I flit between the two.
Generally Rabadon's though.
Generally Rabadon's though.
They should just let people queue a champion (or random) in OFAM. You want to play Mundo? Play with the 9 other Mundos.
seems pretty masochistic considering mundo's low damage and high regen. The cleavers would be glorious though.
What should I do if I'm at top against a Teemo? That little midget is a freakin' bully =_=
It's poopOh yeah anyone tried Jungle Fiora? THinking of trying to Jungle using her.
What should I do if I'm at top against a Teemo? That little midget is a freakin' bully =_=
finally starting to get used to mf. usually go bt,phantom dancer,last whisper, ie in that order, is that the best build path for her? and should i be maxing q first
I had BACK TO BACK games with Nidalee all for one. ;_;we had nidalee yesterday, it was hell.
I think so, but:Isn't there a way to assign a Hotkey to target Champs only? I don't know how it works though.
That isn't the best order, imo. I would BT>LW>PD or Shiv. If you're really ahead, BT into Trinity is also a viable option.finally starting to get used to mf. usually go bt,phantom dancer,last whisper, ie in that order, is that the best build path for her? and should i be maxing q first
It's poop
You're a slow clearer, your ganks are bad and unless you snowball ultra hard you're pretty much a dead weight.
Just had someone on my ranked team pick Soraka mid into Talon. Then someone on the other team dodges. Sometimes, the Gods are kind.
Just had someone on my ranked team pick Soraka mid into Talon. Then someone on the other team dodges. Sometimes, the Gods are kind.
I had almost 20k gold with Cait compared to the friendly Ryze's 18k. Not much of a difference, but he ended up doing 69k damage compared to my 47k. Is this normal for Ryze?
I had almost 20k gold with Cait compared to the friendly Ryze's 18k. Not much of a difference, but he ended up doing 69k damage compared to my 47k. Is this normal for Ryze?
yup, mages usually get big ass numbers til late game cos all their damage is aoe while adc's damage is single-target.I had almost 20k gold with Cait compared to the friendly Ryze's 18k. Not much of a difference, but he ended up doing 69k damage compared to my 47k. Is this normal for Ryze?
Get me out of platinum, Miss Fortune.I start a new job tomorrow, but decided to stay up late to play one match and to CARRY HARD. I had more kills than their entire team. Haha. Scumbag Lee Sin stole my quadra/penta on a chase, but it's all good...
Get me out of bronze, Miss Fortune.
Get me out of platinum, Miss Fortune.
Also, nice progress! Though two boot Leona o_o.
I thought they patched out the ability to buy two boots? Wat.
Get me out of platinum, Miss Fortune.
Also, nice progress! Though two boot Leona o_o.
Why do bad things keep happening for Alex Ich?
Welp she DOES have two feet. :d
You build Void Staff on every single AP Carry.Why does the Korea Build involve building Void Staff for Kayle? Does the Void staff increase the damage from her E buff and Nashor's Tooth?