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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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Everything is moe to me
I thought teleport ghost was supposed to be normal for Nasus, since he's all about teleporting into team fights and using ghost to catch up to things that would normally outrun or slow him.

One out of the two top-lane Nasus guides on lolpro recommends ghost-teleport or ghost-ignite for example.

If Nasus is operating properly, I thought he was never supposed to be pushed past the river where ganks would even be a problem. And if people are tower diving a Nasus that has W + R up then they're probably going to have a bad time.
he lagged through two ban's man, the dodge has nothing to do with ghost being viable.
I don't see how any team signing up Locodoco is a partnership worth applauding, but since it's TSM I'm looking forward to having them lose even more frequently than they already are with his "help".


Everything is moe to me
all my waifus are dead
waifus do not die. sometimes they go away for awhile, but true love withstands the tests of balance patches and rekindles stronger than ever before.

They thought Zyra was gone.
buried under the tank/hard engage meta.
shackled by patches.

but now they grow weary, they complain about the tanks that protect them and long for a return to squishier supports, They know not what terrors they unleash. my plant goddess will show them the price for turning their backs on the one true support. [also there will be periodic xerath/miss fortune freelo, but mostly rarrr plant revenge!]
Question, as I just kinda playing Nami: is there a reason you put 2 early points into bubble instead of heal given how much duress Jinx was under? My understanding my be limited, but it seems like the extra point in bubble was not useful for setting anything offensive up...and Jinx had to back twice due to harass and should have died twice to Vel harass (making it away with something like 50hp in the first 7 minutes). I feel like those close calls wouldn't have been nearly as close with 2 early points in heal instead of bubble (with a rush to max heal/W first, then E). But I'm not sure. Thoughts?

I was also impressed at how poorly Jinx's positioning was most of early game. Vel can be effective, but he shouldn't be *that* effective.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Question, as I just kinda playing Nami: is there a reason you put 2 early points into bubble instead of heal given how much duress Jinx was under? My understanding my be limited, but it seems like the extra point in bubble was not useful for setting anything offensive up...and Jinx had to back twice due to harass and should have died twice to Vel harass (making it away with something like 50hp in the first 7 minutes). I feel like those close calls wouldn't have been nearly as close with 2 early points in heal instead of bubble (with a rush to max heal/W first, then E). But I'm not sure. Thoughts?

I was also impressed at how poorly Jinx's positioning was most of early game. Vel can be effective, but he shouldn't be *that* effective.

There is no reason for it. I panicked and press alt+Q instead of W. Maxing W is usually the way to go.


Neo Member
Talking of Twitch, had some shenanigans as the rat today. Had a Lee Sin support, only he didn't connect for ten minutes. I was up against a Veigar, Mord, Lux bot lane. That was not the worst thing.

A few minutes after Lee comes on (and proceeds to start taking CS) our Aatrox pipes up. Bad build he says. I am puzzled, it because I have no farm due the threat of two stuns? No, BortK is bad on Twitch, you need BT then PD.

I just...but pro builds...and all the lcs.. .wat?


Protip: Max E unless you are losing lane. E into Q becomes so easy.

I'm also in the camp of maxing E if we're doing fine but lately I've seen Namis max W first and harass all day long. Problem with maxing E in solo queue is that adc don't always follow.
I usually stick two in E and max heal.

Maxing E is reliant on your ADC making the most of the buffs where as with heal you have some more 'direct' control over proceedings. Obviously, this depend son how responsive your ADC is to using E to harass rather than farm ¬¬


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
You can always put the E on yourself as Nami. Right now the sustain off of W seems really strong with how the meta is though, but it depends on the matchup.


I find maxing W to be much more reliable due to its (albeit limited) capacity to be defensive, but also its ability to trade more quickly with heal + damage.

Maxing E is amazing when you have an aggressive Cait ADC though


W is much more draining on the mana, it is very taxing when you max it. Landing perfect Ws can be dependent on your adc as well, if you want to land double heals. If you don't land double heals then it's kind of a waste on mana to only use it single target. Sure, it sustains, but you might as well use 2 rank 1 W instead of 1 rank 3 W for 5 more heal at 40 more mana cost. You might be forced to max W in a losing lane though. Sometimes I get 2 ranks in W early and keep on maxing E though.

E is definitely at its peak when you are premade with the adc, but the relatively low mana cost makes it such that it's not a big deal to "waste" it. Since the E is instant cast, I typically cast it while my adc is in the middle of an auto hit. You get the first E proc in for free, and the adc is free to follow it up with more autos or I can bubble.

In an even or winning lane I'd take E any time, since it can result in a kill much more frequently than the W.

le bip

Neo Member
The leez has spoken

Listen to the leez and you will find yourselves in challenger before you've even understood how nami works


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
W is much more draining on the mana, it is very taxing when you max it. Landing perfect Ws can be dependent on your adc as well, if you want to land double heals. If you don't land double heals then it's kind of a waste on mana to only use it single target. Sure, it sustains, but you might as well use 2 rank 1 W instead of 1 rank 3 W for 5 more heal at 40 more mana cost. You might be forced to max W in a losing lane though. Sometimes I get 2 ranks in W early and keep on maxing E though.

E is definitely at its peak when you are premade with the adc, but the relatively low mana cost makes it such that it's not a big deal to "waste" it. Since the E is instant cast, I typically cast it while my adc is in the middle of an auto hit. You get the first E proc in for free, and the adc is free to follow it up with more autos or I can bubble.

In an even or winning lane I'd take E any time, since it can result in a kill much more frequently than the W.

Guess I need to reevaluate my Nami builds.

Lately I'm running AP quints, armor reds, health seal, and mregen blues.

I used to run 0/9/21 but after stalking probuilds I'm seeing people go for a more even 0/16/14 split. Which makes sense because you usually want to E->auto to follow up bubbles which makes you lose the 5% out of combat movement anyway.

Yellowstar has a page like this that I will probably try. Though I might give up the 4% reduction on AOE damage for some passive xp gain since I feel like I fall behind in that regard a lot.


The item build I usually try to go for is something like:

3hp pot, 1 mana, frost (if I can harass), coin (if I'm scared)->Rush sightstone and upgrade GP5 item if possible->Chalice->boots/mikaels->banshees/aegis->situational.


Its Bronze 5 so it doesn't mean much, but I totally just carried a trash team that had Annie top, Lux Mid, and Braum/Cait bot with some pretty damn amazing WW play.

I decided to try that MadStone build someone mentioned awhile back, and I think that allowed me to stay in the jungle and keep farming after the game sort of fell apart. Then I just started jumping out of the jungle every time my team was getting pooped on and picking up triple kills.

I ended the game with Feral Flare, BotRK, Wit's End, Furor Ninja Tabi, Frozen Mallet, and Frozen Heart and probably had like 3k gold in the bank. I soloed Baron.

Score for my team:

Me 18/3/10
Lux 7/7/10
Cait 6/10/14
Annie 3/10/18
Braum 4/7/22

The other team was both mad and impressed. Its always fun when someone calls you OP.

Yea carrying as always fun. Even better when people notice it ;)

Tbh, even though it's a bronze 5 match it doesn't mean that it doesnt matter. A game is a game and as long as you're having fun playing then it's just as worth it as some silver or plat or challenger game that someone else posts about.


Youtube recording of the SR VU livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cSwUW0PR-A

Features most of the key focus points
Inhibitors look sick as. Monster death animations are all sweet - especially the giant frog creature. Baron Corruption on the top half of map is noticeable.
Prebaked lighting also makes the game look a lot less like DotA2 (brighter)


i can translate if you guys want

here's wat i been tellin boko:
14:09 - zkylon: they say you can flash and dash thru all the walls you can currently flash and dash thru
14:20 - zkylon: they said there's gonna be a new victory thingie
14:23 - zkylon: they say it's prolly not gonna happen before world championship
14:26 - zkylon: they say lanes look wider
14:26 - zkylon: but they're same size
14:26 - zkylon: they just look like that cos there's less noise in the background textures
14:26 - zkylon: baron has a special animation if you're in the pit when it spawns
14:27 - zkylon: maybe a special attack too
14:27 - zkylon: it has two aoe knockup attacks, a kog-like aoe spit thingie and a special attack to people near its back
14:28 - zkylon: that's beside i guess the basic stuff like the normal spitting and the clawing thingie


yea missed the first part

oh most important thing

they don't think it'll be done before worlds

edit: oh hadn't missed it on the copy pasta just didn't see it without mine and boko's :(
So this probably seems like a silly question, but when you're learning new characters, do you guys tend to play co-op vs AI matches a ton to make sure you just have all the mechanics down tight?

I ask this because any time in the past I've tried to play a new character outside of co-op vs AI and I don't do well (which by their estimations is "not playing at Challenger-level skill with a character"), people start spamming chat to report me for [insert stupid reason here] and I'm getting tired of it.


Here is what I compiled for my friends:

15 second barrier that prevents you to leave spawn. Better for slow machines, no need to rush buy, level 1 strats, etc.

Background has animated dragons.

New spawn and death animations for every jungle monster. Baron and dragon have health number above health bar.

Dragon has an initial push when attacked. AOE damage laser like Viktor.

Red and blue. Bases have different vendors. Bases have different visual characteristics.

Wraith are now birds.

New music.

Golems are a beetle/turtle combo.

North side aka baron side is more damaged/rocky.

Turrets suffer damage. Explosion animation.

New super minions are nice.

They repeat several times that all the layout is the same. Only a visual change.

Baron respawn animation is epic. Still has knockup, They mentioned it has an AOE spit line and another knockup for people not tanking. Abilities weren't shown, though.

New victory/defeat image.


So this probably seems like a silly question, but when you're learning new characters, do you guys tend to play co-op vs AI matches a ton to make sure you just have all the mechanics down tight?

I ask this because any time in the past I've tried to play a new character outside of co-op vs AI and I don't do well (which by their estimations is "not playing at Challenger-level skill with a character"), people start spamming chat to report me for [insert stupid reason here] and I'm getting tired of it.
nope, i just play normals

i might try it once on a custom game just to read the tooltips and test how the champ feels

but like don't play too many games on coop vs ai, just go into normals. if people are reporting you for no reason they're prolly the kind of people that report everyone after every game and so their reports don't actually mean anything


Protip: Max E unless you are losing lane. E into Q becomes so easy.
You can cast it mid auto for the adc and if you position properly ahead it's an easy bubble on the slowed target.
One of my weaknesses with nami is late game when I don't use my e freely enough. Don't forget you can speed up a champ to land that slow and get a fight going.
Also long range nami wave initiations are icredible. If you have another champ with a strong gap closer or aoe ultimate you can catch the enemy team a screen away.


So this probably seems like a silly question, but when you're learning new characters, do you guys tend to play co-op vs AI matches a ton to make sure you just have all the mechanics down tight?

I ask this because any time in the past I've tried to play a new character outside of co-op vs AI and I don't do well (which by their estimations is "not playing at Challenger-level skill with a character"), people start spamming chat to report me for [insert stupid reason here] and I'm getting tired of it.

If you're really new to the game in general, co-op vs AI is a good place to work on a new champion. However, as you get some time under your belt, it becomes easier and easier to pick up a new champ. I generally just load up normals to try out a new champ. People are generally a lot more relaxed in normals, especially blind pick.

Is there any situation where Spirit Visage is a better option over Banshee?

Sure. Do you want the CDR? The healing improvement passive is great for champs with innate health regen (Mundo, Trundle, Nasus, etc). Banshees is a little more of a general good pick for MR on a lot of champs but spirit visage is still a good pick when you need those stats.

God damn. I am so excited. It can't come quick enough.
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