Wolf Akela
Hmm, going to have an Ashe support in this match. Bronze is weird, yo. I can see how it would work...maybe.
She has enough utility to be a support. I've done it a few times, once even with ADC Thresh and won it completely.
Hmm, going to have an Ashe support in this match. Bronze is weird, yo. I can see how it would work...maybe.
I need highlights.Man, Summoning Insight just gets better and better every week. Think this one was the funniest one so far.
jungle rengar doesnt exist pre 6
She has enough utility to be a support. I've done it a few times, once even with ADC Thresh and won it completely.
I need highlights.
You should definelty watch the full ep tomorrow. Think my favorite part was locos predictions for top NA team this split and the ensuing drama afterwords.
Loco considering himself to be a crazy bastard of a genius in the vein of Albert Einstein was hilarious too.
"I give you a car and all you want is faster horses." Locodoco 2014
that's awesome
if they could only fix pentakiru sona splash
Sent you an FR. Welcome to League-GAF!Hey! First time posting in here! Seems like a pretty fun community. I play on the NA server. IGN is Rise Kujikawa if any of you ever want to play some normals and the like!
The Liss skin looks SO good. I'm most looking forward to the Nami skin though.
Those Kaz nerfs seems pretty harsh. It'll be interesting to see if they make it to live honestly.
It's too late. My friend request was already accepted.Sent you an FR. Welcome to League-GAF!![]()
And just like that I'm getting polar opposite games. Mid goes nidalee versus kassadin, feeds 6 kills and they're 10/1 by 15-20 minutes.
Next game, team doesn't ban braum, they first pick it, bot goes 2/10, mid goes 1/5 because our jungler and someone else die in a level 1 fight.
I guess I'm done for a while, had a good run.
this is so badass
look at dat sona T_T
I like the second one better.hmm avatar made
i can't choose tho, boobs are a key part of sona's identity so i want em in the frame but everything looks tiny and closeup looks so much better
What's wit the Pentakill thing? Draven would make a good Pentakill ADC.
Wtf, that's likeIn regards to Newt's Braum picture, 4 people dived me at one point since I was solo defending an inhib.
Akali used 2 stacks of ult, tanked pantheon's full combo, trist botrk and a few shots, plus morg binding and dark soil.
I got out with more than 25% life and cced them all for my team to clean up.
Didn't even use face of the mountain.
So balanced.
In the old Season 1 days, when Sona was released one of her release skins was a "pentakill sona" skin, which was followed by mordekaiser, yorick and the rest. It's essentially just a metal themed skin set, with kaiser, karthus, sona, yorick and olaf being the members of the band.
Oh I know about the Pentakill skins, but why the sudden revival?
Oh I know about the Pentakill skins, but why the sudden revival?
They're releasing an actual metal album as Pentakill that you can buy and listen to. One song - Lightbringer - is available on YouTube to listen to already. Rest comes June 3rd.
Oh. I would assume it's a tie-in to the Karthus visual update. He is the first of the pentakill champs to receive a visual update after all.
so what was those flashing bits about in lightbringer.
edit: oh it's just be a cut off 'pentakill'. no secrets for panda.
Would anyone else enjoy dunkey shout casting an LCS match? I sure as hell would, especially the banter between him and phreak
"Welcome to the League of Legends World Championship Two thousand and BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITCH"I'd give it 10 seconds before he'd get cut off.
No problemo. :^)
Hey! First time posting in here! Seems like a pretty fun community. I play on the NA server. IGN is Rise Kujikawa if any of you ever want to play some normals and the like!
The Liss skin looks SO good. I'm most looking forward to the Nami skin though.
Those Kaz nerfs seems pretty harsh. It'll be interesting to see if they make it to live honestly.