"wtf all you did was flash my E you didnt outplay me at all"
Yeah, Kayle is easy mode...w and heal yourself for ms boost, they ain't running away unless they flash or have an escape.Kayle too, hrm.
Good idea, plus it would take a bit more position to land as long as you W at a good location where it's just you and the enemy.LB's Q should be a skillshot so she at least takes some skill.
Well khazix got the dump taken on him.
I find pantheons ult to be unbearable right now. It's been a while since I played him. When did they do that?
Well, if you make it a SS, would it be creep blockable? If so that'd be a bit too much I think.
But really, how hard would it be to hit a Q when you stun your opponent with E or are in their face after a W?
Didn't you say this like a month ago?yeah this time it might actually be rip kha zix
Didn't you say this like a month ago?
that would be kind of a buff, actually, since it'd make her able to kill you without even having vision since now all of her spells would be skillshotsLB's Q should be a skillshot so she at least takes some skill.
Well khazix got the dump taken on him.
Sigh. Riot honestly should just do something about elder lizard. It gives everyone sustain in the jungle.
Before, wukong/panth/kha had minimal sustain in the jungle. Now, they get it up the ass.
This is what happens when junglers get equal amounts of gold/exp with the laners. They are just way too influential of a role IMO.
His Q got a massive buff recently so that would probably be fair.
You mean smurfing? Rengar is mostly an issue in higher elo matches. The video I posted earlier is high diamond 1/challenger. Here it is again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOGDFOeuVlM . I saw the Vayne game on ryan choi's stream from his point of view and his team was losing really hard. They managed to win since he could oneshot vayne and zyra any time he wanted, and got away with it because soloq.
What the fuck is that Rengar on?
Combo to Oneshot: Ult[5 stacks] -> Super Destructive Q, Tiamat/Hydra Active, Ghostblade [All while leaping] -> Spam your keyboard as fast as you can -> Replace broken Keyboard -> Repeat
What. That is what we want.
So is Rengar free this week?It's the Ryan Choi rengar build/playstyle. http://www.solomid.net/guide/view/126536-rengar-build-guide-fighter-by-ryanchoi
1-1 in promos, Akali top disconnects at level 6, we dominate every lane, try our best to push but we just cant with their wave clear, get an inhib down at one point, people stay too long or get caught, allows them to get to late game and we lose in 35 minutes. I think it was 33/35 in kills. Stupid game I'm sad and mad now.![]()
I don't like playing against a Rengar, but I think Rengar videos are hilarious.
Seriously, I laugh every time I see these oneshots.
Well khazix got the dump taken on him.
Are you sure? Because unlike lanes, jungle is much safer. A lot harder to truly shut someone down.
Evolved Active Camouflage ( Evolved R ) no longer grants 50% damage reduction while stealthed
I heard they could either implement the replay system or make this album. Good choice.
I heard they could either implement the replay system or make this album. Good choice.
Just because tank junglers weren't soloing your squishies doesn't mean they weren't impactful.Well, you have a fair point. I'm no jungler, but I prefer s4 impactful junglers then previous support/tanky junglers.
They usually do this to test her out. Don't worry, they are gonna nerf her but don't know what yet.NOOOOOOOO! Why did they revert the nerfs on Leblanc!? Just nerf her to the ground already.
Wow. Kha zix. Just wow.
There's like nothing to compensate for all those nerfs. That's ridiculous.
He isn't viable anywhere if those nerfs go live.
I reckon he's in a good place right now since the last patch of Q nerfs. I feel salty.
There goes another jungler off my play list. Xin Zhao and wukong, you're the only ones left.
Just because tank junglers weren't soloing your squishies doesn't mean they weren't impactful.
Wow. Kha zix. Just wow.
There's like nothing to compensate for all those nerfs. That's ridiculous.
He isn't viable anywhere if those nerfs go live.
I reckon he's in a good place right now since the last patch of Q nerfs. I feel salty.
There goes another jungler off my play list. Xin Zhao and wukong, you're the only ones left.
Well khazix got the dump taken on him.
Wait, they buffed Kayle's range?!? She is incredibly OP as is right now....
I didn't realize solomid was so out of date -- that shows 12.69 armor for 9 armor seals, and they're 1.0 each now.It's the Ryan Choi rengar build/playstyle. http://www.solomid.net/guide/view/126536-rengar-build-guide-fighter-by-ryanchoi
Elise is still a god she is just played a little differently now. Vi is still good too.Try playing as that tank jungler throughout season 3 and then tell me how impactful they were. You can set up all the kills in the world but it takes someone with damage to win the games.
I'm sure its also playstyle but I have never been able to carry a game from the jungle like I can this season. I have games where I throw the team on my back and secure that win. Happened almost never s3
You and me both. All my best junglers are slowly slipping away. Via, khazix, pantheon, elise. I'll be back to sejuani and hecarim at this rate. I have to give xin more time with feral flare. He was one of my best junglers s3. Wukong and I never quite clicked. I'll give him more time too.
How far into si are they now? I wanted to watch. Also why is odee and dig being trashed?Dignitasodee: look everyone there is a 7 legged pony lets follow that ***
Luddax: what does that even mean odee?
loco called qtpie and kiwikid ugly motherfuckers