my biggest regret about league is not buying rusty blitzcrank back when i made my league account all those years ago and never actually played much. in my defense, I was in the middle of a desert at the ass end of the world so latency was an issue, but eh.
i guess in comparison to shit, horrible will end up looking sort of okay.
I think League's are pretty fair
if they weren't I wouldn't have spent so much :3
Aww my friend stole my third pentakill. And it was going to be my first pentakill with Twitch.
So sad, I saw my AA just about to hit him, and he killed it with Nidalee's E (cat)
We no longer are friends.jk
Aww my friend stole my third pentakill. And it was going to be my first pentakill with Twitch.
So sad, I saw my AA just about to hit him, and he killed it with Nidalee's E (cat)
We no longer are friends.jk
in your defense you weren't fucking stupid![]()
qtpie avatar so good
Summoner's Rift was bad since it meant you didn't actually have a lot of action and spam. Like, instead of being bored and hating Howling Abyss, you could be bored and hate sitting alone in top lane. It was also bad before because it wasn't 10 identical champions, so you would get very mismatched for all on howling abyss is pretty dumb
bring back summoner's rift
oh boy
As the cyberspace mission continues to grow in the Air Force Reserve, we continuously search for new Citizen Airmen with various skillsets such as those possessed by online gamers.
fuckingDude, I'd be so hyped to have rusty blitzcrank because it has to be one of the rarest skins in the game.
Right. Def my favorite avatar right now.
crack is supposed to be cheaper
what is the video game equivalent of cocaine
world of warcraft i guess
or maybe those phone games
you callin me cheap?! damn i thought you was better than this closer
has anyone seen the anime tatami galaxy is it any good
i kinda liked mind game
y do u have to hurt my feelings
I think there's only like two episodes up there.oh duh I can watch it on youtube
50 mins in this heimer one for all game. Im about to quit.
If you like space drama watch yamato 2199.
thx for the websites the one mothman sent works i think I didn't test it out yet
ppl in nyc u should go to the show at death by audio on sunday some really good bands are playing
Also, is it because of ARAM and the camera PoV/distance or does Annie have really long range for her basic attacks?
Got Annie yesterday in ARAM and...she was rather easy to use but I need to stop saving my stun for summoning Mr. Tibbers.
I made Rod of Ages as her first item and worked my way on making the usual AP set.
Is there any way to make Tibbers stronger?
Also, is it because of ARAM and the camera PoV/distance or does Annie have really long range for her basic attacks?
?? That's how you are supposed to do it.
You stun aoe them with Tibbers because the bear has a dot around it.
Thing is I lost the ARAM match because I would avoid casting my spells at the enemy champs when I had a stun ready and saved it for Tibbers. If I'd used it on at least 1 champ, I could've set up another Stun in a few seconds to AoE Tibbers them, since we had a Jax and Lee SIn on our team. They could take down 1 champ, got another stun ready, AoE Tibbers, waste the rest.
W is usually a follow up to a stun. It does have short range so you either Q then walk up to W or ultimate then W. It's ideal after an ultimate because if you can land Tibbers on multiple people and follow up with a W, that's a ton of aoe damage. Also support Annie isn't ideal anymore because they nerfed the base damages on her spells but increased the AP ratios so mid Annie is a lot more better than before.I'll try some more Annie in Mid and Bot Support in the future, but how effectively use her W? It's animation makes it seem like it's got shorter range than her basic attack >_>;