It's not random nor is it based on what you used last.
Think of it this way, the cards are shuffling even while you're not using the skill. So the moment the match starts, an internal timer goes Blue Red Gold Blue Red Gold. The card that pops up the moment you use the skill is the card on that timer. This is how you get double gold cards, you lock the gold card, count the timer on your head and then use the skill at the exact moment to immediatly lock it.
Are Rito not doing another skin sale schedule like they did in May? I liked that idea as did most people.
Sell, unless it's flare.
Depends on what you want to buy.
GIving up elder lizard for ga isn't really worth it when you have tank items
Giving up elder lizard for last whisper is worth it
Mmm ok, I will keep the jungle item then.
Also I am bad with nami's bubble x/
Mmm ok, I will keep the jungle item then.
Also I am bad with nami's bubble x/
Nami's bubble is the key to climbing the rank ladder. I swear by this.
Mmm ok, I will keep the jungle item then.
Also I am bad with nami's bubble x/
just bubble someone that's busy
I believe Nami is the best support when played well, even better than Thresh.
I believe in you! Make it out of bronze with MF~I finally had a Vayne on the other team that didn't just carry like a boss. I pushed her face in with Miss Fortune. Of course the Vayne blamed her support, but honestly she was just too aggressive early and I put three kills on her before their first tower even fell. Really short game.
I have. I still haven't.
Never again. All Karthus isn't great.
I believe in you! Make it out of bronze with MF~
margolies: im is cass
lulzwtfhax: im is teemo
margolies: im is
margolies: bitch
lulzwtfhax: im is
lulzwtfhax: u mad
I did well as Morgana support getting Caitlyn fed early game, taking the tower, etc. The team was way ahead but we only ever got mid inhib. I got super frustrated and mad that game, it was heartbreaking, and we lost. The enemy Ziggs + Ezreal could nuke most of our team's health in two ults, so we got stalled out by Ziggs waveclear and never got even a nexus tower.
The only coordination we could get was mid lane though. I think if we could have gone for the top or bot inhib tower to get super minions in two lanes, that could have won. People just kept spamming to end mid though, even after we lost a 5v5 with baron buff on our side.
In the latest ranked game, the lobby had this:
Also "im is you si lookin ass mad". I'm not sure if this is a meme, a strange language mangling, or what, but I'm scared.
neogAF?Slowly climbing back up.![]()
Just to elaborate on this, of the two griefing mid lane duo players, one had 20 deaths and the other had 15 deaths in under 24 minutes. It's kind of impressive how fast people can feed if they're trying to. (Of course, one of them bought mejais to emphasize the point)Apparently the translation was "3 people trolling mid".
Were you the jungler?Gotta love it when you get blamed for a loss when you've done the most damage, have the most gold and soloed a baron for the team.
Even had an adc who had the least gold in the game (yes, even less than our support gangplank) and he got none of the blame.
Can't replace me.Gotta love it when you get blamed for a loss when you've done the most damage, have the most gold and soloed a baron for the team.
Even had an adc who had the least gold in the game (yes, even less than our support gangplank) and he got none of the blame.
pretty bad in mid unless your team carries you to the point you're snowballing. if you're snowballing she's still beastHow's Diana atm? Planning on unlocking her once I reach 6300 IP unless she goes on sale soon.
Oh I think I played him in normals/bot games first, but I've been playing him more recently in ranked. In theory getting better with a champion is always a learning process, but in practice I feel like I have a really bad/short term memory and no coach to watch me, so I probably learn few longterm lessons. We'll see.I still don't really understand learning new champions in ranked rather than going in normals.
They said they were just "testing it out" so I wonder if they didn't like it or something.
Sidenote, do you guys call it "rabadon's" or "deathcap"
They said they were just "testing it out" so I wonder if they didn't like it or something.
Sidenote, do you guys call it "rabadon's" or "deathcap"
neko caught me raging in ranked. i am a terrible person.
Sidenote, do you guys call it "rabadon's" or "deathcap"
panda & nekofrog new duo to diamond
I finally won as Rengar because I got carried by a smurfing Nocturne that went like 14/0/8.
One thing I am learning is that Rengar feels like a high skillcap champion. I feel as though there are several ways to screw yourself over by doing something slightly wrong, such as:
- Using your hydra on minions at a bad time, and ending up in a fight with it down.
- Accidentally right clicking a minion instead of a champion, and ending up jumping NEXT to a carry instead of doing damage to them, causing you to die in ludicrous fashion.
- Accidentally right clicking the wrong minion while still in a bush/just out of bush, causing you to jump to it instead of beginning to walk to it, making you to end up in the middle of a minion wave as the opposing champion smashes you in the face.
- Completely missing the E skillshot.
- Accidentally wasting 5 stacks when you meant to build to 5 stacks because you pressed too many buttons or miscounted.
- Accidentally using the wrong ferocity skill, causing you to throw a buffed E into thin air, or use W with full health/do no damage.