oh boy
cyberspace mission!
That's a common mistake. Don't save your stun for your ult; save your ult for your stun.Got Annie yesterday in ARAM and...she was rather easy to use but I need to stop saving my stun for summoning Mr. Tibbers.
I made Rod of Ages as her first item and worked my way on making the usual AP set.
Is there any way to make Tibbers stronger?
Also, is it because of ARAM and the camera PoV/distance or does Annie have really long range for her basic attacks?
Don't build him AD. Build AP. Poke lots. You won't have to worry about getting burst down quite as much.I bought Twisted Fate two days ago. He is surprisingly fun, although if the opponent's decide to "fuck it, we kill him", there is not much I can do to prevent it. It is the exact opposite of Leona in that regard
Any good tips on what items to do that has some useful defensive/snare active while boosting AD/Attack Speed?
My best advice is to not ever build attack speed on TF.I bought Twisted Fate two days ago. He is surprisingly fun, although if the opponent's decide to "fuck it, we kill him", there is not much I can do to prevent it. It is the exact opposite of Leona in that regard
Any good tips on what items to do that has some useful defensive/snare active while boosting AD/Attack Speed?
I bought Twisted Fate two days ago. He is surprisingly fun, although if the opponent's decide to "fuck it, we kill him", there is not much I can do to prevent it. It is the exact opposite of Leona in that regard
Any good tips on what items to do that has some useful defensive/snare active while boosting AD/Attack Speed?
Don't build him AD. Build AP. Poke lots. You won't have to worry about getting burst down quite as much.
My best advice is to not ever build attack speed on TF.
If you want to have maximum damage as TF you probably want to go an AP build path. Athenes, Lich Bane, Zhonyas, items like that allow him to poke and burst while surviving while waiting for his team.
That sucks. The few times that have happened for me I just had to close the process.I think my computer/client is melting.
Client completely crashes in loading screen but I can still hear the game sounds on the desktop when everyone loads in.
There is no process to end and I get stuck on an endless update when I start the lol exe again.
Alright. Thanks.
Then my E is pretty much pointless as a passive? :O
Well, not really, since your E scales with AP. You still want to utilize your E to maximize your damage.
If you want to have maximum damage as TF you probably want to go an AP build path. Athenes, Lich Bane, Zhonyas, items like that allow him to poke and burst while surviving while waiting for his team.
Yeah every Twisted Fate player I've seen builds him AP, and then you see him 1 shot kill people who are like 25% health all of a sudden lol
Also always go for Blue Card when you can.
I too have Twisted Fate, just blindly bought him when he was on sale lol, should try him out someday.
what a surprise
I've gotten these for the last four days, except mine says I can't talk for the next 13 games![]()
I'd rather have it on Dominion if they insist on excluding Summoner's Rift so I can actually, well, move. Straight line of a map = *snooze*I think I'd like it better on HA myself.
I mean the whole mode is about being stupid, so dialing it to the maximum amount of stupid is best.
It's not random nor is it based on what you used last.When playing TF, how do you know what card is going to pop up first when you activate W? I can't tell if it's random or based on what you used last.
Are you Rengar or Master Yi? You're always building it, pretty much.In what match ups is Youmuu's good in? With all ADs, I'd just make Last Whisper.
That's a very good way of putting it.Man, picking support in solo queue is such a gamble
You either have a tonne of fun or facepalm yourself until your skull caves in
so overall, its okayMan, picking support in solo queue is such a gamble
You either have a tonne of fun or facepalm yourself until your skull caves in
In what match ups is Youmuu's good in? With all ADs, I'd just make Last Whisper.
rengar, yiIn what match ups is Youmuu's good in? With all ADs, I'd just make Last Whisper.
1v1'd a riven and won as Zyra.
she complained that I was still OP.
i credit the ohmwrecker.
all i wanted was a teamwork ribbon.
I lost all of my honorable opponents when I ironically enough stopped being a sarcastic dick in all chat.
all in one is consistently fun despite weird champ picks
Confirmed on LCS Stream: It is patriotic to pick Corki.
Sell, unless it's flare.Kinda newb question but in a late game can I sell my jungle item or keep it?
Kinda newb question but in a late game can I sell my jungle item or keep it?
I was talking with my friends and we were remembering when we first started playing league of legends, when we say "why would we spent money to buy skins?", "it's only cosmetic", "yeah, it's just a waste of money", "I'm not gonna buy RP ever", "hahaha, me too".
+1 year later, and all of us have spent many houndreds of dollars in this game.
One of us started playing league just 3 months ago, and he said "I won't ever buy RP, it's a waste", we just laughed and told him he WILL eventually. (And he did).
How many of you said or thought "I'll never spend money in this game"?
...*raises hand*I was talking with my friends and we were remembering when we first started playing league of legends, when we say "why would we spent money to buy skins?", "it's only cosmetic", "yeah, it's just a waste of money", "I'm not gonna buy RP ever", "hahaha, me too".
+1 year later, and all of us have spent many houndreds of dollars in this game.
One of us started playing league just 3 months ago, and he said "I won't ever buy RP, it's a waste", we just laughed and told him he WILL eventually. (And he did).
How many of you said or thought "I'll never spend money in this game"?
I did.How many of you said or thought "I'll never spend money in this game"?