My friend's brother is an artist at Riot. I could CBOAT this place up something fierce.
can your friend's brother get me a 1080p version of the Woad Scout Quinn splash?
My friend's brother is an artist at Riot. I could CBOAT this place up something fierce.
can your friend's brother get me a 1080p version of the Woad Scout Quinn splash?
You know.... Just tell him to spread around some rumor that they'll revert the Q to a quick skillshot and also the R nerf.My friend's brother is an artist at Riot. I could CBOAT this place up something fierce.
Oh damn , that's very cool. You get any free gear or anything from their sponsors?My brother plays for Evil Geniuses in Dota 2.
Unfortunately he plays Dota 2.
I can ask. I don't know if that's frowned upon or not.
"Hasagi" x 10
Oh damn , that's very cool. You get any free gear or anything from their sponsors?
Edit: sorry for dp
Haha, such a sweet "broke" wink wink we see u einbroch
Don't go feral.
unfortunately cboat has a criptic username
I don't think I could ever get away with breaking an NDA with my real name as my username.
...damn I didn't think this through, did I?
Kiunch logic.Just tell them it wasn't you, since no one is dumb enough to break NDA with their real name, it couldn't be you!
but it was you
Kiunch logic.
This really is Kiunch in a nutshell. <3"No one would be stupid enough to do baron right now, they won't expect it!"
AT LONG LAST THE CHOSEN MODE RETURNS. I'll have to take a break from losing at ranked and play this.WHAT THE FUCK? ONE FOR ALL MIRROR MODE IS OUT?!?!?!?
omg omg omg omg
My friend's brother is an artist at Riot. I could CBOAT this place up something fierce.
There's always Thornmail for a second armor item post-Randuins if you're likely to be targeted by the enemy as the frontliner. Frozen Heart has its place as well. Better off replacing the BoRK with Hydra too if the enemy team comp is too mobile to get many auto-attacks off, so that you can instead prioritize tower pushing by speeding up your wave clear.Yeah I dunno why I made it though it might have to do with my twitch reaction at buying it since at the time I had enough cash for it heh ^^;
...but yeah lately I've avoided making Sunfire Cape until like last or as a 2nd armor (unless there's a better alternative?)
Klepek sucks though and he stole the Scoops moniker from other legitimate Scoopses, so let's not insult Costiman.Costy "Scoops" Klepek.
all i want is one for all morde.
but league community sucks.
No, you couldn't. If your friend's brother values his job that is.
I could, but wouldn't, obviously.
Fun fact: I'm way better at the game than he is. We've had a few parties and I wreck him in lane. He thinks it's hilarious that I'm stuck trying to get out of bronze. I think it's less funny than he does.
There's always Thornmail for a second armor item post-Randuins if you're likely to be targeted by the enemy as the frontliner. Frozen Heart has its place as well. Better off replacing the BoRK with Hydra too if the enemy team comp is too mobile to get many auto-attacks off, so that you can instead prioritize tower pushing by speeding up your wave clear.
people fear the blackfrost.So I pick anivia in one for all.
All my team pick blitz, I tell them I did pick blitz (hue).
Anivia is elected.
Now I'm the only one with skin.
I lied.
I build BoRK on Trundle mainly based on what I've seen in past top player matches/streams. I'll consider Thornmail or Forzen Heart although Trundle doesn't need Mana that much in the long run from what I've seen.
-2014"I should of adc"- Nid.
Also...if any of you want to play Fiora, please don't build like this one did.
I already explained before why Blade of the Ruined King (while great on Trundle) can feel lackluster in certain situations (vs high mobility team comps for instance), so I won't bring up the "BoRK or Hydra or Triforce" peptalk again. And while Trundle could always use some extra mana, that's not why I suggested Frozen Heart. Its total armor count is second only to Thornmail and it can be a worthwhile pick-up for the 20% CDR is with all the utility Trundle brings to the table. Admittedly a rather situational item though and it provides no health, but you should have enough of that already with Randuin's + Spirit Visage.I build BoRK on Trundle mainly based on what I've seen in past top player matches/streams. I'll consider Thornmail or Forzen Heart although Trundle doesn't need Mana that much in the long run from what I've seen.
"Should / would / could of" is the worst of the worst."I should of adc"- Nid.
Also dimb with the hard carrying. Also...if any of you want to play Fiora, please don't build like this one did.
people fear the blackfrost.[IMG][/QUOTE]
They really do.
"It's settled. I'll never unlock Anivia."
Moar bird for me. :3
Corki too high, MF too low.Gosu came out with an adc tier list this morning
For the people asking me about a solo queue tier list, I'll just type a short one real quick:
Tier 1:
Lucian - Overall really strong kit, can be picked in any situation, strong laning phase, mid game and late. Good at snowballing and can take control of lane once you get a lead really easily. Has no real drawbacks.
Twitch - Decent laning phase, snowballs really hard, amazing late game, the only ADC to have map pressure past mid game due to his stealth and can pick easily, and his ult just tears through teamfights. However has no escape once his stealth is used other than slow.
Tier 2:
Draven - Extremely strong throughout the game, and can snowball because of passive, however lack of mobility makes him a risky pick. Ult can be used to snipe people across the map, and can use his E to interrupt gapclosers (Lee Q, Jax Q midway thru animation etc,) Hard to play mechanically, but gets easier to play after you learn how to juggle axes
Jinx - Decent laning phase, can snowball due to passive and ult, great mid and late game + really good at taking towers down. Extremely immobile however has a great self peel kit with w and e.
Cait - Extremely strong lane, decent mid game and great late game. Great at poking, and can snowball advantage by going to other lanes and sieging.
Tier 3:
Kog'Maw & Corki & Miss Fortune & Sivir - Don't have that much personal experience with this tier, but Corki and MF are both really strong laners, and I think we will see a resurgence of MF soon. Kog'maw seems to be decent as well with Botrk > Trinity. Sivir has a weak laning phase but can just push into tower all day and her ult is great for teamfights.
Tier 4:
Graves - Weak early due to range, but has a massive powerspike once you get bloodthirster. Can snowball pretty hard. Decent mid and late game. Easy to grab kills with Q R, and a well placed W can turn the tide of a lot of fights.
Ezreal - Weak laning phase, ok mid game and ok late game, one of the most mobile AD carries, easy to carry with if you can snowball early. If you fall behind, very very difficult to come back from and has a lot less damage than other ADs if you're not fed. Really fun to play tho
Vayne - Shittiest laning phase out of all AD carries, needs a lot of jungle pressure early or make really decisive trades, make one mistake and you're fucked, however if you get a lot of help and you get ahead then you can snowball, great in small skirmishes and 1v1s, has a lot of outplay potential, and great vs tanks. Decent midgame and decent late game. Short range sucks tho.
Tier 5 - The rest of them
tl;dr snowball
Do you all agree?
not quite as good imo.
Corki too high, MF too low.
nami tier:
Deathfire grasp, here comes vi, jinx'd
Don't make me slap you.nami tier:
Deathfire grasp, here comes vi, jinx'd
edit: that's the reason I actually never finished my taric <3 ezreal love song, no vocalist.
Is there even a vocalist he could capture the passion and lust in the greatest love of our time?