane-like gold, they don't want to fight anyone for it but still be able to 1v1 everyone, they don't want to be punished for missing smite, they want to be able to carry from the jungle but the second they get an item to do so they abuse it to hell and back with the most anti-fun champions in the game or they just afk farm and whine about their lanes, they cry for help every time there's an invade but if you want blue buff you gotta ask pretty please or you might hurt their feelings.
How will senpai notice me if I don't focus on one role?dont u guys play every role
It's akin to mental abuse trying to play support in bronze. Everybody sucks, and they make such terrible decisions. You can't even help them. Solo engages, nobody knowing how to focus in a team fight, and freaking morons who refuse to go along with the emerging team plan.
Edit: I try to fill to be nice, but I'm going to avoid supporting at all costs. That has to be far and away the worst role if you're trying to climb. Too much of the game is out of your hands.
dont u guys play every role
The only champs I play consistently are Swain, Tristana, Vi and Viktor.
The match all 4 are banned will mark my first ranked dodge
yea i should probably phrase my shit better but i'm really bad at it. sorry for thatMaybe the people you play with are weird, but I don't feel like I see this much. Commonly people who play certain champions have very bad attitudes (the stereotypical Riven, Darius, Vayne, Master Yi, etc.), but I don't think I see the overwhelming jungler-specific whining you mention.
What is weird is that in the very same post you seem to be complaining about top/mid/support (Soraka) while ALSO complaining about jungle, the very role you are accusing of being extra-complainy.
"the second they get an item to do so they abuse it to hell and back with the most anti-fun champions in the game" -- how is that not a complaint against junglers?
The match that all 4 are banned I would dodge as well for trolling teammates.
nope, can't do it.
can't play with my friends any more.
waste of my time
The match that all 4 are banned I would dodge as well for trolling teammates.
Nah you just need to be under 25% equipment load to fast roll.i heard you need like 105 agi to dodge properly
dont u guys play every role
Are we really going down this road even though the entire game is still fixated around having and protecting an ADC, and getting your sacred cow in question farmed due to them (on a general level) having the best late game scaling out of any role, while also being responsible for the tedious 3 / 4 vs 0 lane pushes? And how exactly is it a bad thing that supports and junglers now pose a threat for ADC's rather than none at all with their previously pitiful damage output (comparatively speaking)? Because they actually have to put some effort into their positioning nowadays rather than playing on auto-pilot? Season 2 and Season 3 were sad no matter how you look at it: all junglers and supports had was their utility and/or durability, so in other words the ADC could virtually ignore them once they blew their CC, never mind the rampant lifesteal back then. Riot is also ever so willing to silently postpone their plans (from 2 years ago and supposedly still a work-in-progress) to rebalance ADC itemization and especially % penetration items like Last Whisper (+ by extension Void Staff), otherwise ADC's might be feeling too sorry about themselves despite the pampering they receive.It's not like ADC as a role has been nerfed over and over every single season to the point that even supports will now slap your shit if you're behind and not playing Lucian or anything like that.
They didn't say anything about a bug IIRC (just that there's a discrepancy) and the level difference isn't even that severe wherever I look. Still don't like how Riot is slowly looking to revert all the changes that shook things up a bit though.but like look at crab's post, riot's bugfixing a thing that allowed junglers powerjungle and get ahead of laners in levels and people are whining already.
You wound me.At this point I'm starting to think you believe the ridiculous belly-aching from the monkeys over at Reddit and League's forums that ADC's allegedly having been unjustly nerfed and so weakened that they can't do anything anymore. Either they convinced themselves of this or they simply want things to revert back to Season 2 (when ADC's were absurd) without admitting it.
those all seem like decision making problems on your end, i mean u could just as easily be the other jungler
i guess maybe you are saying that junglers are punished too much for particular decisions/rewarded too much and riot is saying the same thing except for an early gank; the incentive to snowball off a gank and make the jungle more valuable creates all or nothing ganks rather than thoughtful high rate of success ganks maybe
so you have kiunch going ham lvl 2 under tower and u can tell he really wants it but in the end the turret wants him more and the game is a mess
so you have kiunch going ham lvl 2 under tower and u can tell he really wants it but in the end the turret wants him more and the game is a mess
That 0% 0-4 Khazix LCS stat.
I gave up playing the ADC roles because of my inability to position properly and not get caught. At least with the top role I can not die as fast and be completely worthless.