Is it me or has Yasuo kind of cooled down? I feel like the prevailing attitude on him used to be "wtf instant win"
Won my last 4 rankeds in the last 4 months.
Back to don't play ranked for another 28 days.
Blitz mirror is crazy.
welcome to team plant.Yeah, thanks for the info. I think I will get Zyra. I like the fact I'll be able to do a decent amount of teamfight damage as her with minimal ap items.
Does anyone know exactly how Thresh pull-to-enemy works? The Q icon turns red, and sometimes I am able to pull myself after a single enemy drag step, and sometimes after 2, and sometimes it takes 2-3 presses of Q to get myself to pull to them.
Is it a timing thing? If so is it possible to pull yourself instantly without dragging the enemy even a single step?
Does anyone know exactly how Thresh pull-to-enemy works? The Q icon turns red, and sometimes I am able to pull myself after a single enemy drag step, and sometimes after 2, and sometimes it takes 2-3 presses of Q to get myself to pull to them.
Is it a timing thing? If so is it possible to pull yourself instantly without dragging the enemy even a single step?
Don't pick Velkoz in one for all, you'll regret it.
Don't pick safe poke champs, it's no good.
Don't pick Velkoz in one for all, you'll regret it.
Don't pick safe poke champs, it's no good.
It's not so much the mana (although it never hurts) so much as the armor (multiplicative effects on his +health bonus from W) the CDR (which let's him have close to perma W and E fields) and the -% attack speed aura against AA heavy opponents.
I already explained before why Blade of the Ruined King (while great on Trundle) can feel lackluster in certain situations (vs high mobility team comps for instance), so I won't bring up the "BoRK or Hydra or Triforce" peptalk again. And while Trundle could always use some extra mana, that's not why I suggested Frozen Heart. Its total armor count is second only to Thornmail and it can be a worthwhile pick-up for the 20% CDR is with all the utility Trundle brings to the table. Admittedly a rather situational item though and it provides no health, but you should have enough of that already with Randuin's + Spirit Visage.
That Fiora build...blech. A Fiora without Youmuu's Ghostblade is like a Fiora without the Headmistress skin. IT FEELS WRONG.
Elise uses Golem. Amumu can use Wraith if going AP.Question regarding Spirit Stone's final upgrade: How often are the other 2 final variants used? I get why Spirit of the Elder Lizard is made, but are the other 2 variants ever used by Jungler characters?
Question regarding Spirit Stone's final upgrade: How often are the other 2 final variants used? I get why Spirit of the Elder Lizard is made, but are the other 2 variants ever used by Jungler characters?
Thanks for the info guys. I'll test it out next time I use Trundle.
I use to make just Last Whisper for armor pen, but will try Hydra+LW+Youmuu+IE.
Just played as Renekton vs a Nidalee top. Man, she's so annoying. Managed to win, but every time you take one of those dang spears you're forced back to your base, even after building up a good amount of MR. Her damage just outscales what you can build in terms of resist until pretty late.
Question regarding Spirit Stone's final upgrade: How often are the other 2 final variants used? I get why Spirit of the Elder Lizard is made, but are the other 2 variants ever used by Jungler characters?
So it does only activate at certain times (between the pulls)?You can Q2 as long as the enemy is hooked/stunned. You only need one press. If you want to quickly pull yourself just mash.
Lmao, zoo breakout. Good one.One for all Udyr is the dumbest (yet kinda fun) thing ever. Sounds like a zoo breakout for the entire match.
I had one but it was really bad and one-sided, Twisted Fate was fun though. I also had an Amunu game where the teamfights were pretty much everyone standing around stunned until one side got aoed down.Anyone tried one for all Lee Sin?
They said it was going to come back in some form, so that should be fun.I'm not really digging the new mode. I wish they would just bring back URF.![]()
I'm not really digging the new mode. I wish they would just bring back URF.![]()
When the original glitch was a thing this was my favorite, followed by blitz.Anyone tried one for all Lee Sin?
My masochistic side wants to do all for one Soraka. The ultimate test of endurance.
Does anyone know exactly how Thresh pull-to-enemy works? The Q icon turns red, and sometimes I am able to pull myself after a single enemy drag step, and sometimes after 2, and sometimes it takes 2-3 presses of Q to get myself to pull to them.
Is it a timing thing? If so is it possible to pull yourself instantly without dragging the enemy even a single step?
I share your painThe un-buyable Nami skin has gone from the store and skin select screen ;_;
Holy shit, 57 minute all for one game? That's why I can't take this mode, unless it's a champion that can make it quick. I'm so use to howling abyss to be around 20 minutes, once in a while to be half an hour.People started switching builds after the 50 minute mark. I feel like I should have followed suit.
Fun game still, had a good laugh towards the end![]()
The un-buyable Nami skin has gone from the store and skin select screen ;_;