Either these guys are gonna get buffed or riot doesn't give a fuck who they give new skins for.
Where's my new (insert meta champion) skin.
i'm just glad we didn't get another Lee Sin skin
Either these guys are gonna get buffed or riot doesn't give a fuck who they give new skins for.
Where's my new (insert meta champion) skin.
Sleep is for the weak and those without missing why does all this League news happen at like 2 AM I want to sleep at some point.
Either these guys are gonna get buffed or riot doesn't give a fuck who they give new skins for.
Where's my new (insert meta champion) skin.
yeah gameplay and skins departments don't have any influence on one another.
would be a terrible way to run a company. customer trust would be absurdly low.
Yeah, nothing wrong but the downside is that you can't just pick them on a whim compared to most supports.And there's nothing wrong with that. They're perfectly viable.
Can't say that about Mao though
i'm just glad we didn't get another Lee Sin skin
well of course a riot employee would say that
thereyeah gameplay and skins departments don't have any influence on one another.
would be a terrible way to run a company. customer trust would be absurdly low.
That's because bot lane is a bitch right now, same goes for ADCsYeah, nothing wrong but the downside is that you can't just pick them on a whim compared to most supports.
can't argue with insider's knowledge
i'm just sad that knowing a rioter has netted me zero benefit
it's football
and it's the greatest sport in the world
don't see Riot doing skins for shitty handeggdisclaimer: I like American football please don't kill me
Is there anything in this world that's worse than soccer? I'm glad it didn't hit any of my champs.
HandpapayaIs there anything in this world that's worse than soccer?
I can't scowl any harder
lolthe only good sport is e-sport
i never knew -___- was a scowl i thought it meant a peaceful content dood
Dodging is also important, try to dodge as much as possible. Look up stats before dodging though. Here's my list. Higher percent, higher chance you should dodge.
Shen (90%)
Zed (80%)
Alistar (80%)
Olaf (80%)
Leblanc (50%)
Vayne (50%)
Ezreal (40%)
Rengar (40%)
Yasuo (30%)
i think that's a basic knowledge list you learn over the years on ranked
i'd certainly rank vayne higher, certainly as high as 80%. they're all terrible, all of them
i'm also not particularly fond of the nidalee players
Me too.ive had really good vaynes in ranked on my team
Sure thing, old man.last season
Ohe's busy working his way towards a wiiU
Yes! Can't wait. I like that they're doing world cup skins, not a fan of a lot of them. Lucian is cool and I'll probably get that, Draven is awesome as well.It's the futuristic one. We already know about it.
I miss skarner jungle days. He made the transition into learning the jungle easy, and was a ton of fun. Q+W spam so good with triforce.Skarner is such a cool champ. I love playing him top lane and building like jax/irelia.
Maybe this new update will make him better top lane. He's an amazing duelist.
Yes! Can't wait. I like that they're doing world cup skins, not a fan of a lot of them. Lucian is cool and I'll probably get that, Draven is awesome as well.
I miss skarner jungle days. He made the transition into learning the jungle easy, and was a ton of fun. Q+W spam so good with triforce.
Anything i need to know before i start?