It is, especially when you consider locked-camera players, which are most impacted.wait are you telling me 5% more vision is that impactful?
It is, especially when you consider locked-camera players, which are most impacted.wait are you telling me 5% more vision is that impactful?
no need to do any fancy 180° shit, just tilt it so that it helps purple side a bit. not even 5% BETTER, just like 2% or something. it can't be THAT bad in "experience" and it could be potentially amazing for the game
It's happening right now.
hmm then i'm confused as to why can't it all be solved with a camera fix in the sr vu :/It is, especially when you consider locked-camera players, which are most impacted.
they're already redoing everything on the vu dood :/Because Summoner's Rift's assets are made to be seen only in the current camera angle.
Changing the camera would mean having to redo everything.
Because Summoner's Rift's assets are made to be seen only in the current camera angle.hmm then i'm confused as to why can't it all be solved with a camera fix in the sr vu :/
Ah, you mean for the current VU. Probably because it would've taken far, far longer for this? I assume this has been in works for a long, long time.they're already redoing everything on the vu dood :/
All I can think of in purple side is "thank God for no back ganks"yea i know, just saying what i guess everyone's thinking/hoping/expecting
i don't really start up games on purple saying "oh fuck imma lose" but i def feel like my chances are lower even if i've always played with an unlocked camera what with my obsession with skillshot champions and stuff
All I can think of in purple side is "thank God for no back ganks"
Wtf, that's such a stupid idea. Need to get dimb to plat asap.http://community.pbe.leagueoflegend...ures-feedback/n3dPnAaM-duo-queue-restrictions
from 4.10 on you can only queue with people one tier up or down (so like gold with silver and plat, etc.)
weird that they would use tiers and not mmr but i guess it's ok
yea i play mid dood, it's always back ganks all the fucking time
and side ganks
and lane ganks
Euro scene is the worst.It's happening right now.
Were continually working towards improving the quality of ranked play. Beginning with patch 4.10, were introducing a new restriction for ranked duo queues so players will only be able to duo queue with teammates ranked between one full tier above or below them. For example, if you are Silver, youll be able to duo with players ranked Bronze to Gold.
Euro scene is the worst.
Wtf, that's such a stupid idea. Need to get dimb to plat asap.
Get in line!Hurry Newt, carry me!
It's relative. Compared to dota it could be more snowbally. Even if it's less than it used to be, it could still be snowbally, and compounding the issue of the map how did you come to whatever conclusion you did?
The game's nowhere near as snowbally as it used to be.
In fact, the top team in Europe right now is a team that tends to be below average in lanes but wins through superior team fights and map rotations, and with lane swaps the game is far more about mid game than early game.
Watch the Korean games. Everything is about map rotations and tactics.
Your appraisal of the current meta is simply incorrect.
MMR is abusable, or at least was. And it isn't that important anymore now that people can fall's hard to say about the ranked change, i'm not 100% convinced
like i welcome anything riot can do to track down and destroy all the people that make ranked what it is, but i dunno, it doesn't feel right if it's not using mmr
Duo shouldn't even be a thing.
SZGF said:Why does it make sense to discuss normal winrates and professional games at the same time in regards to the camera angle...?
The higher winrates of blue is symptomatic of something in solo queue yes, but in pro play, the fact that a team that has a choice of side often picks red shows that the 'camera angle' is much less of a factor than other side concerns.
I hope this change doesn't encourage smurfing. I mean, it will, but I hope it's pretty rare.
I haven't paid attention to the competitive scene since Worlds, but unless there's been a dramatic change Blue/Purple win/loss ratios were even more lopsided than in solo queue.
If you have two duos on a team, who does the other person duo with? Are 6-person or 4-person teams the answer?i think duo is fine i just dunno why it's mixed with solo
could this be avatar sized its hilarious
Facing a blue buff'd jayce makes me wanna commit sudoku. This stupid jg riven came and fed it to him.
Facing a blue buff'd jayce makes me wanna commit sudoku. This stupid jg riven came and fed it to him.
New Baron will have mechanics like that pullNew SR looks great, can't wait.
Unrelated to the map itself, I wish Baron could do the spider TT web pull.
New Baron will have mechanics like that pull
Same for Dragon
the new ability stuff is in the dev blog:oh
(source please?), we added additional gameplay mechanics to Dragon and Baron Nashor to make fighting these monsters feel truly epic, while providing additional opportunities for predictability, optimization and emergent gameplay. The new version of Dragon has two unique area of effect attacks (a line attack much like Viktors E and a larger AOE explosion), and Baron has a host of abilities that aim to deliver much more of a boss-battle experience.
Do you build her with flat AD?so what if I told you guys I'm a fan of the new Nidalee
Welcome to the cancer clubso what if I told you guys I'm a fan of the new Nidalee
Do you build her with flat AD?
the new ability stuff is in the dev blog:
Jokes,, a lot of raw AP and magic pen.
Jokes, dude.
Worst feeling. I pretty much lose all hope when top is fed double buffs.