i think i'm starting to like adc, been winning most of my lanes and playing pretty decent when i'm not lucian
i think i may pick up twitch, sounds like my kind of champion
kog too
i mean, the only female adc i'm missing is vayne so yeah...
What do you guys like to build on Jungler Trynda?
I'm thinking of going Lizard>BoRK>Phantom>Inf. Edge>Armor. Boots'll be Atk Speed or mobility.
Where are the nightly VODs of those games for fun and education? D:
Same here. Tried to solo through placements.I got placed in Bronze I last season.
hi guys, picked up league about a month ago. looking for more team players. i play zyra, twitch, braum, and lucian. add me kn0wsk1ll.
what server are you on? NA or EUW?
join the NeoGAF chat channel in the client![]()
Congrats!3-0 this time.
Newt saw my first game in the series, I was playing with a quite possibly drugged Graves who kept dashing forward in lane. I think he left lane like 0-6. Still, our team managed to pull through and we won that game.
Second game was fun. Complicated, but AOE team comp always win.
This third game was a complete stomp.
Completely different games from my previous 3 lost series. God bless.
Now we have a diamond jungle, adc, and support main. The road to LCS GAF.
Now Fallen has to get that diamond and be the top main.Now we have a diamond jungle, adc, and support main. The road to LCS GAF.
these Hai spears are nuts
go away, nidalee
I'm really sick of Nidalee. It's always either "hit amazing spears" or "completely useless". This game was all hit amazing spears.these Hai spears are nuts
go away, nidalee
k, took me the best part of yesterday but finally sorted out all my fanart in folders
there's even a folder for crab and newt for crab
have fun if u want
perfect, syndra vs orianna. whoever wins is the next mid i'll buy.
i'll give you tips too costy
People don't know how to play the role properly in diamond FYI.I should probably start calling top more in ranked since absolutely no one knows how to play that role properly in Silver or even Gold.
yea and this'd be like inviting you to dinner for introducing us
we'll order some empanadas or something
well i've been watching a lot of hannibal latelythis sounds suspicious
i feel like I'd get murdered or something
sureCan I come to dinner too?
Hey, even examples of what NOT to do are educational!I only upload entertaining or educational games. Last night's games were neither.
Hey, even examples of what NOT to do are educational!
Speaking of top, anyone who wants to spectate me RIGHT NOW can see me either feed or redeem myself against Fiora. Rengar vs. Fiora is a matchup I need to improve a lot on, or at least feed no more than 2-3 kills to.
EDUCATIONAL NOTE: One game I accidentally bought red trinket instead of red tooth for Rengar. Changing tooths DOES retroactively preserve your tooth stacks, but changing from trinket to tooth does NOT. I was on a two-stack handicap that game because I got two kills/assists before I got back to base to swap to a tooth.
Captain thing is fun on Eve. Also I keep buying HG last item but I know that's dumb. Also, second slot coordination.
Single best defensive item in the game.Jesus can you have more randiuns?